TKKM o Takapau

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Kura Kaupapa Maori
Total roll:

49 Charlotte Street, Takapau

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Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau - 01/02/2017

Ngā Whakaaturanga

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau ki te hapori iti, tuawhenua hoki o Takapau e noho whakatetonga noa ana i Waipukurau. Kei te mārama ngā ākonga i te whai pānga nui o te oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua hoki ki a rātou anō, ā, ki ētahi atu. Ka whakaongaongatia rātou hei ākonga, ā, ka rongo hoki rātou i te angitu. Kātahi anō te poari hou ka whakatūngia, ā, he pai tā rātou mahi ngātahi ki te tumuaki me ngā kaiako, hei whakatairanga ake i ngā putanga ako o ngā ākonga.

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, ko Te Rākeitanga. 

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau ki te hapori iti, tuawhenua hoki o Takapau, e noho whakatetonga noa ana i Waipukurau. Nō Ngāti Kahungunu te whānau me ngā ākonga. E tū pā tata atu ana ki ngā pae maunga o Ruahine, hei tohu i te hītori me ngā hononga ā-iwi, ā-tangata hoki o te whānau, ngā hapū, me te iwi ki te whenua. Ko tā te kura whāinga, he whakarato i te mātauranga rumaki e pou here ana i ngā mātāpono me ngā uaratanga o Te Aho Matua, e te reo Māori, ā, e ngā tikanga Māori hoki.

Kāinga rua Pou waru E Raukura ai au.’

Whai muri i te arotake o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kua whakapau kaha te whānau ki te whakatutuki haere i ngā tino take i whai pānga ai ki te kāwana i te kura me ngā kaimahi. Kua tautoko hoki Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa i a rātou. Kātahi anō tētahi poari hou i whakatūngia, ā, nō tata tonu nei i hoki te tumuaki i hoki mai ai.

2 Te Tino Uaratanga

He pēhea rawa ngā ākonga e whakaatu i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te oranga ā-tinana me te oranga ā-wairua?

Kei te mārama ngā ākonga ki te whai pānga nui o te oranga ā-tinana me te oranga ā-wairua ki a rātou anō, ā, ki ētahi atu hoki.

Te Ira Tangata

He pakari, he tākare hoki ngā ākonga ki te ako. Ka ako rātou i rot oi tētahi taiao e hāngai nui ana ki ngā uaratanga, ngā whakapono, me ngā ariā tuku iho o te ao Māori. Ka poipoi te whānau i ngā hononga e ahu mai ana i ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, ā, e whakatairanga ana hoki i te waiora me te eke angitu. He aronga nui tā rātou ki ngā akoranga e whai pānga ana, ā, e whai pūtake ana hoki. Ka whakarato ngā kaiako i te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi e hāpai ana i ngā ākonga ki te whakawhanake i ngā pūkenga ki te ārahi, tae atu ki te whakahaeretanga me te ārahitanga o ngā karakia i ia rā. Ka ako ngā ākonga i ō rātou tātai hononga ki a Ngāti Kahungunu. Ka whakatairangatia ō rātou mōhiotanga ki te taha wairua, i a rātou e tūhura ana i te hōhonutanga o ngā mātauranga e pā ana ki ngā hapū, te iwi, ngā karakia, ngā waiata, me ngā mōteatea. Ka whai wāhi te whānau me ētahi atu o te hapori ki ngā akoranga a ngā ākonga. E mōhio ana ngā ākonga, ka whakamanahia, ka whai wāhi nui hoki rātou hei uri o Ngāti Kahungunu.

Te Reo

E rumakina ana ngā ākonga ki te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Ka rere te reo o Ngāti Kahungunu, puta noa i te kura. Kōrero Māori ai te whānau i ngā wā katoa, ā, ka ū ngā taunekeneke katoa o te kura ki te reo Māori. Ka whai wāhi nui, ka aro nui hoki ngā ākonga ki te ako i te reo. E tino tautokona ana rātou mā te pai o ngā whakaakoranga, ki te kōkiri i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te reo me ō rātou pūkenga reo. Ka whakawero ngā kaiako i ngā ākonga ki te whakaaro kaikini, te whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro, te whakamārama, me te patapatai mā te reo Māori, ā, mā te tirohanga Māori anō hoki. He mātātoa te whai wāhi atu a ngā ākonga ki ngā taumahi ako reo ngahau, puta noa i te rā, tae atu hoki ki te tūhura i te taha auaha o te reo. Ko ngā hōtuku a te kura mō ngā paetae reo Māori e tohu ana i te eke angitu o ngā reanga katoa i roto i ngā wāhanga katoa o te reo. He mātau, he pakari hoki te whakamahinga a ngā ākonga katoa i te reo Māori, ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki.

Ngā Iwi

Ka kitea te manawa whakahī o ia ākonga, mō ō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū, me tō rātou iwi. Ka whakanuia e rātou te whakapapa hei āhuatanga matua o ō rātou tuakiri, ō rātou tūranga, me ā rātou kawenga. Kei te mārama rātou i ngā tikanga me ngā kawa o Ngāti Kahungunu. Haere ai ngā ākonga ki ngā tūmomo huihuinga kaupapa Māori, ā, he pakari tā rātou whai wāhi atu. He pai ā rātou taunekeneke ki ētahi atu i runga i te marae, ā, i te hapori hoki.

Ka kitea te tino ngākau nui o ngā ākonga ki te ako i ngā pūmanawa ake o ētahi atu tāngata, o ētahi atu hapori, mā te whakatairanga i aua āhuatanga ki tō rātou tirohanga Māori. Ka kitea te tino aronga toi whenuatanga o ngā ākonga, ā, he manawa whakahī tō rātou ki te whakaatu i tō rātou ahurea ki tua atu i te kura.

Te Ao

E whakawhanake ana ngā ākonga i te māramatanga o ngā tirohanga Māori o te ao hou me ērā i tuku iho ai, me ngā tirohanga anō hoki o te ao whānui. He maha ā rātou taunekeneke i ia te wā ki runga i te marae, ki te taha hoki o ngā kaumātua, ā, ka ako rātou i ō rātou whakapapa me ā rātou taonga tuku iho. Ka whakawhiti kōrero ngā kaiako me ngā ākonga mo ngā kawenga mahi a ngā kuia me ngā koroua i runga i te marae, ā, i te whai pānga nui anō hoki o te taiao ki te Māori. Ka ako ngā ākonga i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo whakapono, ngā tūmomo tikanga, me ngā tūmomo mōhiotanga ki te ao whānui tonu. Ka whai wāhi rātou ki ngā kaupapa ki te taha o ētahi atu kura, ki te marae, ā, ki te taha hoki o ētahi atu iwi, ki tāwāhi anō hoki. Ka whakawero ngā kaiako i ngā ākonga kia whakaaro kaikini ai rātou ki te rerekētanga, ngā hononga, te pūtake, me te wāhi. Ka kitea te whakaute me te whakaaro nui o ngā ākonga ki te ao tūturu, te ao māoriori, te ao o mua, te ao hurihuri, me te ao wairua.

Āhuatanga Ako

Ka whakaongaongatia ā-hinengaro ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao ako i āta whakaritea ai. Ka whakamahi ngā kaiako i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki ako e whai hua ana ki te whakapūmau i te ngākau nui o ngā ākonga me tā rātou whai wāhi mai. Ka whakaritea e rātou ngā tino tūmanako e pā ana ki te whakaako me te ako, ā, e āta māramahia ana, e āta whakanuia ana hoki ēnei e ngā ākonga. Ka kitea ngā mātāpono me ngā uaratanga o Te Aho Matua ki te noho ngātahi, te whai tautoko anō hoki o ngā taunekeneke ako e whiwhi ana ngā ākonga ki ngā akomanga. E wātea ana ki ngā ākonga te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rauemi e hāpai ana i ā rātou akoranga. Ka whakaoti takitahi rātou i ā rātou mahi, ā, ka whakariterite anō hoki i ngā taumata ako ka whāia tonuhia. E tohu ana ngā paetae ākonga i te taumata pai o ngā whakatutukitanga, puta noa i ngā reanga katoa, i roto i te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Ka aro nui ngā ākonga, ā, he tākare nō rātou ki te ako i ngā āhuatanga hou, he mātātoa anō hoki tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki ngā akoranga e whai pūtake ana, e ngākau nuitia ana e rātou, ā, e whakawero ana hoki i ō rātou whakaaro. He tau, he pakari, he harikoa anō hoki ngā ākonga ki te taiao o te kura.

Ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

E mōhio ana te whānau, e tika ana kia whakatutukihia ngā whakawhanaketanga i whakaritea ai, ā, e whakaraupapahia ana ki raro iho nei: 

  • te arotake i ngā tuhinga e pā ana ki te kāwana me te whakahaere i te kura, kia hāngai ake ai ēnei ki ngā tikanga whakaaro o Te Aho Matua
  • te whakapakari i ngā āhuatanga o te aromātai o roto, tae atu ki te pūrongo a te tumuaki i ngā whāinga ā-tau, me te whakamahinga o ngā kitenga i te aromātai o roto hei whakatinana atu i ngā mahere
  • te whakahou ake i ngā pūkete katoa a ngā kaimahi, tae atu ki ngā kirimana mahi me ngā tuhinga tūranga mahi
  • te whakaoti i te whakawhanaketanga o tētahi marautanga ā-kura, me tētahi pūkete e pā ana ki te āhua o te raukura i tōna putanga i te kura. 

3 Te Arotake Whaiaro me te Ārahitanga

Ko te ako, te whai wāhi nui, me ngā whakatutukitanga a ngā ākonga, e hāpaitia ana ki te aronga nui, te whakaaro huritao anō hoki i roto i te kāwanatanga me te whakahaeretanga. Kātahi anō te poari hou ka whakatūngia, ā, e arotahi ana rātou ko te tumuaki ki te whakapakari ake i te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero me ngā hononga ki te whānau, me tā rātou whai wāhi nui ki ngā whakawhanaketanga katoa i te kura. Ka whakamahia te aromātai o roto hei pūrongo i te ahu whakamua o ngā kaupapa matua. Ka pūrongo te whānau me te tumuaki i ngā paetae ākonga ki Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa i ia tau. He aronga nui ki te tupu tonu me te whakapai tonu.

4 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki: 

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga. 

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga: 

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura. 

5 Te Taunakitanga

E whakaae ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau, kia mahi te whānau ki te taha o Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa, ki te whakatutuki i ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai ki tēnei pūrongo hei whakawhanake ake.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau ki te hapori iti, tuawhenua hoki o Takapau e noho whakatetonga noa ana i Waipukurau. Kei te mārama ngā ākonga i te whai pānga nui o te oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua hoki ki a rātou anō, ā, ki ētahi atu. Ka whakaongaongatia rātou hei ākonga, ā, ka rongo hoki rātou i te angitu. Kātahi anō te poari hou ka whakatūngia, ā, he pai tā rātou mahi ngātahi ki te tumuaki me ngā kaiako, hei whakatairanga ake i ngā putanga ako o ngā ākonga.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, ko Te Rākeitanga.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

01 Huitanguru, 2017 

Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te kura 

Te tūwāhi

Kei Takapau, ki Te Matau-a-Māui

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura tuatahi (Tau 1 ki te 8)

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 16

Tama tāne 12

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Te Aho Matua

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Hakihea 2016

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

01 Huitanguru, 2017

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua

Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua

Arotake Kawenga Takohanga

Kohi-tātea 2011

Hui-tanguru 2006

Pipiri 2000


ERO and the whānau agree that the whānau work with TRN to address the areas for development identified in this report.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau is in the small rural community of Takapau, a short distance south of Waipukurau. Students understand the importance of physical and spiritual wellness for themselves and others. They are stimulated as learners and experience success. The newly elected board of trustees work well with the tumuaki and kaiako enhance learning outcomes for students. 

1 Context

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau is in the small rural community of Takapau, a short distance south of Waipukurau. The whānau and students affiliate to Ngāti Kahungunu. The Ruahine ranges are close by and remind whānau, hapū and iwi of their history, tribal and physical connections to the land. The kura aims to provide an immersion education that is underpinned by the principles and values of Te Aho Matua, te reo Māori and tikanga Māori.

Kainga ruaPou waru E Raukura ai au.”

Since the previous ERO review, the kura whānau have worked through some significant governance and personnel matters. They have had support from Te Runanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori (TRN). There is a newly appointed board of trustees and a recently returned tumuaki.

2 Te Tino Uaratanga

To what extent do students demonstrate an awareness of physical and spiritual wellbeing?

Students understand the importance of physical and spiritual wellness for themselves and others.

Te Ira Tangata

Students are confident and enthusiastic learners. They learn in an environment that is based on traditional Māori values, beliefs and concepts. The whānau foster relationships that are based on the principles of Te Aho Matua and promote wellbeing and success. They emphases the importance of learning that is relevant and meaningful. Kaiako provide a range of activities where students develop leadership skills, including managing and facilitating karakia each day. Students learn about their connections to Ngāti Kahungunu. Their awareness of spirituality is enhanced when they explore deeper understandings of hapū and iwi, karakia, waiata and mōteatea. Whānau and others in the local community contribute to students’ learning. Students know they are valued, and are aware of their place in the wider Ngāti Kahungunu context.

Te Reo

Students are immersed in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Te reo o Ngāti Kahungunu permeates the kura environment. Whānau speak te reo Māori at all times and interactions throughout the kura are consistently in te reo Māori. Students are fully engaged and attuned to language learning. They are well supported through effective teaching to advance their language knowledge and skills. Kaiako challenge students to think critically, discuss, interpret and question through te reo Māori, from a Māori perspective. Students are actively engaged in fun language learning activities throughout the day, including exploring the creative use of the language. Kura achievement data on te reo Māori achievement shows all year groups are performing well for all dimensions of language. Students across the kura use te reo Māori competently, with confidence, in a wide range of situations.

Ngā Iwi

Students demonstrate personal pride in their whānau, hapū and iwi. They acknowledge whakapapa as an integral to who they are and their roles and responsibilities. They understand tikanga and kawa specific to Ngāti Kahungunu. Students attend a range of kaupapa Māori events where they participate confidently. They interact well with others on the marae and in the wider community.

Students show a strong interest in learning about the unique characteristics of other groups and communities compared to their view as Māori. Students show a strong sense of belonging and are proud to represent their culture beyond the kura environment.

Te Ao

Students are developing an understanding of contemporary and traditional Māori views and views from the wider world. Students have frequent interactions on marae and with kaumātua where they learn about their whakapapa and ancestral heritage. Kaiako and students discuss the roles and responsibilities of kuia and koroua on the marae and the importance of the natural world to Māori. Students learn about the diverse beliefs, customs and knowledges beyond their immediate world. They participate in experiences in other kura, on marae, amoung other iwi and overseas. Kaiako challenge students to think critically about difference, connections, purpose and place. Students show respect and consideration for the physical, natural, traditional, contemporary and spiritual worlds.

Āhuatanga Ako

Students are intellectually stimulated in a well organised learning environment. Kaiako use a range of effective teaching strategies to sustain student interest and participation. They have established clear expectations for teaching and learning that are well understood and respected by students. The principles and values of Te Aho Matua are reflected in the shared and supportive learning interactions students experience in classrooms. Students have access to a range of resources that supports their learning. They complete tasks independently and negotiate next steps for learning. Achievement data shows good levels of achievement across all year groups for literacy and pangarau. Students are focussed and keen to learn new things and are actively involved in learning that is meaningful, of interest to them and challenges their thinking. Students are settled, confident and happy in the kura environment.

Kura-identified areas of development

The whānau recognise the need to complete the following planned developments:

  • the review of kura governance and management documentation to better align to the Te Aho Matua philosophy
  • strengthen aspects of internal evaluation, including tumuaki reporting on annual goals, and the use of internal evaluation evidence to inform planning
  • update all personnel files, including employment contracts and job descriptions
  • complete the development of the kura curriculum and graduate profile.

3 Internal Evaluation and leadership

Student learning, engagement and achievement is supported by focused and reflective governance and management. The newly elected board of trustees and tumuaki are focussed on strengthening whānau communication, relationships and involvement in all kura developments. Internal evaluation information is used to report on progress with key priorities. The whānau and tumuaki report student achievement information to Te Runanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori, annually. There is a strong focus on ongoing growth and improvement.

4 Whānau assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal completed the ERO Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.

5 Recommendation

ERO and the whānau agree that the whānau work with TRN to address the areas for development identified in this report.


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau is in the small rural community of Takapau, a short distance south of Waipukurau. Students understand the importance of physical and spiritual wellness for themselves and others. They are stimulated as learners and experience success. The newly elected board of trustees work well with the tumuaki and kaiako enhance learning outcomes for students. 

When is ERO likely to review the kura again?

The next ERO review of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau will be in three years – Te Rākeitanga – Expansive Evaluation.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

1 February 2017 

Information about the Kura 


Takapau, Central Hawkes Bay

Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Full Primary (Year 1-8)

Kura roll


Gender composition

Girls 16

Boys 12

Ethnic composition



Special features

Te Aho Matua

Review team on site

December 2016

Date of this report

1 February 2017

Most recent ERO report(s)

Te Aho Matua Review

Te Aho Matua Review

Accountability Review

January 2011

February 2006

June 2000


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau - 01/03/2013


ERO’s review process takes into account each kura context, performance and self-review capacity. ERO differentiates between kura that are having difficulties, kura that are performing well, and kura that are high performing and have well-developed self review. Arotake Paetawhiti reviews are designed to support kura that are experiencing difficulties. These reviews involve ERO providing ongoing evaluation over the course of one-to-two years as the kura works to improve its overall performance and build its self-review capability.

This Arotake Paetawhiti report answers key questions about the kura background and the context for the review. The report also provides an evaluation of how effectively the kura is addressing areas identified for review and development and the quality of its practices and systems for sustaining performance and ongoing improvement.

Ka whai whakaaro te tukanga arotake a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ki te horopaki me te āhua o ngā mahi ā ia kura, ā, me te āheinga arotake whaiaro o ia kura. Ka tītore te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā kura kei te pēhia e te uauatanga, i ngā kura kei te pakari, ā, i ngā kura kua tino whakanakehia te taha arotake whaiaro. Ko ngā Arotake Paetawhiti kua waihangatia hei hāpai i ngā kura e pēhia ana e te uauatanga. Ka hāngai ēnei tūmomo arotake ki te whakaratonga a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te aromātai e haere tonu ana, i te roanga o te kotahi tau ki te rua tau, ā, i taua wā e whai ana te kura ki te whakapakari i te whānuitanga o āna mahi, me te whakapakari i tōna āheinga arotake whaiaro.

E whakautu ana tēnei pūrongo Arotake Paetawhiti i ngā pātai matua e pā ana ki te āhua o te kura, me te horopaki mō te arotake. Ka whakarato hoki te pūrongo i te aromātai e pā ana ki te whai huatanga o te kura ki te whakatutuki i ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai, hei arotake, hei whanake hoki, me te kounga o āna whakaritenga, āna pūnaha hei rōnaki i āna mahi, me te whai tonu kia pakari ake ēnei.

1 Ko ngā Whakamāramatanga me te Horopaki

He aha ngā whakamāramatanga me te horopaki e hāngai ana ki te Arotake Paetawhiti o tēnei kura?

"Hou mai rā a Tukipoho i a Te Atua o Mahara i te taumata kōrero o runga o Ruahine te whakaruruhau, kawea iho rā ki te au mārire o Mākāretu awa, rere whakaterāwhiti ki te waiū ki Whatumā, ā, waihape mai rā ki Rākautātahi marae a haha rā.

Hou mai rā a Pāwhare i a Te Horehore, i a Puera kei runga, i Whatumā kei raro i Ngā Kai hīnaki a Whata te pātaka kai. Tihei Mauri Ora."

Kei te taone o Takapau Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau i Te Matau ā Maui. Hei te tau 2013 ka whakanuia te rua tekau tau o te kura mai i tōna whakapuaretanga.

Mai i te tau 2010 kua whakatūria e te whānau tētahi tumuaki hou. Kua mahi ngātahi te tumuaki me te whānau ki te whakaumu angitū i te kura ki tētahi wāhi whakaongaonga, wāhi takatika mō ngā akonga katoa, o rātou whānau me te hapori whānui. Ko te moemoea o te whānau ko "te whakarato i te mātauranga kairangi e ai ki Te Aho Matua mō ngā tamariki o Tamatea, mā te tautoko o o tātou whānau, hapū, iwi." Ka whakaatu ngā mema katoa o te whānau i tō rātou ngākaunui tūturu ki tēnei moemoea. Ka mahi ngātahi tōtika rātou kia āhei ai te whiwhi o ngā akonga i ngā whai wāhitanga whānui kia ako, kia tipu ake, kia whanake rātou hei mema tū rangatira o tō rātou whānau, hapū me tō rātou iwi.

Ka whakatau ngātahi te whānau o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau i ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki a ia. He mea nui ki te whānau te whakamōhio ki te katoa,ā, ka penei ngā mahi i ia wa. Kei te nui haere te rārangi ingoa o te kura. Kua tau te rahi o ngā kaimahi i te kura me ētahi tūranga hou kua puta mai i te tau 2013. Ko te whakarato hōtaka wharekura tētahi o ngā tino whāinga o te whānau.

He kaiaka, he māia ngā akonga ki te kōrero i te reo Māori, ā, he akonga hihiri, tākare hoki rātou. Ka rongo rātou ki ngā whanaungatanga takatika me ngā kaimahi, te whānau me o rātou hoa. Ka kitea te kaha o te toiwhānau ki ngā mahi whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā akonga. Ka whakaatu ngā akonga me te whānau i tō rātou whakahī ki tō rātou kura.

2 Te Arotake me te Whakawhanaketanga

He pēhea rawa te whai hua o te kura ki te whakatutuki i āna kaupapa matua hei arotake, hei whakawhanaketanga?

Kua whakatutuki tōtika te poari, te tumuaki me te whānau i ngā wāhi katoa i tāutu hei wāhi arotake, hei wāhi whakawhanaketanga mā rātou.

Te ahu whakamua

Ka whakatairanga ngā rangatira me ngā kaimahi o te kura i ngā taumata kairangi e pā ana ki ngā paetae me te oranga o ngā akonga:

  • He tino tūmanako o rātou kia eke panuku o rātou akonga
  • Ka whakarato rātou i tētahi hōtaka akoranga taurite ki te reo Māori e whakaatu ana i ngā kōrero tuku iho motuhake o te rohe, ā, me tōna hapū me tōna iwi ka whakatairanga i ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua me te hāngai ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
  • He pai tō rātou whakarite mō ngā akonga i ia rā me te āhei ka noho whakaihiihi, noho whakamere hoki te taiao akoranga
  • Ka pāhekoheko takatika rātou me ngā akonga, ā, he pai te whakatakoto o ngā mahi o ia ra me ngā tumanako mō ngā whanonga ako
  • Ka whakahiato, ka wetewete rātou i ia wā i ngā kōrero paetae mō ngā akonga ki Te Reo Matatini me te Poutama Tau e hāngai ana ki Ngā Whānake Rūmaki Māori
  • Ka whakamahi rātou i ngā hōtuku aromatawai mō ngā akonga hei whakamahere hōtaka akoranga tōtika mō ngā akonga takitahi me ngā rōpū akonga
  • Ka whakamahi rātou i ngā rauemi tōtika hei hāpai i te ako o ngā akonga
  • Ka mahi ngātahi rātou ki te whakamahi i ngā pūkenga me ngā tohungatanga o tēna, o tēna
  • Ka whai wāhi rātou ki ngā whakawhanake me ngā akoranga ngaiotanga i ngā wa katoa
  • Kua whakauru rātou i tētahi hōtaka whakaako i te reo Ingarihi ki ngā akonga kei ngā tau 5 - 8 e ai ki ngā hiahia o te whānau.

Kua pai rawa ake te kāwanatanga i te kura. Ka mahi pūnahanaha te poari me te whānau me te arahi o te heamana tino mātau, whai wheako ki ēnei mahi, kia āhei ai te whakahaere tōtika i te kura i runga i te whakaaro tuatahi ki a rātou akonga. Kei tēna, kei tēna mema o te poari ōna kawenga hei arahi, hei mahi ngātahi hoki me te whānau. Kua whakaritea tētahi puka whakahaere mō te poari hei arahi, hei āwhina i ngā kaitiaki ki o rātou tūranga. Nō te tau 2012 i arotake te poari i ngā whakaahuatanga mahi a te komiti. Ka whai wāhi ngā kaitiaki me ngā mema o te whānau ki ngā whakangungu e tōtika ana mō o rātou turanga me o rātou kawenga.

He takatika, he mea whai hua ngā whanaungatanga puta noa i te kura. He whai hua te mahi o te whānau, te tumuaki me ngā kaimahi. Kua nui ake ngā taunekeneke i waenganui i te kura me te hapori whānui. Kua puāwai te whanaungatanga takatika, whai hua ki ngā taha e rua me te kura tuatahi o te rohe. Ka tiri o rātou pūkenga tauwhāiti, o rātou tohungatanga me o rātou rauemi kia pai ake te whai wāhi o ngā akonga kei te rohe o Takapau ki ngā wheako hākinakina, ahurea, papori hoki. Kei te whai mana te kura ki te hapori whānui.

3 Te rōnakitanga o ngā mahi me te arotake whaiaro

He pēhea te āhua o te kura i runga o te rōnakitanga me te whai tonu kia pakari ake, kia arotakehia hoki āna mahi?

He pūmau te tū o te kura ki te rōnaki me te whakapai ake i ōna mahi.

Ka tautoko, ka arahi tētahi rōpū kaumātua iti nei i te whānau i ia ra. I te mea nō te hapū, nō te iwi o tēnei rohe rātou e ngākaunui ana rātou ki te angitū tonu o te kura. Ka whakarato rātou i ngā tino tohutohu me ngā arahi e pā ana ki te whānui o ngā take tae atu ana ki te whakahaere i te kura, te whakaako me te ako me ngā tikanga Māori. Ka whakaute, ka whakamana te whānau i o rātou āwhina.

Ka whakamahi te whānau i ngā rautaki arotake whaiaro kia āhei ai te haere tonu o ngā whakapai puta noa i te kura. He mea puare, he mārama ngā pūrongo e pā ana ki ngā take whakahaere i te kura. Kei ngā whakamahere rautaki me ngā whakamahere ā tau ngā pironga paetae mō ngā akonga. Ka arotakehia ēnei pironga i ia tau. Ka arotakehia ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga i ia wā. Ko ngā whakaaro, ngā aromātai, me ngā mahi o ngā kaimahi me te whānau i te hōtaka he tino wāhanga o ngā hui ā whānau.

Kei te whai wāhi te tumuaki ki te hōtaka whakawhanake ngaiotanga mō ngā tumuaki hou. Ka hui tahi rātou ko ētahi kaitautoko ngaiotanga, ā, he kaitātaki mātauranga hoki rātou. Ka whakarato te whānau me ngā kaitātaki mai i ngā kura kaupapa whānui i ngā tohutohu me ngā arahi. Kua mahi whānui te pouako Māori a rohe me ngā kaimahi ki te whakapai ake i o rātou mahi kohikohi, wetewete, me te whakamahi i ngā kōrero paetae mō ngā akonga. Ka whakaatu ngā kaimahi i te puāwai haere o tō rātou māia ki te whakamahi i ngā kōrero aromatawai hei whakamahere, hei whakatinana hoki i ngā hōtaka akoranga whakautu. Ka whiwhi te whānau i ngā kōrero whai hua e pā ana ki te ahunga whakamua me ngā paetae o ngā akonga ki Te Reo Matatini.

He tino tumanako tō te whānau mō te kura ki te whakarato i te mātauranga whai kounga ki a rātou tamariki. He mārama tō rātou moemoea ki te āhua o te kura angitū, ā, e ngākaunui ana rātou ki te whakatutuki i tēnei moemoea. Kei te arotahi tonu rātou ki te whakatutuki i ngā taumata o ngā putanga mō ngā akonga, te puku mahi ki te whakaatu i ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua me te ngākaunui ki te whakatipu ake i te āhei o a rātou akonga hei rangatira a meake nei o tō rātou hapū me tō rātou iwi. Ka poipoia kaikā e te whānau te toi whanaungatanga e kite ana puta noa i te kura.

Te Whakatau a te Poari ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua o te arotake i whakatutukitia e te poari whakahaere me te tumuaki te Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a Te Poari mā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ō rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaerenga ā te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaerenga e pā ana ki te hauora, te haumaru me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaerenga e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaerenga pūtea
  • ngā whakahaerenga e pā ana ki ngā rawa.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki te paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito);
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga;
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako;
  • ngā tikanga whakauru kaimahi hou;
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga;
  • te tae ā-tinana atu o ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Hei ā hea te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri, i roto i ngā tau e toru.

1 Background and Context

What is the background and context for this kura Arotake Paetawhiti review?

"Hou mai rā a Tukipoho i a Te Atua o Mahara i te taumata kōrero o runga o Ruahine te whakaruruhau, kawea iho rā ki te au mārire o Mākāretu awa, rere whakaterāwhiti ki te waiū ki Whatumā, ā, waihape mai rā ki Rākautātahi marae a haha rā.

Hou mai rā a Pāwhare i a Te Horehore, i a Puera kei runga, i Whatumā kei raro i Ngā Kai hīnaki a Whata te pātaka kai. Tihei Mauri Ora."

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau is located in the heart of the Takapau township in the central Hawkes Bay. In 2013 the kura whānau celebrates the 20th anniversary since opening the kura.

Since 2010 the whānau has appointed a new principal. The principal and whānau have worked together to successfully transform the kura into a vibrant and positive place for all students, their whānau and members of the wider community. The whānau vision is “To provide the best Te Aho Matua education we can for the tamariki of Tamatea, aided by the support of our whānau, hapū and iwi.” All members of the whānau demonstrate an unwavering commitment to this vision. They work together effectively to ensure that students receive a range of opportunities to learn, grow and develop as proud members of their whānau, hapū and iwi.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Takapau operates as a whānau where all decisions are made collectively. Consultation that is inclusive of all whānau members is valued and practised consistently. The kura roll is growing. Staffing is stable with a number of new positions established in 2013. Provision of a wharekura programme is a goal of the whānau.

Students are competent and confident speakers of te reo Māori who are motivated and enthusiastic learners. They enjoy positive relationships with staff, whānau and each other. There is a strong sense of whānau reflected in the way that students relate to each other. Students and whānau express a genuine sense of pride in being members of the kura.

2 Review and Development

How effectively is the kura addressing its areas for review and development?

The board, principal and whānau have effectively addressed all areas identified for review and development.


Kura leaders and staff promote high levels of student achievement and well-being. They:

  • have high expectations of students to achieve
  • provide a balanced programme of learning through te reo Māori that reflects the unique history of the local area and through its associated hapū and iwi promotes the principles of Te Aho Matua and aligns to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
  • are well prepared for students each day and ensure that the learning environment is stimulating and interesting
  • interact positively with students and have well established routines and expectations for learning behaviour
  • regularly collate and analyse student achievement information for Te Reo Matatini and Te Poutama Tau that is aligned to Ngā Whānake Rūmaki Māori
  • use student assessment data to plan appropriate programmes of learning for individuals and groups of students
  • use appropriate resources to support students’ learning
  • work collaboratively to utilise individual skills and expertise
  • engage in ongoing professional learning and development
  • have introduced an English instructional programme for students in Years 5 to 8 in response to the aspirations of whānau.

Kura governance has improved substantially. The board and whānau, led by the highly competent and experienced chair, work systematically to ensure the kura operates effectively and in the best interests of their students. Board members have allocated areas of responsibility to lead and work with the whānau. An extensive board manual has been developed to guide and assist trustees in their role. The board reviewed its committee and portfolio job descriptions during 2012. Trustees and members of the whānau participate in training that is appropriate to their role and area of responsibility.

Relationships throughout the kura are positive and productive. Whānau members work effectively with the principal and staff. Interactions between the kura and the wider community have increased significantly. The kura has developed a positive and mutually beneficial relationship with the local primary school. They share their specific skills, expertise and resources so that students in the Takapau area will have access to a wide range of sport, cultural and social experiences. The kura is valued and respected in the wider community.

3 Sustainable Performance and Self Review

How well placed is the kura to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance?

The kura is in a sound position to sustain and improve its performance.

A small group of kaumātua support and guide the whānau on a daily basis. As members of the local hapū and iwi they are committed to the ongoing success of the kura. They provide sound advice and guidance on a range of issues including kura management, teaching and learning and tikanga Māori. The whānau respects and values their input.

The whānau practises a range of self review strategies to ensure that ongoing improvement occurs throughout the kura. There is open and transparent reporting about kura operational matters. Strategic and annual planning includes targets for student achievement. These targets are reviewed annually. Policy and procedure review occurs regularly. Staff and whānau reflection and evaluation of the programme and their activities is a feature of whānau meetings.

The principal is participating in the first time principal’s professional development programme. She meets regularly with a small group of professional mentors who are experienced educational leaders. Whānau and leaders from the wider kura kaupapa Māori body provide advice and guidance. The resource teacher of Māori has worked extensively with staff to improve the gathering, analysis and use of student achievement information. Staff demonstrate growing confidence in using assessment information to plan and implement responsive programmes of learning. The whānau receives useful information about students’ progress and achievement in literacy and numeracy.

The whānau has high expectations of this kura to provide quality education for their children. They have a clear vision of what a successful kura looks like and are committed to making this happen. They remain focussed on achieving the best outcomes for students, work hard to reflect the principles of Te Aho Matua and are committed to growing the capability of their students as future leaders of their hapū and iwi. Whānau keenly nurture the strong sense of whanaungatanga evident throughout the kura.

Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the kura completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.

When is ERO likely to review the kura again?

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

Makere Smith

National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū-ā-Motu)

1 March 2013

About the Kura


Takapau, Central Hawkes Bay

Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Kura Kaupapa Māori

Kura roll


Gender composition

Boys 12

Girls 23

Ethnic composition



Special Features

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Review team on site

February 2013

Date of this report

1 March 2013

Most recent ERO report(s)

Te Aho Matua Review

Te Aho Matua Review

September 2010

February 2006