Henderson - Teen Parent Unit - He Wero o nga Wahine

Education institution number:
School type:
Teen Parent Unit
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Not Applicable
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Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland

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Henderson - Teen Parent Unit - He Wero o nga Wahine - 08/06/2017


He Wero, in partnership with its attached ECE, provides an inclusive and supportive environment for teen parents to re-engage in formal education. The location of the TPU on the grounds of Henderson High School is beneficial for students and staff. The manager and teachers have made very good progress in improving outcomes for learners and establishing systems for internal evaluation. 

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

1 Background

Henderson – Teen Parent Unit – He Wero o nga Wahine is an attached unit of Henderson High School. There are currently 24 Ministry of Education funded TPUs operating across New Zealand. TPUs provide a flexible and supportive environment for teenagers who are parents or are about to become parents. Attendance at a TPU gives students an opportunity to continue their education and develop the best possible pathway for their future and the future of their children.

ERO reviews all of the TPUs every three years. Each unit receives an individual report outlining areas of good performance and areas for further development. The terms of reference for these reviews are set out below. The findings across each of the TPUs contribute to a national report by ERO which presents findings about the overall quality of all TPUs.

Terms of Reference

The evaluation focus for ERO’s review of Teen Parent Units is:

How effective are the TPUs in promoting and supporting positive outcomes for students?

In the context of this review, student outcomes include their educational, social, health and wellbeing outcomes. It also includes student destination outcomes, and the success students have in transitioning from the TPU to further education, training or employment.

The terms of reference for the evaluation of TPUs are the:

  1. quality of individual support for each student (including IEPs and educational, pastoral and careers processes)
  2. educational and social outcomes for each student (including the quality of the teaching and the TPU’s self review)
  3. relationship with the base school (including the governance and management of the TPU)
  4. transitions of students into and out of the TPU.

2 Findings


What are the important features of this TPU that have an impact on student outcomes?

The Henderson TPU, He Wero, is located on the grounds of Henderson High School, next to an early childhood education (ECE) centre and a kohanga reo. Good relationships between the staff of the ECE and the TPU teachers support parents to engage effectively in the learning programmes.

He Wero has made good progress since ERO's 2013 review. A new manager, appointed in 2015, shares responsibilities with three new part-time teaching staff. A new administrator was appointed in 2017. Concerns raised in ERO's 2013 review about the TPU have been addressed, and, while some challenges remain, the performance of the TPU overall has significantly improved.

Communication with the host school has also improved, particularly in relation to the integration of staff and learning programmes between the host-school and the TPU. He Wero has benefited under the new leadership and management systems of the host school, including the improved tracking and monitoring of student outcomes.

Quality management, self-review, data analysis and reporting systems now align with those of the host school. The TPU manager continues with the good practices identified in 2013 ERO report, but has also extended the learning programmes, updated the vision and philosophy, raised learning expectations and reviewed the use of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).

The host-school principal and curriculum leader meet regularly with the manager of He Wero. Regular reports from the TPU manager to the principal are presented to the Henderson High School board of trustees (BoT). While communication has improved, there are still some areas to clarify in relation to the use of funding and the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education (MoE).

The TPU is acknowledged by the host school BoT and managers as an important component of education in West Auckland. Its services are well known and well used by other local secondary schools.

Student outcomes

What does this TPU know about outcomes for individual students?

The TPU manager and teachers have a clear focus on academic success and wellbeing outcomes. Courses are thoughtfully put together to ensure that all students who stay for a reasonable time at the TPU achieve success in the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA).

Academic outcomes are tracked through the host school’s data base. Data shows that students in He Wero are now contributing positively to the host school's overall NCEA results. Most students achieve NCEA Level 1 and many attain Level 2 and 3. A goal of the TPU in 2017 is to support more students to gain University Entrance qualifications.

The school nurse carries out a health assessment for every new student and can refer students to a range of local health and social services, doctors, dentists, mental health providers and counsellors. The students are very appreciative of these personalised health services.

Student aspirations and destinations are documented and tracked where possible. While some have difficulties completing learning programmes, the majority transition successfully from the TPU. Leavers’ destination data shows positive trends, with most students achieving qualifications that enable them to transition to work, training or tertiary education.

Careers education has been strengthened and is now a key component of each student’s Individual Learning Programme (ILP). Students can access work experiences through the TPU, and discussions have started with new careers staff at the host school about the use of targeted funding for tertiary alignment and Gateway places. 

Leadership, management and organisation

How effective is the leadership, management and organisation of this TPU?

He Wero is well managed. There is a positive and inclusive tone that allows staff to prioritise students’ needs. The manager consults teachers and meets regularly with host-school staff and support agencies to discuss each student’s progress. The new administrator is refining systems for documenting TPU procedures and for record keeping.

The TPU has a comprehensive annual plan with explicit links to the host school’s goals and strategic direction. Health and safety systems and teacher appraisal are aligned to school policies. The manager and teachers attend host-school staff meetings. They analyse and evaluate student learning outcomes, and report systematically to the BoT.

Teachers have very good opportunities for professional learning and development (PLD), through the host school, professional associations and attendance at the national TPU conferences. They feel well supported to assist learners at the TPU, and to contribute to decisions about operations and self-review.

The manager is collaborative and caring of staff and students. She appreciates the skills of each teacher and the interest shown by the manager of the ECE. PLD is budgeted for and tailored to meet the needs of each staff member.

The Ministry of Education's operational and reporting guidelines are now being used to review the learning programme and TPU operations. It would be useful to clarify with MoE advisers how information from the MoE could be shared directly with the TPU as well as with the host school.


What is the quality of the curriculum at this TPU?

Teachers have reviewed the overall learning programme since 2015 to ensure it reflects a balance of academic and life skills. Health and wellbeing components, together with transition and careers education, have been strengthened. Teachers are now developing a framework for the curriculum to show how these aspects fit together coherently.

Teachers ensure there are opportunities for individual learning and learning in groups. Students enjoy the opportunities they have to share ideas about parenting, health and wellbeing and support each other to complete learning tasks. There is a good level of trust between teachers and students, and those in their second and third year at the TPU provide support for new students.

Experienced English teachers ascertain the students’ reading and comprehension levels and update their formal record of learning. Literacy and numeracy NCEA credits are selected and delivered through classroom programmes or through Te Aho o te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura), the Correspondence School. Students’ careers interests and aspirations are considered in developing and reviewing learning programmes.

A variety of subject choices is accessible through the TPU, Te Kura and the host school.

Programmes and timetables are individualised, but all have components relating to academic, wellbeing and career goals. All students take part in a Māori Arts programme and most complete the Barista Cafe programme.

Some students prefer to do most of their learning in the TPU, but others are confident to leave the TPU classrooms and learn with others in the mainstream senior classes. Teachers have plans to support students to complete formal reflections of their weekly goals.

Student support, engagement and transitions

How well does this TPU support and promote student engagement and success?

Staff encourage students to engage in their learning and succeed. Students are expected to complete a parenting course before enrolling. The TPU philosophy supports mothers and babies to bond before starting academic learning programmes and re-engaging in formal education.

Students are able to bring their babies to the classroom from six weeks of age. From there, babies are carefully transitioned to the ECE centre. Many students find these practices reassuring, and comment positively on how their programmes include their infant’s needs.

Targets and incentives for attendance are displayed and weekly totals for each student and for the whole group are collated. The TPU van is available to transport any students requiring it. Although barriers to attendance are identified, it remains a challenge for many students to achieve the TPU’s 80% attendance goal.

Many of the students are of Māori heritage. Cultural identity and language is recognised and acknowledged. Teachers share their own whakapapa and value the backgrounds of students. The new arts programme, based on Māori culture and design, enhances bicultural dimensions of the TPU.

The TPU values and expectations are very explicit. They are displayed in the classrooms and throughout He Wero. The teachers ensure that the TPU has a safe and settled environment so that all students can achieve. They model respectful interactions and incorporate tikānga and te reo Māori into programmes and practices.

Relationships with external partners

How well does this TPU work within their educational and community context to promote student outcomes?

Teachers and the host-school’s health nurse organize programmes involving external agencies to provide advice about relationships and sexuality. Students feel their needs are well met and any questions they have are answered openly and respectfully.

Students can access doctors, counsellors and dentist visits through the school nurse. The manager also coordinates visits from a social worker and health providers who can assist with accommodation and financial advice.

Teachers are strengthening relationships with local employers to encourage work placements and off-site learning experiences. Educational partnerships have improved, enabling students to access career information and visits from tertiary providers.

The manager communicates with other TPU managers through an effective national network, and promotes the services of the TPU with other Auckland secondary schools. Students currently attending the TPU were referred by school counsellors, health and social services, and by friends and whānau.

3 Recommendations

What are the key next steps for this TPU?

He Wero managers and host-school leaders agree that the next steps in improving the performance of the Teen Parent Unit include:

  • documenting of the TPU’s overall curriculum, showing the coherence of the academic, wellbeing and careers components
  • implementing a hazard identification process to ensure the safety of student, staff and babies when babies are with their mothers in the TPU or host school classrooms
  • strengthening the relationship with host school careers staff to build greater awareness of vocational pathways and transition processes
  • continuing to strengthen relationships between the TPU and the host school.

4 Conclusion

He Wero, in partnership with its attached ECE, provides an inclusive and supportive environment for teen parents to re-engage in formal education. The location of the TPU on the grounds of Henderson High School is beneficial for students and staff. The manager and teachers have made very good progress in improving outcomes for learners and establishing systems for internal evaluation.

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

Steffan Brough

Deputy Chief Review Officer Northern (Acting)

8 June 2017

About the Teen Parent Unit 


Henderson, Auckland

Ministry of Education profile number


Teen Parent Unit roll


Gender composition

Girls 11 Boys 1

Ethnic composition







Review team on site

April 2017

Date of this report

8 June 2017

Most recent ERO reports

Special Review

Special Review

November 2013

June 2010


Henderson - Teen Parent Unit - He Wero o nga Wahine - 08/11/2013

1 Background

Henderson - Teen Parent Unit - He Wero o nga Wahine is an attached unit of Henderson High School. There are currently 21 Ministry of Education funded teen parent units (TPUs) operating across New Zealand. TPUs provide a flexible and supportive environment for teenagers who are pregnant or who have given birth. Attendance at a TPU gives students an opportunity to continue their education and develop the best possible pathway for their future and the future of their children.

ERO reviews all of the TPUs every three years. Each unit receives an individual report outlining areas of good performance and areas for further development. The terms of reference for these reviews are set out below. The findings across each of the TPUs contribute to a national report by ERO which presents findings about the overall quality of all TPUs.

Terms of Reference

The evaluation focus for ERO’s review of Teen Parent Units is:

How effective are the TPUs in promoting and supporting positive outcomes for students?

In the context of this review, student outcomes include their educational, social, health and wellbeing outcomes. It also includes student destination outcomes, and the success students have in transitioning from the TPU to further education, training or employment.

The terms of reference for the evaluation of TPUs are the:

  • quality of individual support for each student (including IEPs and educational, pastoral and careers processes)
  • educational and social outcomes for each student (including the quality of the teaching and the TPU’s self review)
  • relationship with the base school (including the governance and management of the TPU)
  • transitions of students into and out of the TPU.

2 Findings


He Wero o ngā Wāhine is the name of the teen parent unit located on the grounds of its host school, Henderson High School, in West Auckland. It provides education for teenage parents from the wider West Auckland area until they are nineteen years of age. Attached to the teen parent unit is an early childhood centre that provides education and care for most of the teen parents’ children. A kohanga reo next to the teen parent unit also provides a childcare option. Most students at the teen parent school are Māori.

ERO’s 2010 review of He Wero o ngā Wāhine identified that significant areas for improvement were required. These areas included staffing, the quality of teaching and learning, and leadership and governance support from the host school.

This 2013 ERO report identifies that little progress has been made in addressing concerns about the staffing, the quality of governance, leadership and teaching and learning at the teen parent unit.

At the time of the 2010 ERO review, He Wero o ngā Wāhine was operating from a partially renovated house in a commercial part of the Henderson area. At that time there was no attached or affiliated early childhood centre. Instead, students at the teen parent unit had a licence to run a playgroup. This arrangement allowed students to care for each others’ children while others completed school work.

In July 2011 the teen parent unit relocated and now students and staff work out of a purpose-built facility. The teacher-in-charge and administrative support staff member employed at the TPU in 2010 continue in these roles in 2013. Most students take advantage of the transportation provided to get them to and from the TPU each day.

Student outcomes

Since the 2010 ERO review there has been an increased focus on improving student achievement. This focus is supporting students to gain increasing numbers of NCEA credits at levels one and two. However, student achievement outcomes at the TPU are limited. In particular the lack of National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) literacy and numeracy achievement is a barrier to students gaining qualifications and remains a concern for TPU staff, the host school principal and the board of trustees.

Staff identify that student attendance is a major barrier to student achievement and success. Student attendance is monitored through the school’s management system. Data show that student attendance at the TPU has improved during the first half of 2013. Staff believe that increased course options for students in 2013 are contributing to the improvements in student attendance.

Students have good access to health and social services that promote their overall well being.

Leadership, management and organisation

ERO agrees that the school’s intention to develop a management committee is an important step in building transparent, collaborative management practices. In line with good practice in other TPUs, the board and school managers of Henderson High School could work collaboratively with the teacher-in-charge of the TPU to:

  • develop a strategic and responsive approach to planning and decision-making for the teen parent unit, especially including appropriate staffing
  • make the TPU visible in the school’s strategic plan and direction.

These improvements would ensure that the TPU functions effectively and more fully supports teen parents as valued citizens, parents and students.

The teacher-in-charge is currently receiving good support from a recently appointed deputy principal from the host school. This support could be extended to:

  • strengthening the understanding and use of self review to promote ongoing change and improvement
  • further developing the understanding of teaching, assessment and pathways for students
  • improving the monitoring and reporting against identified goals and targets for the TPU
  • developing a meaningful appraisal process.

Staff at He Wero o ngā Wāhine promote a culture of care and belonging for students. Students feel well supported by TPU staff, and by teachers they have access to in the host school.

Teaching and Learning

The lack of appropriate teaching staff for the teen parent unit continues to be a significant barrier to student learning, engagement, progress and achievement. The teacher-in-charge is the only teacher employed at the TPU. Her role includes some management responsibilities. Currently, staffing arrangements are not catering for students’ overall learning needs or providing them with the educational support required to gain meaningful qualifications.

Individual educational plans for students are not well developed. The teacher-in-charge intends to review students’ learning goals and progress made on a monthly basis.

Students have access to a curriculum offered mainly through Te Kura correspondence courses. Some students aiming for NCEA level 2 also have the opportunity to attend classes at the host school. While these students appreciate this learning opportunity and feel well supported by teachers, the whole year course requirements often do not fit with students’ parental responsibilities.

Since 2011 students have access to courses such as barista training, early childhood education, travel and tourism and a high ropes course. They also have the opportunity to gain NCEA credits through a te reo me ngā tikanga Māori programme offered at the high school.

Student transitions and engagement

Students receive good information from their health professionals about how to access the teen parent unit, and once enrolled they settle quickly and feel welcome. Students receive good pastoral support from TPU staff.

During the course of this review, ERO, managers from the host school and staff at the TPU discussed the process used by the host school to enrol TPU students. Participants agreed that the mainstream process could create potential barriers to these students' participation and engagement. As a result the school is exploring more appropriate enrolment arrangements to support students’ induction into the TPU.

The teacher-in-charge of the TPU and deputy principal from the host school recognise that students require more support to enable them to leave the TPU with meaningful qualifications and transition appropriately into further study or work. They plan to access the school’s work experience programmes to support this next step.

Relationships with external partners

The limited staffing at the teen parent unit impedes the teacher-in-charge’s role in facilitating new partnerships with external agencies. She currently has good connections with some local health and educational providers, and an antenatal course operates weekly from a learning space in the teen parent unit.

TPU staff support students to enrol their children at the attached early childhood centre. Students feel satisfied with the level of care provided for their children. This satisfaction with the early childhood centre supports students to be engaged in their own learning.

3 Recommendations

To meet its responsibilities for He Wero o ngā Wāhine Teen Parent Unit, Henderson High School's board of trustees must ensure that the TPU is appropriately staffed and that the TPU Teacher-in-charge is supported to:

  • develop teaching and learning programmes, giving priority to student achievement in literacy and numeracy
  • develop and implement teaching and learning strategies to address the needs of students and aspects of the curriculum.

The National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 1(a)ii, (d)

4 Future Action

ERO will determine the timing of the next review, within the next three years.

Dale Bailey

National Manager Review Services Northern Region

8 November 2013

About the Teen Parent Unit


Henderson, Auckland

Ministry of Education profile number


Teen Parent Unit roll


Gender composition

Girls 15

Ethnic composition


NZ European/Pākehā


Cook Island Māori







Review team on site

August 2013

Date of this report

8 November 2013

Most recent ERO reports

Special Review

June 2010