TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti

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Kura Kaupapa Maori
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22 Wharf Road, Hicks Bay

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TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti
Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

He Mātaitanga o te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti, i Wharekāhika 

Te Horopaki o te Rangahau 

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti ki Wharekāhika, ki te Tai Rāwhiti. He kura rumaki reo Māori e whakarato ana i te mātauranga mā ngā tikanga whakaaro o Te Aho Matua, ki ngā ākonga o te tau 1 ki te 13, me ō rātou whānau. 167 ngā ākonga ki te rārangi ingoa o te kura, ā, he Māori te katoa.

Pērā i ngā kura rumaki reo Māori katoa, ko te reo Māori te reo whakaako. Ko te whāinga matua o Te Aho Matua, kia tū pakari, kia tū rangatira ngā ākonga katoa hei raukura mō ō rātou iwi. Ko ngā tikanga whakaaro o Te Aho Matua mō te whakaako me te ako, ka ahu mai i te rongomaiwhiti, i te motuhake hoki o ngā uara me ngā whakapono e whai ake nei:

Ka hāngai Te Tino Uaratanga o Te Aho Matua ki:  

  • Te Ira Tangata – kia whakawhanake te ākonga i tōna oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-hinengaro hoki, i tōna mōhio ki tōna mana āhua ake, ā, i te mātau, i te whakaute hoki ki a ia anō, ki ētahi atu
  • Te Reo Māori - kia mātau te ākonga ki te whakaaro, ki te kōrero, ki te pānui, me te tuhi i roto i te reo Māori me te reo Tauiwi 
  • Ngā Iwi - kia mau tūhonohono te here o te ihomatua o te ākonga ki ōna mātua tūpuna, ā, ki ngā tūmanako me ngā wawata hoki o te whānau, o te hapū, me te iwi
  • Te Ao - kia mōhio te ākonga ki ngā tirohanga moroki me ngā tirohanga tuku iho o te ao Māori, o te ao whānui, o te ao tūroa, o tōna nā ao tonu
  • Āhuatanga Ako - E whakaihiihia ana te hinengaro o te ākonga ki tētahi taiao e āta poipoi ana i te ako.

Ko te reo, te tuakiri, me te ahurea hoki o Ngāti Porou e pou here ana i te katoa o ngā whakahaeretanga o te kura, ā, he taonga ngā raukura mā te whānau, mā te iwi, mā te hapū, mā te kura hoki. Ka whai wāhi atu te whānau, ā, ka whakaaweawe, ka ārahi, ka āwhina mātātoa hoki rātou i te eke angitu o ngā ākonga.

Nō te Hōngongoi o te tau 2021 te rōpū rangahau i toro atu ai ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti, ā, i kōrero tahi rātou ki tētahi o ngā kaiārahi matua o te reo matatini me te pāngarau ki te kura, hei āta kapo atu i āna tirohanga.

Ngā Kitenga: Te Reo Matatini 

Te angitu mō ngā ākonga o Te Reo Matatini 

He mārama ngā wawata o ngā whānau me te kura ki te whakarauora i tō rātou reo ā-iwi o Ngāti Porou, puta noa i te kura me te hapori whānui. Koia nei te tohu o te angitu ki tēnei kura. He tūnga motuhake tō te kura ki te pupuri i te reo ake o te takiwā nei, ā, ka ū tonu rātou ki te whai wāhi nui o te reo ā-waha – kaua ki te reo matatini anake, engari ki te oranga tonutanga anō hoki o te reo ā-iwi o to rātou takiwā.

‘Success, for our kura, is to revitalise te reo o Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Porou tikanga. Some people believe that success is determined by money, but if you take all that away, what is left? It is your whānau, hapū, marae’ – te reo o te Raukura[1].

He kaha ake te aronga atu o te kura ki te whakawhanaketanga o te reo ā-waha, i te whakawhanaketanga kē o te reo tuhituhi, nā runga i tō rātou whakapono mā te pakari o te reo ā-waha ka nui ake ngā putanga i roto i te reo tuhituhi me te pānui. Kua pou herea tā rātou hōtaka o te reo matatini e te reo o Ngāti Porou. E ai ki te whakataukī o te kura, ‘Hei whakaora i te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Porou’, ā, koia rā hoki te aronga o ngā uara o te kura e meatia ana, ‘kia tangatanga.’  

Ko ētahi o ngā tūāhuatanga ka whai wāhi atu ki te whakawhanaketanga o aua pūkenga me aua pūmanawa, ko te whakahāngai ake i te titiro o tā rātou marau ā-kura, me te aro atu ki tētahi marau i āta tuituia ai, i āta whakahāngaitia ai hoki ki te hapori. Kua tautuhia e te kura, i te wā ka tuitui tahi rātou i ngā whenu maha puta noa i ngā kaupapa ako, ka taea e rātou te whakatakoto haere ngā whai wāhitanga ako tūturu e noho ngātahi ana, e whai pānga nui ana hoki mō ngā ākonga. Ko tētahi tauira o taua mahi, ko te whakatōpū i te pāngarau, i te pūtaiao, me te reo Māori ki te wheako ako kotahi. Tāpiri atu ki tēnā, he ritenga tā te kura ki te whakawhanake tonu i ētahi atu huarahi aromatawai e whai pānga ake ai, e hāngai ake ai ki ā rātou ākonga me tā rātou horopaki.

Ki tō te kura, ahakoa kei te tino eke angitu ētahi o ngā ākonga puta noa i te kura[2], ki tā rātou anō titiro, nā te tū taratahi o te whakapuakitanga o te marau ki te wharekura, kāhore ngā ākonga e eke ana ki tua atu i ngā tūmanako o te kura i tēnei wā. Ki tā tētahi kaiako, nā te aronga “working to the bells”, e tū taratahi ana ia kaupapa. Ko te rongoā mō taua tūāhuatanga, ko te whakawhanake tonu i tā rātou marau kia pāhekoheko, kia hāngai hoki ki te hapori, arā, kia ahu mai i te ao Māori me ngā tikanga tuku iho o Ngāti Porou.

He aha te whakaratonga o Te Reo Matatini i tēnei wā?

Ka whakaako ngā kaiako i te reo Māori mā te tū taratahi o ngā kaupapa, engari kei te huri kē rātou kia pāhekoheko ake nei te āhua o te tauira whakapuakitanga. I kōrero te kura mō te whakawhanaketanga o tētahi marau pāhekoheko e whai pānga ana ki te hapori, ā, ka arotahi ake ki te whakarato i te maha ake o ngā wheako ako tūturu e toro atu ai ki ngā taiao ā-ahurea, ā-ohaoha, tuku iho hoki, me te ao tūroa tonu o Wharekāhika.

Ka whakarato tā rātou marau ā-kura i te whakatōpūtanga ake o te mahi tahi a ngā kaiako, ā, nā taua tūāhuatanga ka whakatinanahia ngā whakaaro maha, pērā i ētahi pea e whai ake nei, arā, ko:

  • ngā whai wāhitanga ako e hono ana ki te whenua, te iwi, me te hapū:
    • ka toro atu ki ngā ariā pērā i ngā pepeha, mā te piki maunga me te kauhoe i roto i te awa
    • ka tūhura i te wharenui hei kaupapa o te āhuahanga – arā, i ngā whakairo me ngā tukutuku.
  • te ako i te taupuhipuhi ki waenga i te tangata, te whenua me ngā rauemi:
    • te ako ki te tiki kai i te moana, i te awa, me te whenua
    • te whai pānga o te ua ki te ahotakakame i te awa
    • te ako i ngā tūmomo kararehe e hāngai pū ana ki tō rātou hapori whānui

E whakapono ana te kura nei, ko aua tūmomo horopaki ako tūturu e whai pānga nui ana, koia ko te tino taiao e hāpai tonu atu i te eke angitu o te ākonga i roto i te reo matatini.

He aha ngā āhuatanga e tika ana mō te whakapuakitanga o te kounga kairangi o ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga o Te Reo Matatini? 

I whakaae ngā kaiako me ngā kaiārahi katoa, me whiwhi i ngā rauemi, i te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio hoki e tika ana, e whai pānga ana, hei hāpai i te whakapuakitanga o ngā hōtaka whakaako me ngā hōtaka akoranga o te kounga kairangi. Waihoki, ka kōrero hoki rātou mō te kore o ngā rauemi me te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio e tika ana, e whai pānga ana hoki ki te horopaki o Te Aho Matua. Ahakoa e mōhio ana ngā kaiako, kāhore e taea ngā rauemi katoa te whakahāngai ki ngā kura katoa, he hiahia anō hoki tō rātou ki te whakarato i ngā rauemi e hāngai ana ki te reo o Ngāti Porou, me ngā tikanga, te mātauranga Māori hoki e pā ana ki tō rātou iwi. Ka noho mātua rā aua rauemi hei hāpai i te angitu o ngā ākonga puta noa i te marautanga.

Ka whakawhirinaki nui ngā kaiako me ngā kaiārahi ki te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio o roto, ā, ka whakaputa ngātahi rātou hei kura i te katoa o ā rātou rauemi. Koia te aroha me te manaaki o te kura me te whānau ki ngā ākonga, arā, ka waihanga rātou i ngā rauemi katoa e tika ana hei āta whakatau i te eke angitu o ngā ākonga. He mahi nui tēnei e whakapau wā ana mō te whakaako me te ako.

Ki tā te tirohanga o tēnei kura, ko tētahi tino aronga ka whai hua ai, ko te whakarato ki te kura me ngā whānau, ko ngā taputapu ki te whakawhanake me ngā whakaputa i ngā rauemi e hāpai ai i kounga kairangi o te whakaako me te ako ki tō rātou horopaki ake. Mātua rā, ki tō rātou whakaaro, me whakarato te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i ētahi atu pūtea me ētahi atu rauemi mō te whakawhanaketanga ake o ngā mōhiotanga ako me ngā whakaritenga ako o te kaiako, tae atu hoki ki te pūtea e whakawātea ai i te kaiako i ā rātou mahi o ia rā, ki te whakawhanake me te whakaputa i ngā rauemi e whai pānga nui ana ki tō rātou kura.

Ngā Kitenga: Pāngarau 

He pēhea rawa te āhua o te angitu mō ngā ākonga i roto i te pāngarau? 

Ki tēnei kura, ko te tohu o te angitu i roto i te pāngarau, ko te whakawhanaketanga o ngā ākonga i te ngākau nui, ā, ko tō rātou āheinga anō hoki ki te tūhonohono i ngā ariā o te pāngarau ki ngā wheako o ō rātou nā ao o ia rā. E wawata ana ngā kaiako ki te tūhonohono ki ngā ariā o te pāngarau mā ngā huarahi e whai pānga ana, e whai pūtake ana hoki, hei āta whakatau i te whai māramatanga hōhonu o ngā ākonga.

“If they can’t see, they can’t relate”. – te reo o te Kaiārahi

Ko ngā tūāhuatanga e whai pānga ana ki te angitu o te ākonga, ko te whakawhiti atu i te tū taratahi o ngā akoranga, ki te marautanga kua āta tuituia, kua whakatūturuhia, ā, e whai pānga nui ana. Pērā anō i te reo matatini, e hiahia ana ngā kaiako ki te tuitui ngātahi i ngā kaupapa ako me te āta whakarite kia riro i ngā ākonga ngā whai wāhitanga ako kua whakatūturuhia ake, ā, e whai hononga ana ki tō rātou taiao me te ao Māori. Kei te tākare ngā kaiako o tēnei kura ki te tūhura me pēhea te whakatōpū ake i te pāngarau me te pūtaiao, me te whakawhanake ake i ngā aromatawai e noho motuhake ana, e hāngai pū ana hoki ki ngā akoranga.

Kei te whakatutuki te nuinga o ngā ākonga i ngā tūmanako mō te pāngarau, heoi ki tā te kura, tērā tonu ngā āhuatanga hei whakapai ake ki te āta whakatau i te whakatutukitanga o ngā ākonga i ngā tūmanako, kia eke rānei ki tua atu i aua tūmanako. E mau pūmau ana rātou ki te whakaaro, ko te tahuri atu ki tētahi marau ā-hapori pāhekoheko, ka hāpai mārika i taua aronga.

He aha te whakaratonga o te pāngarau i tēnei wā?

Pērā anō hoki i te reo matatini, ka whakaakona taratahi te pāngarau, heoi, kei te ahu whakamua te kura i tēnei wā ki tētahi tauira whakapuaki ka āta tuitui ake i ngā kaupapa. E takune ana te kura ki te whakarato i ngā wheako akoranga tūturu ake e toro atu ana ki ngā tūāhuatanga ā-ahurea, ā-ohaoha, ā-tūpuna, māoriori hoki o te hapori o Wharekāhika.

I tēnei wā e whakaako ana te kura mā ngā whakamāoritanga o ngā taumata pāngarau, ā, ka tuitui hoki i te ao Māori ki ngā whakaakoranga hei āta whakatau i te whai pūtaketanga o ngā akoranga ki ngā ākonga. He nui te aronga o te kura kia noho pārekareka te pāngarau ki ngā ākonga, ā, kia arahina ngā wheako ako e ngā ngākau nuitanga o ngā ākonga.

He ruarua noa ngā rauemi a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga e whakamahia ana e te kura i tēnei wā, nā te auraki rawa o aua rauemi. Ka whakamahi rātou i ngā rauemi pērā i Te Reo Pāngarau: Māori Dictionary, i te Paekupu, ā, i te Tīhei Pāngarau hoki, nō te mea, ka whai pānga ēnei hei hāpai i a rātou ki tō rātou horopaki.

He aha ngā āhuatanga e tika ana mō te whakapuakitanga o te kounga kairangi o ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga o te pāngarau?   

Pērā anō hoki i te reo matatini, ki tā ngā kaiako titiro, e tika ana te whiwhi wawe i ngā rauemi me te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio e whai pānga ana, e wāhi pūtake ana hoki, hei whakapuaki i ngā hōtaka whakaako me ngā hōtaka akoranga o te kounga kairangi. Me pou here hoki i aua rauemi ki te ao Māori me te mātauranga Māori, kia whai hua ai aua rauemi ki ngā kura o Te Aho Matua.

I tēnei wā, kāhore he whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio e whai pānga ana, e tika ana hoki ki ngā kaiako, hei whakawhanake ake i ā rātou whakaritenga. I tēnei kura, ka whai hua te noho wātea mai o te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio e hāpai ai i te whakawhanaketanga o tētahi marautanga ā-hapori i tuituia ai, ā, i ahu mai hoki i te ao Māori, e hono pū ana hoki ki te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Porou. E hiahia ana ngā kaiako me ngā kaiārahi ki te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio e whakarato ana i ngā tohutohu tūturu, i te huarahi tonu ki te whakawhanake i tā rātou marau ā-kura.

I kōrero te tumuaki mō te pēhitanga o te noho taratahi, me te iti noa o ngā whakaratonga e wātea ana ki a rātou, nā te tū tino pāmamao. E ai ki te tumuaki, ko te hiki ake i ngā pēhitanga ka hāpai ake pea i te toro atu a ngā kaiako ki te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio. Ki tana titiro, ka taea taua tūāhuatanga te whakatutuki mā te toro haere o ngā kaiwhakarato whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio ki te takiwā, mā te whakarahi ake rānei hoki i te pūtea mō te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio, hei ea i te tawhiti atu o te haerenga a ngā kaiako o te kura ki ngā kaupapa whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio.

Tanya Savage
Te Pou Mataaho - Manager Evaluation and Research - Māori Services

Te Reo Matatini me Pāngarau Case Study: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti, Wharekāhika

Te Horopaki o te Rangahau | Research context 

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tāwhiti is in Wharekāhika on the east coast. As a Māori-medium kura they provide education based on the philosophy of Te Aho Matua, for students from Years 1-13 and their whānau. The kura has a roll of 167 students, all of which identify as Māori.

Like all Māori-medium kura, te reo Māori is the language of instruction. The overarching goal of Te Aho Matua is that students are high achievers who exemplify the hopes and aspirations of their people. Te Aho Matua philosophy for teaching and learning is based on the following unique and distinctive values and beliefs.

Te Tino Uaratanga o Te Aho Matua:  

  • Te Ira Tangata – The student develops physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, an awareness of his or her individual uniqueness and knowledge and respect for him or herself and others 
  • Te Reo Māori- The student is a competent thinker, speaker, reader and writer of Te Reo Māori and English 
  • Ngā Iwi - The student is secure in the knowledge of ancestral links, and the hopes and aspirations of whānau, hāpu and iwi 
  • Te Ao - The student knows the contemporary and traditional views of te Ao Māori, the wider world and the physical and natural world 
  • Āhuatanga Ako - The student is intellectually stimulated in an environment conducive to learning.  

Ngāti Porou language, identity and culture underpin all kura operations and raukura (graduates) are a treasure for the whānau, iwi, hapū and kura. Whānau participate, influence, lead and actively contribute to the educational success of students.

The research team visited Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tāwhiti in July 2021 and spoke with a key leader of te reo matatini and pāngarau in the kura to gain their perspectives.

Ngā Kitenga - Findings: Te Reo Matatini

Success for students in Te Reo Matatini 

Whānau and kura have clear aspirations to revitalise their Ngāti Porou dialect across the school and wider community. This is what epitomises success for this kura. The kura plays a unique role in preserving the unique dialect of the area and they prioritise te reo ā-waha ties not only to te reo matatini but to also ensure the dialect of the area is kept alive.

‘Success, for our kura, is to revitalise te reo o Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Porou tikanga. Some people believe that success is determined by money, but if you take all that away, what is left? It is your whānau, hapū, marae’ – Raukura voice[3].

The kura focuses on developing good oral language over written language as they believe that a strong oral language ability leads to higher outcomes in written literacy and reading. Their te reo matatini programme is underpinned by the Ngā Porou dialect. The kura motto refers to this ‘Hei whakaora i te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Porou[4]’ as do the kura values of ‘kia tangatanga’- ‘so that the language naturally flows.’

Factors that will contribute to developing these skills and attributes is the re-visioning of their marau ā-kura and shifts towards an integrated and localised curriculum. The kura has identified that when they combine multiple connecting strands across subjects, they will be able to build cohesive, authentic, and relevant learning opportunities for students. An example of this would be to combine pāngarau, pūtaiao and te reo Māori through one learning experience. In addition to this the kura has a plan to further develop alternative assessment tools that are more relevant and appropriate to their students and setting.

While this kura acknowledges that some students perform highly across the kura[5] it equally reports that due to a siloed approach to curriculum delivery in wharekura, students are not currently exceeding kura expectations. As one kaiako described, the “working to the bells” mentality means each subject is siloed from one another. The solution to this is to further develop their integrated and localised curriculum which is derived from te ao Māori and the customs of Ngāti Porou.

What is the current provision of Te Reo Matatini?

Kaiako teach te reo matatini in a siloed manner but they are in the process of moving towards a more integrated model of delivery. The kura spoke about developing an integrated and localised curriculum which would focus more heavily on providing more authentic learning experiences that draw from local cultural, economic, ancestral, and natural environments in Wharekāhika.

Their Marau ā-kura will provide a more cohesive working environment amongst kaiako and in practice would include but not limited to ideas such as:

  • authentic learning opportunities connected to whenua, iwi and hapū:
    • being able to experience concepts such as pepeha through climbing maunga, and swimming in awa
    • exploring the Wharenui for geometry – the carvings and tukutuku.
  • learn about interdependency between tangata, whenua and resources:
    • learning how to catch kai in the moana and awa, whenua
    • learning about the impact of rain on photosynthesis in the awa
    • learning about the specific type of animals in their local rohe  

This kura believes that these authentic, highly relevant learning contexts would provide the ideal environment to further support student success in te reo matatini.

What is required to deliver high quality teaching and learning in Te Reo Matatini?

All kaiako and leaders agreed that having appropriate and relevant resources and PLD are required to deliver high quality teaching and learning programmes. Equally so, they acknowledge the absence of both resources and PLD which are appropriate and relevant in a Te Aho Matua setting. While kaiako acknowledge that resourcing cannot always be tailored to all kura, they have a unique need to provide resources which align to Ngāti Porou dialect and with regard to tikanga and mātauranga Maori specific to their iwi. These resources are essential to support student success across the curriculum.

Kaiako and leaders in this kura rely heavily on internal PLD and as a kura they produce all resources themselves. Kura and whānau have such aroha and manaaki for students that they create all resources required to ensure students experience success. This is a strenuous task which takes valuable time away from teaching and learning.

From the perspective of this kura, an essential step forward is to provide kura and whānau the tools to develop and produce resources that will support high quality teaching and learning in their unique setting. They believe it is essential the Ministry provides additional funding and resourcing to develop teacher pedagogical knowledge and practice, as well as funding to release teachers from their day-to-day roles to develop and produce resources relevant to their kura.

Ngā Kitenga - Findings: Pāngarau 

What does success look like for students in pāngarau

For this kura, success in pāngarau is about students developing a passion and being able to connect to pāngarau concepts in their day-to-day life experiences. Kaiako aspire to make connections to pāngarau concepts through relevant and meaningful ways to ensure students gain a deep understanding.

“If they can’t see, they can’t relate”. – Leader voice

Factors that contribute to student success include a move away from siloed instruction towards an integrated, authentic and relevant curriculum. Much like te reo matatini, kaiako want to integrate subjects and ensure students experience more genuine learning opportunities connected to their environment and te ao Māori. Kaiako in this kura are keen to explore how pāngarau and pūtaiao can work more closely together and to further develop assessments which are unique and relevant to the learning.

Most students are meeting expectations in pāngarau yet the kura notes that there is room for improvement to ensure all students meet or exceed the expectations. They firmly believe a move towards a localised and integrated curriculum will support this direction.

What is the current provision of pāngarau

Much like te reo matatini, pāngarau is currently taught in a siloed manner but the kura are in the process of moving towards a more integrated model of delivery. The kura intends to provide more authentic learning experiences that draw from local cultural, economic, ancestral, and natural environments in Wharekāhika.

The kura currently teaches the translations of the mathematics standards and integrate te ao Māori to ensure students experience learning which is meaningful. This kura places a high importance on students enjoying pāngarau and that learning experiences are guided by student interests.

This kura uses very few of the currently available MOE resources due to their Eurocentric nature. They do use items such as Te Reo Pāngarau: Māori Dictionary, Paekupu and Tīhei Pāngarau as they are helpful in their setting.

What is required to deliver high quality teaching and learning in pāngarau

As with te reo matatini kaiako refer to the immediate need for appropriate and relevant resources and PLD to deliver high quality teaching and learning programmes. These resources need to be underpinned by te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori in order for them to be helpful in Te Aho Matua kura.

Currently there is no relevant and appropriate PLD these kaiako can attend to further develop their practice. For this kura, it would be beneficial to have access to PLD which supports the development of a localised and integrated curriculum derived from te ao Māori and highly connected to Ngāti Porou reo and tikanga. Kaiako and leaders in this kura would welcome PLD that provided practical ‘how to’ advice with regard to developing their marau ā-kura.

The tumuaki spoke about the ‘tyranny of distance’ and that the extremely isolated location of the kura means that access is limited. The tumuaki notes that the removal of this barrier could potentially lead to greater PLD engagement for kaiako. From his perspective this could be achieved through PLD providers travelling to the area and/or improved PLD funding to acknowledge the greater distance kaiako at the kura must travel to access PLD.

Tanya Savage
Te Pou Mataaho - Manager Evaluation and Research – Māori Services

[1] He Kōrero ā te Raukura i te Aromātai a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, 2020, i tīkina i: TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti | Education Review Office (

[2] Ka kitea ki ngā hōtuku o ngā taumata 1, 2 me te 3 o Te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu kua Taea ā te kura, mai i Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.

[3] Raukura Kōrero from 2020 ERO Evaluation, retrieved from: TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti | Education Review Office (

[4] To revitalize the language and customs of Ngāti Porou.

[5] This can be evidenced in the schools NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 data from NZQA.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti - 14/04/2020

Te Pūrongo Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua

Te Kura Te Aho Matua

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūwāhi

Kei Wharekahika

Te Pūtake

E mahi ngātahi ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa ki te kapo atu mā te kaupapa nei a Poutiria te reo Mauriora, te huarahi mātauranga o ngā ākonga i poipoia ai ki te mātauranga o Te Aho Matua.

Te Horopaki

Hei whakaora i te reo o Ngāti Porou me ōna tikanga katoa.’

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti ki Wharekahika, ā, e whakarato ana i te mātauranga ki ngā tau 0 ki te 15. Ko te reo, te tuakiri tangata, me te ahurea hoki o Ngāti Porou, e pou here ana i ngā whakahaeretanga katoa o te kura. Ko te horopaki mātauranga o ngā ākonga, koia ko te whakatinanatanga o Te Aho Matua me Ngā Uaratanga e rumaki ana i te tamaiti kia Māori tōna ao, kia Māori hoki ngā akoranga.

Te Tauāki a te Whānau

Ko Te Aho Matua te kaupapa matua.

Hei Whakaora i Te Reo o Ngāti Porou me ōna Tikanga te whakataukī.

Mutu ai i Te Kōhanga Reo, mutu ai i Te Kura, mutu ai i Te Wharekura

Ka puta te tamaiti tangatanga te reo, te tamaiti ngākau māhaki, te tamaiti wairua aroha, te tamaiti pukumahi, te tamaiti hinengaro koi, te tamaiti toa ki tākaro

Hei raukura mō tōna whānau, hapū, iwi.

Tihe Mauriora.

Ngā Kōrero a ngā Raukura

Ko te raukura te tangata ka para i te huarahi mō ētahi atu. He taonga te raukura, he taonga mā te iwi, te hapū, me te kura.

I kuraina mātou ki te marae. Ko te kāuta, te wharekai, me te wharenui, he akomanga katoa. Ko te papa tō tūru. He ruarua noa ngā rauemi, engari i toro atu mātou ki te taiao māoriori, i puta ki waho.

I ngākau nuitia e au; ehara ko te pukapuka anake te huarahi ako. Arā noa atu ngā akoranga ka ahu ake i te marae, i te tūhura haere anō hoki i te taiao.

Ko te angitu, ki tō mātou kura, koia ko te whakarauora ake i te reo o Ngāti Porou, i ngā tikanga hoki o Ngāti Porou. Ka whakaaro ētahi tāngata, ko te moni te tohu o te angitu, engari ki te ngaro katoa tērā, he aha e toe ana? Ko tō whānau tonu, tō hapū tonu, tō marae tonu.

Nō mātou te whiwhi nā te taratahi o te hapori, me tō mātou noho hei tāngata o te whenua, hei tamariki o te hapū.

Ko tōku kāinga, tōku ahi kā. Me kaua e ngaro i ahau ōku hononga ki te kāinga, kei mātaotao taku ahi. Kei te noho uruwehi ahau ki taua whakaaro.

Ko te Kura Kaupapa Māori te pūtake i ngāwari ai taku whakawhitiwhiti.

Te Whakarāpopototanga o ngā Whakaaturanga

Te Tauāki I tāutuhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā wāhanga arotahinga me ngā whai pānga matua. 

Ngā Wāhanga Arotahinga
Ngā Huarahi Pakirehua  

Ngā Whai Pānga
I tāutuhia ēnei āhuatanga matua i te wā o te arotake. 

Te Ira Tangata
Te oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki. 

  • Te whanaungatanga
  • Ngā whakapapa
  • Ngā rautaki whakaako
  • Ngā uaratanga
  • Te Aho Matua
  • Te Ataarangi
  • Te whai wāhi mai a te whānau
  • Te manaakitanga
  • Ngā hononga
  • Te whakawhanaungatanga
  • Ngā taunekeneke 

Te Reo Māori
Kia mātau te whakaaro, te kōrero, te pānui, me te tuhituhi mā te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā. 

  • Te mita o Ngāti Porou
  • Te whakaako me te ako
  • Te pūmau o te whānau ki te kaupapa
  • Te tirohanga a te whānau
  • Te reo o te whenua
  • Ngā kaupapa e kōkirihia ana e te hapori
  • Ngā taiao ako
  • Ngā whakataukī me ngā kīwaha
  • Ngā mōteatea, ngā waiata, me ngā karakia
  • Ngā rautaki whakaako
  • Te ārahitanga
  • Te pukukata
  • Ngā whakapapa
  • Te whanaungatanga

Te Ao
Te whai māramatanga ki ngā tirohanga hou me ngā tirohanga tuku iho o te ao Māori.

  • Te Ngāti Poroutanga
  • Te kaitiakitanga
  • Te rōnakitanga
  • Ngā hononga
  • Ngā kaumātua
  • Ngā huarahi ako
  • Te ao whānui
  • Ngā whai wāhitanga ako
  • Ngā wheako ako
  • Ngā whakapapa
  • Te taiao

Te Whānau
E noho pūmau ana ki Te Aho Matua, ki te mātauranga, ā, ki te reo Māori hoki.

  • Te reo o Ngāti Porou me ōna tikanga katoa
  • Ngā wawata
  • Te Aho Matua
  • Ngā tūmanako teitei
  • He kaiwhakatau i ngā whakaritenga
  • Te noho tahi o ngā whakatupuranga
  • Te tautoko
  • Ngā uaratanga
  • Ngā huarahi
  • Te whai rauemi
  • Te ako ngaio me te whakawhanaketanga ngaio
  • Te mahi ngātahi
  • Te whai wāhi atu ki te iwi, te hapū, me te whānau
  • Te whakakotahitanga 

Te Ārahitanga
E whai hua ana

  • Ngā wawata o te whānau
  • Te Aho Matua
  • Te ngākau nui ki te angitu o ngā ākonga
  • Te teitei o ngā tūmanako
  • Ngā uaratanga
  • He tūtoro
  • He tau
  • Ka whakakotahi
  • Ka kitea
  • He whakaute
  • Ka whakaaro huritao
  • Ka whakaaweawe
  • Ka mahi auaha
  • Ka titiro whakamuri, kia haere whakamua
  • He ārahitanga huarewa
  • He hakune
  • Te rōnakitanga
  • He ringa raupā
  • He pukumahi mō te kaupapa
  • Ka rangahau
  • Ka whai i ngā wawata – he hinengaro koi
  • Ka ārahi mā te whakatauira

Te Whakarāpopototanga Whānui

I kitea e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga:

  • e whakatinana ana ngā Raukura i te angitu

  • ko te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori, he mātauranga huarewa

  • ka uru atu, ka whakaaweawe, ka ārahi, ka whai wāhi mātātoa atu te whānau ki te angitu o te mātauranga

  • ka kitea ki ngā kaiārahi tūtoro paetawhiti nei te ngākau nui me te pūkeke kia whakaahuatia

  • he kaihuawaere ngā kaiako e arotahi atu ana ki te whakarato i ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga o te kounga kairangi

  • ka noho mātua rā ko te oranga ā-whatumanawa, ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-hinengaro hoki.

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti hei aromātai o Te Manakotanga.

Te awa e rere atu ana i te mātāpuna ki te moana.

‘te mātāpuna o te wai’
E whakanui ana i te pitomata.

‘te hōkikitanga’
Ka puta te wai i te hōpua, ā, ka tīmata tana kōpikopiko. 

‘ngā au tere’
Kua puta te awa, ā, ka kōmiro haere. 

Wai-pūau nui
‘te pūau nui o te awa’
Kua tae atu te awa ki te moana. Kei te toitū te awa, ko tōna au kaha e ahu mai ana i te tini o ōna hikuawa. He mana tōna, ā, e rangona ana āna taiheke i tana whāroa, i tana whānui, heoi anō rā, i tua atu rā ki te moana waiwai. 

Te Whakatau a te Poari ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Poari mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga. 

Gloria Takuira

Toka ā-nuku Whakakapi

Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

14 Paengawhāwhā, 2020

Te Aho Matua Education Review Report

Kura Te Aho Matua

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti

Ministry of Education Profile Number



Kei Wharekahika

Our purpose

The Education Review Office (ERO) and Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa (TRN) are working together to capture the journey of learners who have experienced Te Aho Matua education, Poutiria te reo Mauriora.


Hei whakaora i te reo o Ngāti Porou me ōna tikanga katoa.’

Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti is situated in Wharekahika and provides education to years 0-15. Ngāti Porou language, identity and culture underpin all kura operations. Students are immersed in an education setting that is the embodiment of Te Aho Matua and Ngā Uaratanga where both the world of the child and learning, is Māori.

Whānau Statement

Ko Te Aho Matua te kaupapa matua.

Hei Whakaora i Te Reo o Ngāti Pōrou me ōna Tikanga te whakatauki.

Mutu ai i Te Kōhanga Reo, mutu ai i Te Kura, mutu ai i Te Wharekura

Ka puta te tamaiti tangatanga te reo, te tamaiti ngākau māhaki, te tamaiti wairua aroha, te tamaiti pukumahi, te tamaiti hinengaro koi, te tamaiti toa ki tākaro

Hei raukura mō tōna whānau, hapū, iwi.

Tihe Mauriora.

Raukura kōrero

A raukura is a person that paves the way for others. A raukura is a treasure for the iwi, hapū, kura.

We were based on the marae. The kitchen, the wharekai and the wharenui were the classrooms. The ground was your chair. There were hardly any resources but we used the natural environment, we went outside.

I liked it; it wasn’t just about learning from a book. There are a lot of lessons from learning on the marae and exploring the environment.

Success, for our kura, is to revitalise te reo o Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Porou tikanga. Some people believe that success is determined by money, but if you take all that away, what is left? It is your whānau, hapū, marae.

We were fortunate that we were so isolated and live as people of the land, and children of the hapū.

Home is my origin. I must not lose my connections to home and have my fire extinguished. I am scared of that happening.

It was due to Kura Kaupapa Māori that I was able to smoothly transition.

Summary of Findings

Statement The Education Review Office identified areas of focus and key elements of influence.

Areas of Focus
Lines of Inquiry

Elements of influence
These core components were identified during the review.

Te Ira Tangata
Physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing

  • Whanaungatanga
  • Whakapapa
  • Teaching strategies
  • Ngā uaratanga
  • Te Aho Matua
  • Te Ataarangi
  • Whānau contribution
  • Manaakitanga
  • Connections
  • Relationships
  • Interactions 

Te Reo Māori
Competent thinkers, speakers, readers and writers in Māori and English

  • Te mita o Ngāti Porou
  • Teaching and learning
  • Whānau commitment
  • Whānau vision
  • Te reo o te whenua
  • Community initiatives
  • Learning environments
  • Whakataukī, kīwaha
  • Mōteatea, waiata, karakia
  • Teaching strategies
  • Leadership
  • Humour
  • Whakapapa
  • Whanaungatanga 

Te Ao

Understand contemporary and traditional views of Te Ao Māori
  • Ngāti Poroutanga
  • Kaitiakitanga
  • Sustainability
  • Connections
  • Kaumātua
  • Learning pathways
  • Te ao whānui
  • Learning opportunities
  • Learning experiences
  • Whakapapa
  • Environment

Commitment to Te Aho Matua, education and te reo Māori.

  • Te reo o Ngāti Porou me ōna tikanga katoa
  • Aspirations
  • Te Aho Matua
  • High expectations
  • Decision makers
  • Intergenerational
  • Support
  • Uaratanga
  • Pathways
  • Resourcing
  • Professional learning and development
  • Collaboration
  • Contribution to iwi, hapū and whānau
  • Inclusive 


  • Whānau aspirations
  • Te Aho Matua
  • Commitment to student success
  • High expectations
  • Ngā Uaratanga
  • Visionary
  • Stable
  • Collaborative
  • Visible
  • Respectful 
  • Reflective
  • Inspirational
  • Innovative
  • Titiro whakamuri kia haere whakamua
  • Transformational
  • Strategic
  • Sustainability
  • Ringa raupā
  • Pukumahi mō te kaupapa
  • Research
  • Aspirational – Hinengaro koi
  • Lead by example

Overarching Conclusion

The Education Review Office found that:

  • Raukura epitomise success

  • te reo Māori education is transformational

  • whānau participate, influence, lead and actively contribute to education success

  • leaders as visionaries display commitment and drive for transformation

  • kaiako as facilitators focus on the provision of high-quality teaching and learning

  • emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual wellbeing are paramount.

The next ERO review of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti will be a Te Mānakotanga – Enrichment Evaluation.

The river that makes it’s way from the source heading to the sea.

‘source of water’
Acknowledging potential.

‘head waters’
The river emerges from the source and begins a meandering course.

‘swift waters’
The river has emerged and begins to build momentum.

‘great river mouth’
The river has reached the sea. It is sustainable, it draws it’s strength from more than one source. It is influential, as it’s current is felt across it’s length and breadth and beyond to the ocean.

Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the evaluation, the board of trustees and principal completed the ERO Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • kura administration

  • curriculum

  • management of health, safety and welfare

  • personnel management

  • financial management

  • asset management.

Gloria Takuira

Acting Toka ā Nuku

Te Uepū-ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

14 April 2020