Te Kura o Waioweka

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Designated Character School
Total roll:

48 Waioeka Pa Road, Opotiki

View on map

Te Kura o Waioweka

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. E hāngai ana tēnei pūrongo ki ā rātou pūnaha, ki ā rātou whakaritenga, me ā rātou mahi whakahaere. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā hapū me ngā iwi.

2 Te Horopaki

E tū pā tata atu ana Te Kura o Waioweka ki Ōpōtiki. E whakarato ana te kura i te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori mō ngā uri o ngā tau 1 ki te 8. Nō Ngāti Ira, nō Te Whakatōhea ngā whānau. Ko tō rātou wawata, kia whakatinanahia e rātou te whakataukī a tō rātou tupuna e mea ana, ‘Manaaki te tangata ahakoa ko wai.’  Ko tētahi atu wawata mō meāke nei, kia whakaratohia e te whānau te huarahi e hāpai ai i ngā uri ki te whai tonu i te mātauranga, mā te whakatūnga o tētahi wharekura.

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu mai a ngā uri i tō rātou mātau ā-tinana, ā-tangata, ā-whatumanawa hoki, hei uri o Ngāti Ira?

He ngākau titikaha ō ngā uri ki te whakapuaki i a rātou anō – ā-ahurea, ā-tinana, ā-tangata, ā-whatumanawa hoki - hei uri manawa whakahī o Ngāti Ira.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

E rumakina ana ngā uri ki te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Ira me Te Whakatōhea. Ka whai pānga matua te reo Māori me ngā tikanga a Ngāti Ira ki ngā akoranga katoa. Kei te tākare te whai wāhi atu a ngā uri ki ngā wheako ako hōhonu o te reo ki te kura, ā, ki tua atu hoki. Ka rongo rātou i te tangongitanga o ngā tauira reo papai, mā ngā horopaki ōkawa me ngā horopaki ōpaki. E hāpai ana ngā kaumātua me ngā raukura i te whāngai ā-whakatupuranga atu i te reo o Ngāti Ira, i ngā mātauranga, ā, i ngā kōrero tuku iho hoki. E whanake ana ngā uri ki te kōrero i te reo Māori me te kōkiri hoki i te reo Māori hei reo ora, hei reo kōrerorero.

E whakatinanahia ana ngā wawata o te whānau kia whanake ngā uri hei kaiārahi tūmāia o Ngāti Ira. E akiaki ana, e tautoko ana i ngā uri ki te whakatinana i ngā uara o Ngāti Ira, pērā i te ‘Kimihia te mātauranga.’ Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi i ngā wheako tūturu e whakapūmau ana i tō rātou tuakiri hei uri o Ngāti Ira. Ka tautoko ngā kaimahi ihumanea, kei te tino mōhio hoki rātou ki ngā uri, ā, ka whakarato i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā uri ki te ārahi. Whakatutuki ai ngā tuākana me ngā tēina i ia te wā, i ngā tūranga ārahi i te kura me te hapori, ā, he pakari hoki. Ka tūmāia ngā uri ki te whakatinana i ngā pūmanawa i tautuhia ai e te whānau hei tino pūmanawa ki te whakapiki ake me te whakatairanga ake i ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi.

Ka poipoia te ako a ngā uri me tō rātou whakawhanaketanga torowhānui, ā, ka whai pānga katoa ki te ‘Orangatonutanga.’  Ka whai wāhi atu rātou ki tētahi taiao e whāngai ana i tō rātou waiora torowhānui. Kua tuitui i ngā tirohanga, ngā hītori, me ngā whakapono a te hapori ki ngā hōtaka akoranga. Ka whakatinana, ka whakapuaki hoki ngā uri i te Ngāti Iratanga, mā ngā wheako ako hōhonu, tae atu ki ērā i te marae, i a rātou e whai wāhi atu ana ki ngā huihuinga whakahirahira a te hapū me te iwi. Kei te kaha te tuakiri o ngā uri hei whakahekenga o Ngāti Ira.

E whanake ana ngā uri hei kaitiaki o tō rātou whenua, ā rātou tikanga, me tō rātou iwi. Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo wheako ako i āta whakaarohia ai, ā, e arotahi ana ki te whakawhanake i ngā mōhiotanga me ngā māramatanga ki te Ngāti Iratanga me te Whakatōheatanga. Nā taua tūāhuatanga, ka whakatinana mātātoa, ka whakatauira hoki ngā uri i ngā mātāpono o te kaitiakitanga. Ka whakanuia aua mātāpono e te whānau, ā, ka whai pānga ki ērā, ko te ako me te whakatinanatanga o ngā uri i ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te hāhi Ringatū.

Ka ako ngā uri i te nuku o te whenua, mā roto mai i ngā mōteatea. Ka tautuhi ngā mōteatea i ngā tohu whenua e noho whakahirahira ana ki a Ngāti Ira. Nā taua tūāhuatanga, e whakatairangatia ana te aronga toi whenuatanga o ngā uri. Ko te kapa haka te tūāpapa mō ngā uri ki te whakanui me te whakapuaki i ō rātou mōhiotanga ki te Ngāti Iratanga me te Whakatōheatanga. Waihoki, ka whakapuaki māhorahora nei ngā uri i ngā waiata e tohu ana i tō rātou mōhiotanga, i tō rātou manawa whakahī hoki, me tō rātou taha auaha. Ka whakatinana mātātoa, ka whakatauira hoki ngā uri i ngā mātāpono o te kaitiakitanga e whakanuia ana e te whānau, te hapū, me te iwi.

Ki tā ngā putanga paetae a te kura i pūrongotia ai i te mutunga o te tau 2021, i eke te nuinga o ngā uri ki te taumata i tūmanakohia ai e te kura, ki tua atu rānei, i roto i te kōrero me te tuhituhi. Kāhore i te pērā rawa te eke angitu o ngā putanga mō te pānui me te pāngarau, ā, kei te takiwā o te haurua o ngā ākonga e whakatutuki ana i te tūmanako. I kitea e ngā kaiārahi ngā hapanga, i te wā i tātari rātou i ngā whakaaturanga o Te Reo Matatini. I tūhura ngā kaiārahi i ngā take pea i pēnei ai. I whakamahi rātou i aua whakaaturanga, me tā rātou tātari whānui i ngā putanga paetae, ki te whakatinana i te whāinga mō te whakapaitanga ake o ngā putanga a ngā uri o ngā tau 4 ki te 7, i roto i te reo matatini me te pāngarau hei te tau 2022.

Nō nā noa nei Te Poumarumaru i whakatūngia ai, ā, he whānui ō rātou pūkenga. E mōhio ana rātou me pēhea te toro atu ki te tautoko e tika ana, hei hāpai i tā rātou ako i ā rātou kawenga, hei whakapakari ake hoki i ō rātou āheinga. Hui ai ngā kaiārahi me ngā kaimahi i ia te wā, ki te whakaaro huritao ki ā rātou whakaritenga whakaako, me te whakawhiti kōrero mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te waiora o ngā uri. Ka ako, ka whanake hoki ngā uri ki tētahi taiao e āhuru ana i te taha whatumanawa me te taha tinana o ngā uri.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake 

Kua tautuhia e ngā kaiārahi o te kura, ko te arotake whaiaro me te aromātai o roto ētahi āhuatanga hei whakapakari ake. Koia nei hoki te whakataunga ki tā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga aromātai. E mōhio ana ngā kaiārahi, e tika ana kia arotake, kia whakamana hoki rātou i te tūtohinga, i ngā kaupapa here, ngā tukanga, me te marau ā-kura. Kua noho mātua rā tēnei aronga. Hei āhuatanga o te whakahou ake i te marau ā-kura, ka whai whakaaro ngā kaiārahi me ngā kaiako ki te āta whakahua ake i te āhua tonu o tā rātou whakatinanatanga i te mātauranga whai umanga mā ngā uri o ngā tau 7 me te 8.

Kua tautuhia e ngā kaiārahi o te kura me whakapakari ake i ngā whakaritenga e pā ana ki te aromatawai me te whakaōrite. Ko te whakapakari ake i te āheinga o ngā kaiako ki te whakamahi i ngā mōhiohio aromatawai me te aromatawai arataki kia whai hua ai, ka hāpai anō hoki i a rātou ki te tautuhi i ngā whakaritenga matua ka whai ake mō te whakaako me te ako. Ko te aroturuki ake i te ahu whakamua o ia uri, ka whakamanawa ake hoki i te kaiako mō te ahu whakamua o ngā uri katoa, mā te huarahi e tika ana kia eke angitu ai rātou. Me whakamahi ake hoki ngā kaiārahi i ngā mōhiohio paetae, kia whakatinanahia ai ngā taumata ā-tau e arotahi ai ki te whakatere i te ahu whakamua me ngā paetae a ngā uri e tika ana kia kōkirihia.

Kei te whai wāhi atu ngā kaiārahi me ngā kaiako ki te whakawhanaketanga ngaio me te ako ngaio e tika ana ki te whakapakari ake i ngā whakaritenga. Heoi, i tāutuhia e te tumuaki me ngā kaiako, me whakatakoto i tētahi pūnaha pakari e āta whakapūmau ana i te tino whakatinanatanga o te huringa taiāwhio o te tupu ngaio. Ka whai wāhi ki taua tūāhuatanga, ko te whakatakotoranga i tētahi kirimini ā-tau e pā ana ki te whakahaeretanga o te āhua mahi a te tumuaki. Ka whai hua ngā uri i te wā e tino tautokona ana, e whakahoungia ana hoki i ia te wā, ko ngā mōhiotanga ngaio me ngā whakaritenga ngaio a ngā kaiako me ngā kaiārahi.

Ko te whakapai ake i ngā māramatanga e pā ana ki te arotake whaiaro, me te whakamahi nahanaha i te aromātai o roto kia whai hua ai, ka hāpai i te noho mōhio o ngā kaiārahi ki te whai huatanga o te marau me ngā whakaritenga whakaako, ki te tautoko i te ahu whakamua me ngā paetae a ngā uri. Ka tautuhi hoki i ngā wāhanga o te whakaako me te ako hei whakapai ake, kia tutuki i ngā uri katoa ngā wawata o te whānau mō rātou.

5 Te Whakatau a Te Poumarumaru ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i tirohia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha mō te whakahaeretanga o ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura
  • ngā kaupapa here o te kura, me te whakatutukitanga o ērā i ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te Children’s Act 2014.

6 Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te tumuaki te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • toro atu ngā kaiārahi me ngā kaiako ki ngā mātanga o waho, hei whakapai ake i ngā whakaritenga aromatawai, hei hāpai hoki i ngā whakaritenga whai hua mō te arotake whaiaro me te aromātai o roto.  

Darcy Te Hau
Toka ā Nuku
Te Uepū-a-Motu – Māori

14 Huitanguru, 2023

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te Kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Ōpōtiki

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

Kura ā Iwi

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 57

Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Ngā Kura ā Iwi

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2022

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

14 Huitanguru, 2023

Ngā pūrongo o mua a
Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga, Kohi-tātea 2018; Arotake Mātauranga, Whiringa-ā-rangi 2013; Arotake Mātauranga, Paenga-whāwhā 2011

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. This report reflects their systems, operations and management practices. ERO’s reports provide important information for whānau, hapū and iwi.

2 Context

Te Kura o Waioweka is located near Opotiki. The kura offers te reo Māori immersion education for uri from Years 1-8. Whānau affiliate to Ngāti Ira and Te Whakatōhea. They aspire to embody their tupuna whakataukī, ‘Manaaki te tangata ahakoa ko wai’. A future aspiration for whānau is to provide a pathway for uri to continue their secondary learning through the establishment of a wharekura.

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do uri demonstrate they are physically, socially, and emotionally intelligent uri of Ngāti Ira?

Uri confidently express themselves culturally, physically, socially, and emotionally as proud descendants of Ngāti Ira.

4 Findings

Uri are immersed in te reo and tikanga of Ngāti Ira and Te Whakatōhea. Te reo Māori and tikanga of Ngāti Ira is integral to all learning. Uri enthusiastically engage in authentic rich language learning experiences in and beyond the kura. They are exposed to a variety of positive language models in both formal and informal settings. Kaumātua and raukura support the intergenerational transmission of te reo of Ngāti Ira, knowledge and stories. Uri are developing as speakers of te reo Māori who champion te reo Māori as a living and thriving language.

Whānau aspirations for uri to develop as confident leaders of Ngāti Ira are being realised. Uri are encouraged and supported to embody Ngāti Ira values such as ‘Kimihia te mātauranga’. Kaimahi provide authentic experiences that reinforce their identity as Ngāti Ira. Intuitive and supportive kaimahi know uri well and provide opportunities for them to lead. Tuakana and teina regularly and confidently carry out leadership roles in the kura and the community. Uri confidently exemplify the identified attributes whānau value to uplift and enhance whānau, hapū and iwi.

Uri learning and holistic development is fostered and encompasses ‘Orangatonutanga’. They experience a nurturing environment conducive to their holistic wellbeing. Local perspectives, histories and beliefs are incorporated into learning programmes. Uri live and express Ngāti Iratanga through rich learning experiences, including those at the marae where they participate in events significant to hapū and iwi. Uri are secure in their identity as Ngāti Ira.

Uri are developing as kaitiaki of their whenua, tikanga and iwi. Kaimahi provide a range of considered learning experiences that focus on developing knowledge and understandings of Ngāti Iratanga and Whakatōheatanga. Consequently, uri actively practice and role model the principles of kaitiakitanga. These are valued by whānau and include uri learning and practicing the protocols of the Ringatū faith.

Uri learn about the lay of the whenua through mōteatea they recite. Mōteatea identify landmarks of significance to Ngāti Ira. As a result, uri’ sense of belonging is enhanced. Kapahaka provides a platform for uri to celebrate and express their knowledge of Ngāti Iratanga and Whakatōheatanga.  Furthermore, uri spontaneously break out into waiata that demonstrates their knowledge and shows pride as well as creative expression. Uri actively practice and role model the principles of kaitiakitanga valued by whānau hapū and iwi.

The kura reported achievement outcomes for the end of 2021 showed most uri achieved at or above kura expectations in kōrero and tuhituhi. Outcomes in pānui and pāngarau were not as successful, with approximately half of the student's meeting expectation. Leaders' analysis of Te Reo Matatini findings identified discrepancies. Leaders explored why this might have occurred. They used these findings and their overall analysis of achievement outcomes to inform the goal of improving outcomes in literacy and numeracy for uri in Years 4-7 for 2022.

The newly elected poumarumaru bring a range of skills to their role. They know where they can seek support to assist them in learning about their responsibilities and to build capability. Leaders and kaimahi meet regularly to reflect on their teaching practices and discuss uri health, safety and wellbeing. Uri learn and develop in a safe emotional and physical environment.

Key Next Steps

Kura leaders have identified that self-review and internal evaluation require strengthening. ERO’s evaluation confirms this. Leaders know they need to review and ratify the tūtohinga, policies and procedures and the marau-a-kura. These have been prioritised. As part of the refresh of the marau-a-kura, leaders and kaiako will consider expressing more deliberately how they will implement careers education for uri in Years 7 and 8.

Kura leaders have identified that assessment and moderation practices require strengthening. Building kaiako capability to use assessment information, and formative assessment practices, effectively should assist them to identify key next steps for teaching and learning. Monitoring the progress of individual uri better will give kaiako more confidence that all uri progress at the rate necessary for them to achieve success. Leaders also need to use achievement information better to inform annual targets that focus on accelerating the progress and achievement of those uri that require this. 

Leaders and kaiako engage in appropriate professional development and learning that builds practice. However As identified by tumuaki and kaiako, they need a more rigorous system to be assured the professional growth cycle is fully implemented. This also includes having an annual performance management agreement in place for the tumuaki. Uri benefit from kaiako and leaders’ professional knowledge and practice being well supported and up to date.

Improving understandings of self review and using systematic internal evaluation effectively should assist leaders to know how well the curriculum and teaching practices support uri progress and achievement. And, where further improvements are needed to teaching and learning so all uri achieve the aspirations the whānau hold for them.

5 Poumarumaru Assurance on Legal Requirements

During the evaluation, ERO checked at the following areas:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)

  • physical safety of students

  • teacher registration

  • processes for appointing staff

  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions, and exclusions

  • attendance

  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Children’s Act 2014.

6 Recommendation

ERO and the tumuaki developed the following recommendation:

  • leaders and kaiako seek external expertise to further improve assessment practice and support effective self review and internal evaluation practices.

Darcy Te Hau
– Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

14 February 2023

7 Information about the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type


Kura roll


Ethnic composition

Māori 57

Special features

Ngā Kura-ā-Iwi

Review team on site

October 2022

Date of this report

14 February 2023

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review, January 2018; Education Review, November 2013; Education Review, April 2011

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waioweka - 23/01/2018

Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka ki waho noa atu i Ōpōtiki, ki te waharoa o te awaawa o Waiōweka. Ko te marae o Ōpeke, ko Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puna o Te Aroha, me te papa kāinga o Waiōweka e pā tata katoa atu ana ki te kura. Ko Ngāti Ira te hapū. Ko Ngāti Ira tētahi o ngā hapū e ono o Te Whakatōhea. He tātai whakapapa tō ngā whānau o te kura ki a Ngāti Ira rāua ko Te Whakatōhea. E whakarato ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka i te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori, e tū ana ki te kura o mua o Waiōweka Native School. E tū tonu ana ngā whare o mua, ā, kua whakatūngia ētahi atu rūma hei whakatutuki i te tupu o te tatauranga tamariki ki te rārangi ingoa. E whai wāhi atu ana te kura ki te kāhui ako o Ōpōtiki.

Tū ana au i te puketapu o Ōpekeroa
Hāngai taku titiro ki te riu o Tamatea Mātangi
Ki ngā whenua o ōku tīpuna.

Ko tētahi manawawera o Ngāti Ira te tūāpapa o te marautanga e kīia nei, ko ‘Kimihia te Mātauranga’. Nā Te Roihe Kurei te manawawera i takoha ki te kura, ā, e tautuhi ana i ngā kawenga a Ngāti Ira hei kaitiaki o tō rātou whenua, ā rātou tikanga, me tō rātou iwi. Ka aro nui anō hoki te marautanga ki te hiringa o ngā uri katoa, ā, ka poipoia rātou ki te Mana Ahureatanga – arā, ko ngā wheako e whai pānga ana ki te ahurea me te whakawhanaungatanga; ki te Mana Mātauranga - mā te whai wāhi atu ki ngā kaupapa ā-hinengaro; ā, ki te Mana Oranga tonutanga - mā ngā whai wāhitanga e pā ana ki taha wairua me te taha tinana. E kapo atu ana anō hoki i tō rātou motuhaketanga hei uri o Ngāti Ira rāua ko Te Whakatōhea.

He pēhea rawa ngā ākonga e whakatinana ana i ngā tūmanako me ngā wawata o tō rātou iwi?

He manawa whakahī tō te tū o ngā ākonga hei uri o Ngāti Ira, ā, e whakawhanake ana rātou i runga anō i te āhua o ngā tūmanako me ngā wawata o ō rātou whānau me tō rātou iwi.

Ngā Whakaaturanga

1 Ngā Putanga ki ngā Uri

Mana Ahureatanga

E whakatinana ana ngā ākonga i ngā uaratanga me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Ira. He wawata ō te whānau kia pakari te tuakiri, te reo, me te ahurea o ā rātou tamariki hei uri o Ngāti Ira. Ka hāpai te whānau i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo wheako e whai pūtake ana, ā, e whakapūmau ana i ngā hononga o ngā ākonga ki a Ngāti Ira me tō rātou tuakiri hei ākonga o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka. Ka rongo i te manawa whakahī, te ngākau nui anō hoki o ngā pākeke i a rātou e kōrero ana mō te angitu o ngā ākonga, me ā rātou whakatutukitanga, ā rātou whakatairangatanga hoki. Ka hāngai anō hoki tēnei ki te ako a ngā tamariki i te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Ira. Ka poipoia, ka whakatauirahia hoki te noho o te tuakana me te teina ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka, inarā ki waenga anō hoki i te kura me te kōhanga reo. Whai wāhi atu ai ngā pouako me ngā ākonga ki te kōhanga reo i ia te wā, hei hāpai, hei whakatairanga hoki i te whanaungatanga. Ka rumakina ngā ākonga i te kura me te hapori whānui, ki ngā kaupapa e whakatairanga ana i tō rātou tū hei uri o Ngāti Ira. E whanake ana ngā ākonga hei kaiārahi o Ngāti Ira.

E whiwhi ana ngā ākonga i ngā hua ka puta i te whānuitanga me te hōhonutanga o ngā wheako akoranga. Ka whakatōngia te Ngāti Iratanga ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o te kura, mai i te tirohanga a te kura, tae atu hoki ki ngā wheako akoranga me te hōtaka o ia rā. Ka hāngai ngā akoranga ki ngā kaupapa e whai pānga nui ana ki ngā ākonga katoa, pērā i ngā tāngata me ngā wāhi whakahirahira, me ngā hītori o Ngāti Ira. Ka āta whakamahi ngā pouako i ngā waiata, ngā mōteatea, me ngā ngeri ki te whakapuaki me te whakapūmau i ngā ariā ako. Ka kitea ki te kapa haka, te pakari o te kiritau me te manawa whakahī o ngā ākonga i a rātou e tū ana. Ka riro hoki i a rātou ngā hua o te mātauranga Māori kei roto i ngā waiata me ngā haka e ākona ana e rātou. E whakarato ana ngā pouārahi me ngā pouako i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te whakapakari ake me te whakatairanga ake i tō rātou Ngāti Iratanga. He ngākau titikaha tō ngā ākonga i roto i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki.

Mana Mātauranga

E whakawhanake ana ngā ākonga i ngā pūkenga ki te whakahonohono me te kōkiri i ō rātou huarahi ako. Ko te waihanga, te whakamaheretanga, me te whakapuakitanga hoki o te marautanga e tuitui katoa ana i te mātanga me ngā mōhiotanga o ngā pākeke me te hapū o Ngāti Ira. E tautuhi ana ngā mahere hōtaka i te ako a ngā ākonga i a rātou anō, ā, i ō rātou hononga anō hoki ki a Ngāti Ira. E hāpai ana ngā pouako i te ako mātātoa mā te whakatauira i ngā tūmanako, te tautuhi i ngā takune ako, me te whakatakoto i ngā huringa ako e hāngai pū ana ki ngā tūmomo rōpū me ō rātou matea ake. Ka whakamaheretia ngā kaupapa whānui, ā, ka tuituia ki ngā wāhanga marautanga mā te aronga nui ki te pūtaiao, te hangarau, me te reo matatini. Kua whakatōngia ngā mahinga ki ia akomanga. E hāpai ana ngā whai wāhitanga ako i te āta whai wāhi nui o ngā ākonga ki ngā akoranga takirōpū, takitahi hoki. E whakawhanake ana ngā ākonga i ngā pūkenga e akiaki ana i tā rātou whai kawenga ake. He tākare te ako a ngā ākonga.

Ka kawe ake, ka whai ake hoki ngā ākonga i ngā wero me ngā whai wāhitanga. Ka mahi tahi te kaiāwhina ki ngā tamariki o te kura hei āta hāpai kia ahu whakamua tonu ai rātou i roto i te pānui. Ka whakatauira ngā pouārahi me ngā pouako mātanga i te āhua o ngā whakaritenga papai mā ngā kaimahi. Ka whakatauira rātou i ngā tūmanako nui i roto i ngā whakaritenga ngaio, ā, he mātātoa anō hoki tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki te hāpai i ngā whakapaitanga ki te kounga o ngā whakaakoranga. Ko te whakawhanake i ngā pouako tētahi aronga matua. Ka whakaratohia e ngā mātanga o roto, o waho hoki, te ako ngaio me te whakawhanaketanga ngaio e whai pānga nui ana. Kua tohaina ngā rauemi hei āta hāpai ake i ngā ākonga i roto i te pānui me te pāngarau. Ko te hangarau matihiko, ko te whakamahinga anō hoki o ngā taputapu matihiko e whakawhanakehia ana hei hāpai i ngā putanga ākonga. Kua āta whakatinanahia te hangarau mōhiohio, ā, e tino tautokona ana ngā pouako i roto i tēnei tūāhuatanga. E whakamahi ana ngā ākonga i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo pūkenga tuku iho, pūkenga hou hoki, hei hāpai i ā rātou akoranga.

Mana Oranga Tonutanga

Ka kawe ake, ka whai ake hoki ngā ākonga i ngā wero me ngā whai wāhitanga. Ka kawe rātou i ngā karakia o te hāhi Ringatū mā te māramatanga me te whakarangatiratanga, hei tīmata i ia rā. Ka whakanuia e ngā ākonga katoa te tū ki te kawe i ngā karakia, ā, e mārama ana ki te katoa te whakahirahiratanga o aua kawenga. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā ākonga ki ngā kaupapa ā-hapori, ā-rohe, ā-motu hoki i roto i ngā kaupapa pērā i te kapa haka, ngā hākinakina, me te hangarau, ā, ka eke angitu hoki rātou. Kua tino eke angitu ngā ākonga tuākana i roto i ā rātou ake hākinakina, ā, kua whakanuia rātou ki ngā hui tuku taonga o te hapori. Ka tūhuratia ngā huarahi pae tawhiti o ngā ākonga tuākana. E eke angitu ana ngā ākonga i roto i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki.

He aronga nui hoki ki te oranga ā-whatumanawa o ngā ākonga. He tūmanako ō te kura whānui hei ārahi i te whakahaeretanga o ngā pouako i te ako me te whanonga a ngā ākonga. Ka whakawhiti kōrero ngā pouārahi me ngā pouako mō ngā rautaki ka hāpai i ngā tūmomo āhua ako o tēnā me tēnā, ā, he māramatanga ngātahi tō rātou ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo whanonga e tika ana. Kua whai wāhi atu ngā kaimahi ki ngā whakawhanaketanga ngaio e whai pānga ana, ā, e whakatairanga ana hoki i te ako me te whanonga e whai hua ana. Ka āta kawe mārika ngā ākonga i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo wheako akoranga.

Ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

E mōhio ana Te Poumarumaru me te tumuaki, me tahuri wawe rātou ki te whakaōkawa i ā rātou pūnaha e pā ana ki te whakahaeretanga o te āhua mahi a ngā kaimahi. Kua whakawhanakehia e Te Poumarumaru me te tumuaki te tukanga. Ko te tuhi haere me te whakaoti i te tukanga te aronga matua i nāianei. Mā tēnei, ka āta tautokona, ka noho mōhio hoki ngā kaimahi hei whakatutuki i ngā tūmanako o Te Poumarumaru me te iwi.

Ko te wawata ō te whānau kia haere tonu ngā akoranga a ā rātou tamariki i te kura, ki tua atu i te Tau 8. Kua tāutuhia e rātou tō rātou hiahia ki tētahi wharekura, hei whakapai ake i ngā putanga mō ā rātou tamariki.

Te Ārahitanga me te Aromātai o Roto

Ka whakakotahi te ārahitanga, ā, ka whai wāhi atu ki ngā tino painga mō ngā ākonga. Kua tohaina ki ngā kaimahi ngā tūranga e whakapakari ai i te ārahitanga. He aronga ngātahi, he aronga ā-whānau hoki tō ngā kaimahi ki tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ō rātou tūranga ngaio. Nō te wāhanga tuatoru tētahi tumuaki whakakapi i whakatūngia ai. Kua aro te tumuaki ki te whakapai i ngā pūnaha e pā ana ki te aromatawai me te whakaōrite i ngā paetae o te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Nā tōna ārahitanga, kua tāutuhia ngā tamariki hei āta hāpai ake, ā, kua whakahāngaitia anō hoki ngā rauemi. Pūrongo ai te tumuaki ki Te Poumarumaru i ia te wā mō ngā paetae ākonga.

He mārama te tirohanga a Te Poumarumaru me ngā pouārahi, ā, e arotahi ana tēnei ki ngā painga mō ā rātou ākonga mā te whakanui me te whakapūmau anō hoki i tō rātou Ngāti Iratanga. Ka kawe ake ngā kaitiaki hou o Te Poumarumaru i ō rātou tūranga, mā te aronga ki ngā painga mō ngā ākonga hei uri o Ngāti Ira. E hāpaitia ana rātou e te heamana kua roa nei e whai wāhi mai ana, me te mātau hoki o te tumuaki whakakapi. He tātai whakapapa tō ngā kaitiaki o Te Poumarumaru ki a Ngāti Ira.

E whakamōhio ana te aromātai o roto i ngā tukanga whakataunga me te āhua o te whakapai tonutanga. Kua āta whakatōngia te aromātai o roto. Tū ai ngā hui a Te Poumarumaru i ia te wā, ā, kua āta whakaritea, kua āta whakatakotohia hoki. Ka kōrerohia ngā wāhanga matua o te kāwana i te kura, ā, ka whāia tonuhia. E ū ana Te Poumarumaru ki te tirohanga rautaki e whakahāngai pū ana i te aronga matua ki te whakawhanake i te mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga ki tō rātou reo, ā rātou tikanga, me ā rātou hītori hei uri o Ngāti Ira. Ko te aronga ki ngā mātauranga me te tū tangata o Ngāti Ira e whakaaweawe ana i te āhua o ngā whakataunga ā-kāwana i te kura. E āta whakapuaki ana ngā mahere rautaki i ngā whāinga e hāpai ana i te hononga o ngā ākonga ki a Ngāti Ira.

2 Te Whakatau a te Poari ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a Te Poumarumaru mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā pouako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura
  • te whakatutukitanga i te Ture Oranga Tamariki 2014.

Ngā Mahi hei Whakatutuki

  • Me whakawhanake, me whakatinana hoki i ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga e pā ana ki te tuku mahi me te arohaehae kaimahi.
    [s77c Te Ture Kaimahi Kāwanatanga 1988; Te Kahiti o Aotearoa me ngā Kirimini ā-tōpū mō te Whiwhi Mahi e whai pānga ana]

Hei whakapai ake i ngā whakaritenga o tēnei wā, me tahuri Te Poumarumaru ki te:

  • whakamahine me te āta whakatakoto i ngā pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ngā kaimahi, hei āta tautoko i ngā kaimahi ki te whakatutuki i ngā tūmanako o Te Poumarumaru me te iwi.

3 Ngā Taunakitanga

Kua whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te kura ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā:

  • kia tūhura tonu i ngā huarahi ki te whakatū i te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori mō ngā ākonga o ngā Tau 9 ki te 13 ki te rohe o Te Whakatōhea
  • kia whakatōngia ngā pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ngā kaimahi.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga aromātai anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te aromātai whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka i roto i ngā tau e toru.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

23 Kohitātea, 2018

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Ōpōtiki

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura ā-iwi

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 41

Tama tāne 49

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te ratonga reo Māori

Taumata 1 – 81-100%

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Whiringa-ā-rangi 2017

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

23 Kohitātea, 2018

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Whiringa-ā-rangi 2013

Paenga-whāwhā 2011


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waioweka is just outside Ōpotiki, at the entrance of the Waioweka Gorge. Located by the kura is Opeke Marae, Te Puna o te Aroha Kōhanga Reo and the Waioweka papakainga. The hapū of the area is Ngāti Ira. Ngāti Ira is one of the six hapū of Whakatōhea. Whānau in the kura whakapapa to Ngāti Ira, Whakatōhea. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waioweka offers Māori medium education and is situated on the old Waioweka Native School site. The original buildings still stand, and new rooms have been added to accommodate the roll growth. The kura is a member of the Ōpotiki Kāhui Ako.

Tū ana au i te puketapu o Opekeroa
Hāngai taku titiro ki te riu o Tamatea Mātangi
Ki ngā whenua o āku tīpuna.

The curriculum, ‘Kimihia te Mātauranga’, is based on a Ngāti Ira manawa wera or chant. This manawa wera was gifted to the school by Te Roihe Kurei and defines the responsibilities Ngāti Ira has as kaitiaki of their whenua, tikanga and iwi. The curriculum recognises the excellence in all uri and nurtures their uri through Mana Ahureatanga, experiences in cultural and social pursuits, Mana Mātauranga involvement in academic pursuits, and Mana Oranga Tonutanga opportunities in spiritual and physical pursuits. It captures their uniqueness as Ngāti Ira, Whakatōhea.

How effectively do students demonstrate the hopes and aspirations of their people?

Students proudly display their identity as Ngāti Ira, and are developing in line with the hopes and aspirations of their whānau and iwi.


1 Uri Outcomes

Mana Ahureatanga

Students practice the values and tikanga of Ngāti Ira. Whānau have aspirations for their children to be strong in their Ngāti Ira identity, language and culture. They support a wide range of meaningful experiences for students that reinforce their links to Ngāti Ira and their identity as students of Waioweka. Pakeke speak with pride and joy about student success, their achievements and their improvements. These include the children’s learning of Ngāti Ira language and tikanga. Tuakana, teina relationships are fostered and modelled within Waioweka, and in particular between the kura and the kōhanga reo. There are regular occasions when pouako and students spend time in the kōhanga reo to support and enhance whanaungatanga. Students are immersed in kaupapa that enhances their identity as Ngāti Ira, in the kura and the wider community. Students are developing as leaders for Ngāti Ira.

Students benefit from the breadth and depth of learning experiences. Ngāti Iratanga is embedded into all aspects of the kura from the school’s vision, learning experiences and the daily programme. Learning encompasses kaupapa that are important to all students including significant people and places, and Ngāti Ira history. Pouako deliberately use waiata, mōteatea and ngeri to introduce and reinforce learning concepts. Through kapahaka, students show high levels of self-esteem and pride in their performances. They also benefit from the mātauranga Māori within the waiata and haka they learn. Pouārahi and pouako provide students with opportunities that build on, and enhance their Ngāti Iratanga. Students are confident in a range of different contexts.

Mana Mātauranga

Students are developing the skills to be connected, independent learners. The curriculum design, planning and delivery incorporates the expertise and knowledge of pakeke and iwi of Ngāti Ira. Programme planning defines that students will learn about who they are and their connections to Ngāti Ira. Pouako support active learning by modelling expectations, defining learning intentions, setting learning rotations specific to different groups and their needs. Overarching kaupapa are planned and integrated across curriculum areas with particular focus on pūtaiao, hangarau and te reo matatini. Routines are embedded within each akomanga. Learning opportunities support students to participate freely in group and individual learning. Students are developing skills that encourage them to take responsibility. Students are enthusiastic learners.

Students accept challenge and take opportunities. The kaiāwhina withdraws target children from all year levels to support their reading progress. Mentor and experienced teachers provide examples of best practise for kaimahi. They model high expectations for professional practice, and actively engage in supporting improvements in the quality of teaching. Pouako development is a priority. Relevant professional learning and development is provided by internal and external experts. Resourcing has been allocated to provide extra support for students in pānui and pāngarau. Digital technology and the use of digital tools to support student outcomes is developing. The implementation of Information Communications Technology (ICT) has been deliberate and kaiako are well supported to do this. Students use a range of traditional and contemporary skills to support them with their learning.

Mana Oranga Tonutanga

Students accept challenge and take opportunities. They lead Ringatū karakia with understanding and reverence to start the day. The roles for leading the karakia are highly regarded by all students, and the importance of these roles are understood. Students participate in and achieve success in local, regional and national events including kapa haka, sports and technology projects. Senior students have excelled in their chosen sports and have been acknowledged in local community awards. Future pathways are explored for senior students. Students are successful in different contexts.

Student’s emotional well-being is a priority. There are school wide expectations to guide pouako in managing students learning and behaviour. The pouārahi and pouako discuss strategies to support particular learning dispositions, and have a shared understanding the varying levels of acceptable behaviours. Staff have participated in relevant professional development that promotes effective learning and behaviour. Students take on different learning experiences with assurance.

Kura-identified areas of development

The poumarumaru and the tumuaki recognise the urgent need to formalise their performance management systems for kaimahi. The process has been developed by the poumarumaru and the tumuaki. Recording and completing the process is now a priority. This will ensure that the kaimahi are well supported and informed to meet poumarumaru and iwi expectations.

Whānau have aspirations for their children to continue with their learning at the kura, beyond Year 8. They have identified that they want a Wharekura to improve outcomes for their children.

Leadership and Internal Evaluation

Leadership is inclusive and contributes to positive outcomes for students. Roles to grow leadership capacity across the kaimahi have been allocated. The staff have a collective, whānau approach to fulfilling their professional roles. An interim tumuaki has been in place since term 3. The tumuaki has focused on improving systems for assessing and moderating achievement in te reo matatini and pāngarau. Under her guidance, target children were identified and resources were focused. The tumuaki reports regularly to the poumarumaru on student achievement.

The poumarumaru and pouārahi have a clear vision that focuses on outcomes for their students while acknowledging and maintaining their Ngāti Iratanga. Newly elected poumarumaru members accept their responsibility with a focus on outcomes for students as uri o Ngāti Ira. They are supported by a long serving chairperson, and an experienced interim tumuaki. Poumarumaru have Ngāti Ira connections.

Internal evaluation informs decision making processes and ongoing improvements. There is a culture of internal evaluation. Regular poumarumaru meetings are well-organised and structured. Key areas of governance are discussed and followed up. The poumarumaru adheres to the strategic vision which places central importance on developing students who know their language, tikanga and history as Ngāti Ira. Decisions at a governance level are influenced by the focus on Ngāti Ira knowledge and ways of being. Strategic planning clearly articulates goals that support students’ connection to Ngāti Ira.

2 Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the evaluation, the board of trustees and principal completed the ERO Te Poumarumaru Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the evaluation, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration and certification
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance
  • compliance with the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

Actions required

  • Develop and implement policies and procedures for employment and appraisal of staff.
    [s 77C State Sector Act 1988; NZ Gazette and relevant Collective Employment Agreement]

To improve current practice, the board of trustees should:

  • Refine and embed personnel management systems to ensure staff are well supported to meet expectations of the Poumarumaru and iwi.

3 Recommendations

ERO and the kura have developed the following recommendations:

  • Continue to explore pathways for the establishment of a Māori medium pathway for Year 9-13 students in Whakatōhea

  • Embed personnel management systems of staff.

When is ERO likely to evaluate the kura again?

The next ERO evaluation of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiōweka will be within 3 years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

23 January 2018

About the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Ngā Kura ā Iwi

Kura roll


Gender composition

Girls 41

Boys 49

Ethnic composition



Māori language provision

Level 1 – 81-100%

Review team on site

November 2017

Date of this report

23 January 2018

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

November, 2013

April, 2011