Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha

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Kura Kaupapa Maori
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5453 State Highway 27, Waitoa

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Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha - 24/06/2016

Ngā Whakaaturanga

E tū ana Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha ki Matamata, i Waikato. Ko ngā uaratanga o Te Kīngitanga te tūāpapa o ngā mātāpono me ngā whakapono e whakatinanahia ana ki te kura. He pakari te aronga o te whānau me ngā ākonga. Ka whakahonohono atu ngā ākonga ki a rātou anō. E tino poipoia ana ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e akiaki ana, e hāpai ana hoki i a rātou ki te eke angitu.

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, he arotake o Te Rākeitanga. 

1 Te Horopaki

Kua pūrena tonu ngā ngākau e ngā tumu kōrero o Te Aho Matua, hei huarahi e aupiki ake ngēnei Māhuri o Ngāti Haua, ki ngā kōtihitihitanga e tika ana mō rātou.

Ko Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha tētahi kura hiato (Tau 1-13) ki Matamata, ki te rohe o Waikato. E poipoia ana ngā ākonga me te whānau ki ngā uaratanga me ngā whakapono Karaitiana, Māori hoki. He tino tūāpapa aua mātāpono mō te tūtohinga me te aronga rautaki o te kura. Ka tuituia hoki ngā mātāpono me ngā whāinga o Te Kīngitanga me te Tumuakitanga, hei āhuatanga tonu o te tikanga whakaaro me ngā whakapono e ārahi ana i te kura, me ngā hōtaka akoranga. Ka noho whakahihiri ngā ākonga ki te kōkiri i ā rātou huarahi angitu mō rātou anō, mō ō rātou whānau hoki.

2 Te Tino Uaratanga

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu a ngā ākonga i te pakari o tō rātou kiritau, tō rātou tūmāia, tō rātou kiritoa, me ō rātou pūmanawa ki te ārahi?

He pakari te aronga kiritau me te tūmāia o ngā ākonga, ā, ka whakaatuhia e rātou ngā pūmanawa o te ārahi.

Te Ira Tangata

Ka tino poipoia, ka tino manaakitia hoki ngā ākonga.

He pai, he whakakoia hoki ngā hononga ki waenga i ngā ākonga, ngā kaimahi, me te whānau, ā, he nui hoki te whakaute. Ka whai pānga nui ngā uaratanga me ngā whakapono ki Te Kīngitanga me te Tumuakitanga, ā, he tino tūāpapa ēnei mō ngā akoranga. Ka whai pānga nui ngā whakapono me ngā tikanga o te iwi ki te āhua o ngā mahi ki te kura. Ka hāpaitia, ka whakamanahia hoki te whai wāhi mai o ngā kaumātua me ngā kuia. Ka tautāwhi te taiao ako i ngā mātāpono o Ngāti Haua, pērā i te whai koha, te manaakitanga, te ururoa, me te reo hei reo rangatira. Nā tēnei, he manawa whakahī tō ngā ākonga mō rātou anō, mō tō rātou tuakiri hei uri o Haua. He tākare ngā ākonga.

Te Reo

Ka whakaaro, ka kōrero hoki ngā ākonga mā te reo Māori.

Ka kōrero ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi i te reo Māori anake. Ka whakapuaki ngā ākonga i ō rātou whakaaro mā te reo Māori, ā, he pakari, he whakakatakata, he māhorahora anō hoki te whakaputa mai. Ka mārama rātou i te whai pānga me te whai wāhi nui o te reo Māori ki te kura me tō rātou iwi. He pakari te kōrero i te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa, ā, he matatau hoki tā rātou whakamahinga. Nā te taki i ia rā i ngā karakia, ngā hīmene me ngā mōteatea, ka tau mai te rangimārie, te mauritau anō hoki ki te kura me te taiao akoranga o ngā ākonga. He mātau te kōrero a ngā ākonga i te reo Māori.

Kua āta whakaritea ngā rautaki ka whakatairanga ake i te reo Māori ki te hapori whānui. Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi me ngā mema o te whānau i ngā taumahi i ia te wā ka whakawhanake, ka whakawhānui hoki i te mātau o ngā ākonga ki te reo. Ka whakapuaki te whānau i tō rātou mōhiotanga, tō rātou mātanga hoki hei hāpai i te whakawhanaketanga reo o ngā ākonga me ā rātou whakatutukitanga. He mātātoa tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki te taha o ā rātou tamariki, hei whakarauora anō, hei kōkiri anō hoki i te reo Māori ki te motu, ki tāwāhi hoki.

Ka aroturuki, ka aromatawai hoki ngā kaiako i ngā pūkenga reo me ngā whakawhanaketanga reo o ngā ākonga. He pai te whakarite i ngā ākonga hei tino puna reo, hei tino puna ahurea hoki mō ō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi, me tō rātou hapori. Ka tū pakari ngā ākonga i roto i tō rātou reo me tō rātou ahurea.

Ngā Iwi

Ka rongo, ka whakaatu hoki ngā ākonga i te manawa whakahī, i tā rātou kawenga ake anō hoki hei uri o tō rātou iwi.

Ka mārama, ka whakatutuki hoki i ngā ākonga i ia te wā, i ā rātou takohanga, ā rātou kawenga anō hoki ki tō rātou marae o Ngāti Haua. Ka whakarato te kura i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te taunekeneke me te whai wāhi atu ki ngā manuhiri nō tāwāhi, nō ratonga kē atu, nō ētahi atu, ā, nō ētahi atu iwi hoki o te rohe me te motu whānui. Nā aua wheako ka whakawhānui ake te noho maioha o ngā ākonga ki ō rātou hononga ā-whakapapa, ō rātou hononga ki ētahi atu, me te whai whakaaro hoki ki ngā tūmomo rerekētanga o ngā ahurea. Kua hoki mai ētahi o ngā raukura o te kura hei kaiako, hei kaimahi hoki, ā, ka tino whakaaweawe rātou i ā rātou ākonga. Ka kitea te whakaute, te aroha, me te manaaki o ngā ākonga mō ētahi atu.

Ka whakatauira, ka whakatinana hoki ngā kaimahi me te whānau i te whakahirahiratanga o te whanaungatanga me te aroha. Ka hāngai ngā whakaritenga i ngā akomanga ki te kawa me ngā tikanga o te iwi, ā, ka whai pānga nui ki Te Kīngitanga. Ka mārama te whānau i te pūmautanga e tika ana hei mema o te whānau kura, hei āta tautoko anō hoki i ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi i roto i ā rātou whakaakoranga, ā rātou akoranga, me tō rātou atawhai. Ko te waiora o ngā ākonga te tino tūāpapa mō te whakawhanaketanga pai o te whānau me te hapori. He nui ngā tūmanako o te kura mō ā rātou ākonga katoa, ā, ka noho pūmau ki tō rātou āheinga ki te whai wāhi mātātoa atu ki te whakatau i tā rātou kōkiri whakamua hei uri o Ngāti Haua.

Te Ao

Ka rumakina ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e hāngai ana, e whakapūmau ana hoki i tō rātou tirohanga motuhake, tirohanga Ngāti Haua ki te ao.

Ka tūhura ngā ākonga i te ao Māori mā te whai wāhi atu ki ngā karakia, ngā mihimihi, ngā waiata, ngā pepehā me ētahi atu tūmomo kōrero tuku iho. Ka ako rātou i te hītori o Te Kīngitanga, te Tumuakitanga, me ētahi atu wāhi whakahirahira, tāngata whakahirahira hoki e whakahono ana i a rātou ki tō rātou iwi, ā, ki ētahi atu. Ko ētahi kaupapa ā-tau, pērā i Te Wiki Hākinakina, e hāpai ana i te ako a ngā ākonga i ō rātou tūranga, ā rātou kawenga mahi hoki ki ngā horopaki tuku iho me ngā horopaki o te ao hou nei, ki te hapori me te motu. Ka whakatairangatia te ako a ngā ākonga nā ngā whai wāhitanga ki te haereere ki ngā wāhi e noho whakahirahira ana ki tō rātou iwi. Ko ētahi o aua haerenga ka whai pānga ki te tūhura, te whakatewhatewha anō hoki i ngā pou whenua motuhake me ngā wāhi ka whakahua nuitia ki ngā kōrero tuku iho o Ngāti Haua me te waka o Tainui. Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te haere ki tāwāhi, ki te ako me te āta tūhonohono ki ētahi atu iwi taketake o te ao. Ka whakanui, ka whakamana hoki ngā ākonga i tō rātou whai wāhi nui ki te ao Māori me te ao whānui.

Āhuatanga Ako

Ka whakanuia ngā mahi angitu a ngā ākonga.

Ka aro nui ngā hōtaka ki ngā matea ako o ngā ākonga. He ātaahua ngā taiao akoranga, ā, ka āta whakaatuhia, ka whakanuia hoki ngā mahi a ngā ākonga. Ka whai wāhi nui ngā kaiāwhina ki te rōpū whakaako, ā, ka hāpai rātou i ngā kaiako me ngā ākonga. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki papai ka whakakipakipa, ka whakaongaonga hoki i ngā akoranga. He māhorahora te whakapuaki a ngā ākonga i ō rātou whakaaro me tō rātou toro atu ki te āwhina o te kaiako. He pai ngā hononga o ngā kaimahi me ngā ākonga ki ētahi atu.

Ka tāutu ngā kitenga ōkawa me ngā kitenga ōpaki i ngā matea ako me ngā ngākau nuitanga o ngā ākonga. Ka ārahi aua mōhiohio i ngā mahere. Kei te whanake ake te aromātai hōtaka. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki aromatawai hei tāutu i te ahu whakamua o ia ākonga i roto i āna akoranga. He mātātoa te whai wāhi atu a ngā ākonga ki ā rātou akoranga.

Ngā Wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

Ahakoa kua aro atu ki ngā whāinga paetae a ngā ākonga, kāhore anō ngā ākonga kia whakaoti i ngā aromatawai, puta noa i ngā rōpū ā-tau, i ngā ākonga rānei e mau nei i ētahi tino matea akoranga. Nā tēnei, kāhore e taea e te whānau te āta whakatau ngā whakatutukitanga o ngā ākonga katoa ki te taumata e tika ana, te tino rawaka rānei o te tautoko mō ngā ākonga e mau nei i ngā matea akoranga.

Me tātari ake, me whakamārama ake hoki i ngā paetae ākonga, inā koa, ki te reo matatini me te pāngarau. He auau te pūrongo i ngā paetae ākonga, engari kāhore i te rawaka te kiko o ētahi o ngā pūrongo, ā, kāhore hoki i te rawaka ngā mōhiohio e whakaratohia ana mā te poari mō ngā paetae ākonga.

Te Wharekura

E noho pūmau ana ngā kaimahi o te wharekura kia eke angitu ai ngā ākonga. E ako ana ngā ākonga o te wharekura i Te Wānanga o Raukawa, ā, kua riro i ngā ākonga tokowaru ā rātou Heke Mātauranga Māori, ā, tokorua anō hoki i riro ā rāua Poutuarongo Mātauranga Māori. Kei te whakawhanake tonu ngā kaimahi i tō rātou āheinga ā-kura ki te whakarato i te marautanga whānui me ngā ara umanga hoki mō ngā tuākana o te kura.

Ngā Wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

I tāutuhia e te whānau o te kura, e tika ana kia whakawhanake ake te aromatawai i ngā kaupapa o Te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu kua Taea, tae atu ki te pāngarau me te pūtaiao. Kua tāutuhia hoki e rātou, me hāpai ake i ngā ākonga o te Tau 9 me te Tau 10, kia rite ake ai rātou ki te whakatutuki i te Taumata 1 o te Pāngarau o Te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu kua Taea. Ko ngā ākonga kāhore e whiriwhiri ana i te mātauranga o te wānanga, ka whai hua hoki mā te whakarite tonu i ngā ara umanga ka whakatutuki i ō rātou ake matea ako.

3 Te Arotake Whaiaro me te Ārahitanga

Ka whakakotahi te ārahitanga. He tino tauira ngā kaiārahi o te kura mō te whānau kura me te hapori whānui. Ka whakatairanga rātou i te reo Māori. Ka āta whakatauira te tumuaki me ngā kaiwhakahaere matua i tētahi rōpū e noho ngākau nui ana, e noho pūmau ana hoki, ā, e mau ana i ngā ākonga kei te pūtake o ngā whakataunga. He kaha te whakawhirinaki, te tū pakari hoki o te rōpū ārahi, ā, ka akiaki rātou i ngā kaimahi ki te whai wāhi atu ki ngā tūnga ārahi me ngā kawenga mahi, hei painga mō ā rātou ākonga.

He matawhānui te mahere rautaki me te mahere ā-tau. Ka whakanuia te whai wāhi a te whānau, puta noa i te kura. Kua whakaritea tētahi tino mahere tauatanga, ā, he tokomaha ngā raukura kua hoki mai ki te kura hei kaiako, hei kaiāwhina hoki. He pakari ngā tukanga e hāpai ana i te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki te whakarite i te noho matua o te waiora o ngā ākonga. Ka ū te kura ki ngā hononga pakari, ngā hononga hāpai hoki ki te whānau me te hapori whānui.

Te wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

Me koke tonu ngā kaiārahi o te kura ki te whakawhanake i te marau a te kura kia hāngai ai, kia whai raupapa ai hoki ngā akoranga mai i te tau 1 ki te tau 13. Mā tēnei aro e whai wāhi ai ngā kaiako me ngā kaiāwhina ki te kawe ake i tētahi hōtaka whakawhanaketanga ngaio e hāngai pū ana ki ngā mahere rautaki, ki ngā whakaritenga o te marau, me ngā mahere aromatawai.

E whanake ana te kounga o te arotake whaiaro. Kāhore i te rawaka ngā whakaaturanga me ngā mōhiohio ki ngā meneti a te whānau me te poari, mō ngā taumata rautaki, te ahu whakamua, me ngā putanga ki ngā ākonga katoa. He mea nui kia arotake, kia pūrongo hoki ngā kaiārahi o te kura i ngā wāhanga matua e hāngai ana ki te āhua o ngā mahi ki te kura i ia te wā.

4 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Me tahuri te poari me te whānau ki te whakarite i:

  • te hāngaitanga o te arohaehae a te kaiārahi ngaio o te kura i ngā kaimahi whakaako ki Ngā Paearu Mō Ngā Pouako Kua Rehitatia i whakatakotohia ai e te Matatū Aotearoa mō te tuku me te whakahou ake anō i ngā tiwhikete whakaako
    [Wāhanga 31, Te Ture Mātauranga 1989]
  • te whakatutukitanga o te mahi arohaehae kaiako i ngā taumata ngaio.
    [s77c Te Ture Kaimahi Kāwanatanga 1998; Te Kahiti o Aotearoa me ngā Kirimini ā-tōpū mō te Whiwhi Mahi e whai pānga ana]

5 Ngā Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kia tahuri te poari me te whānau ki te:

  • whakawhanake me te whakatinana tonu i ngā mahere mō te marau a te kura kia whai wāhi atu a Te Aho Matua mō ngā ākonga o ngā tau 1 ki te 13
  • whakapūmau i tētahi taumata o te tautoko ka whai hua ki te hāpai i te whakatutukitanga a te rōpū ārahitanga me ngā kaimahi i ō rātou tūranga ngaio me ā rātou kawenga ngaio, ā, me hāngai pū ki te aromatawai me te pūrongo i ngā paetae ākonga.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha ki Matamata, i Waikato. Ko ngā uaratanga o Te Kīngitanga te tūāpapa o ngā mātāpono me ngā whakapono e whakatinanahia ana ki te kura. He pakari te aronga o te whānau me ngā ākonga. Ka whakahonohono atu ngā ākonga ki a rātou anō. E tino poipoia ana ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e akiaki ana, e hāpai ana hoki i a rātou ki te eke angitu.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, he arotake o Te Rākeitanga.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

24 Pipiri, 2016

Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Matamata

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura hiato (Tau 1 ki te 13)

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Tama tāne 71

Kōtiro 61

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Kura Kaupapa Māori Te Aho Matua

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

9 Haratua 2016

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

24 Pipiri, 2016

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua

Arotake Motuhake Te Aho Matua

Arotake Motuhake Te Aho Matua

Hui-tanguru 2012

Pipiri 2007

Haratua 2006


Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha is in Matamata, Waikato. Kīngitanga values form the foundation of the kura’s operating principles and beliefs. Whānau and students have a strong sense of purpose. Students experience connections to others. Students are well nurtured in an environment that encourages and supports them to experience success.

The next ERO review of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha will be in three years – Te Rākeitanga – Expansive Evaluation. 

1 Context

Kua pūrena tonu ngā ngākau e ngā tumu kōrero o Te Aho Matua, hei huarahi e aupiki ai ngēnei Māhuri o Ngāti Haua, ki ngā kōtihitihitanga, e tika ana mō rātou.

Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha is a composite (Year 1-13) school in Matamata in the Waikato region. Students and whānau are nurtured in both Christian and Māori values and beliefs. These principles provide a strong foundation for the charter and strategic direction of the kura. Kīngitanga and Tumuakitanga principles and goals are also incorporated as part of the guiding philosophy, beliefs and programmes of learning. Students are motivated participants in creating pathways to success for themselves and their whānau.

2 Te Tino Uaratanga

How effectively do students demonstrate self esteem, self confidence, self discipline and qualities of leadership?

Students have a strong sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and demonstrate qualities of leadership.

Te Ira Tangata

Students are well nurtured and cared for.

Relationships amongst students, kaimahi and whānau are positive and affirming and include high levels of respect. Values and beliefs enshrined in Kīngitanga and Tumuakitanga provide strong foundations for learning. Iwi beliefs and practices influence how things are done at the kura. Kaumātua and kuia presence is supported and valued. The learning environment embraces Ngāti Haua tribal ideals such as whai koha, manaakitanga, ururoa and te reo hei reo rangatira. As a result, students are proud of themselves and their identity as ngā uri o Haua. Students are enthusiastic learners.

Te Reo

Students are thinkers and speakers of Te Reo Māori.

Te reo Māori is the only language spoken by students and staff. Students express their ideas in te reo Māori with confidence, humour and spontaneity. They understand the relevance and significance of te reo Māori at kura and to their iwi. Te reo Māori is spoken confidently, consistently and with a high level of proficiency. The daily recitation of karakia, hīmene and mōteatea brings peace and calm to the kura and to the students learning environment. Students are competent speakers of te reo Māori.

Deliberate strategies are in place to promote te reo Māori in the wider community. Kaimahi and whānau members provide regular activities that develop and extend the language competencies of students. Whānau share their knowledge and expertise to support students’ language development and achievements. They are active participants alongside their children in the reclamation and advancement of te reo Māori nationally and internationally.

Teachers monitor and assess student language skills and development. Students are well prepared as cultural language brokers for their whānau, hapū, iwi and community. Students are secure in their language and culture.

Ngā Iwi

Students experience and demonstrate personal pride and responsibility as tribal members.

Students understand and regularly fulfil their obligations and responsibilities on their Ngāti Haua marae. The Kura provides regular opportunity for students to interact and engage with visitors from abroad, different organisations, and other hapū and iwi regionally and nationally. These experiences extends student’s appreciation of their whakapapa connections, relationship to others, and to be cognisant of cultural differences. Former graduates have returned to the kura as kaiako and kaimahi and as inspiring models for their students. Students show respect, aroha and manaaki for others.

Staff and whānau model and demonstrate the importance of whanaungatanga and aroha. Classroom practices reflect tribal kawa and tikanga that are steeped in Kīngitanga. Whānau understand the commitment required to be part of the kura whānau and to ensure students and kaimahi are well supported in their teaching and learning and care. Student wellbeing is a catalyst for positive whānau and community transformation. The kura have high expectations for all their students and believe in their ability to be active participants in determining their collective future as Uri o Ngāti Haua.

Te Ao

Students are immersed in an environment that reflects and reinforces their unique Ngāti Haua world view.

Students explore te ao Māori through participation in karakia, mihimihi, waiata, pepehā and other oral traditions. They learn about the history of the Kīngitanga, Tumuakitanga and significant places and people that connect them to their iwi and to others. Annual events such as Te Wiki Hākinakina support students to learn about their roles and responsibilities in traditional and contemporary settings in both local and national contexts. Student learning is enhanced by opportunities to travel to places that hold particular importance for their Iwi. These include exploring and investigating landmarks and places recounted in the narratives of Ngāti Haua and Tainui waka. Kaimahi provide students with opportunities to travel internationally to learn about and make meaningful connections with other indigenous cultures. Students acknowledge and value their place in the Māori and wider worlds.

Āhuatanga Ako

Student successes are celebrated.

Programmes are responsive to students’ learning needs. Classroom environments are inviting and students’ work is displayed and celebrated. Kaiāwhina are an integral part of the teaching team and provide support to kaiako as well as students. Kaimahi use a range of effective strategies that motivate and stimulate learning. Students willingly share opinions or seek assistance from kaiako. Kaimahi and students experience positive relationships with others.

Formal and informal observations identify student learning needs and interests. This information guides planning. Programme evaluation is developing. Kaimahi use a range of assessment tools to identify individual students learning progress. Students are actively engaged in their learning.

Kura-identified areas of development

Whilst student achievement targets have been highlighted kaimahi have not completed assessments across all year groups or identified students with specific learning needs. As a result the whānau cannot be assured that all students are achieving to the required standard and that students with specific learning needs are being adequately supported.

Further analysis and interpretation of student achievement data is required, particularly in literacy and numeracy. Student reporting is regular, however some reports lack sufficient detail and do not provide adequate information about student achievement to the board.


Wharekura kaimahi are committed to ensuring student success. Wharekura students are studying at Te Wānanga o Raukawa with 8 students gaining a diploma of Mātauranga Māori and 2 students achieving a degree in Mātauranga Māori. Kaimahi in the wharekura continue to develop their internal capability to provide a broad curriculum and vocational pathways for senior students.

Kura-identified areas of development

The kura whānau identified that further development of assessment in NCEA subjects including pāngarau and pūtaiao is required. They have also identified that additional support is required for Year 9 and 10 students so they are better prepared to undertake NCEA Level 1 Maths. Students who do not opt for tertiary education could also benefit from planned vocational pathways that meet their respective needs.

3 Leadership and Internal review

Leadership is inclusive. Kura leaders are exemplary role models for the kura whānau and wider community. They are advocates for te reo Māori. The principal and senior managers epitomise a committed and dedicated team with students at the heart of decision making. High levels of trust and confidence amongst the leadership team is evident as they encourage staff to take on leadership roles and responsibilities towards providing positive outcomes for their students.

Strategic and annual planning is comprehensive. Whānau contribution across the kura is valued. A sound succession plan is in place as a number of graduates have returned to the kura as both kaiako and kaiāwhina. There are sound processes in place that support the whānau and kaimahi to ensure students wellbeing is a priority. The kura maintains strong and supportive relationships with the whānau and the wider community.

Kura-identified areas of development

Kura leaders should continue to develop the school wide curriculum to align and scaffold learning for years 1 – 13. This approach will enable kaiako and kaiāwhina to undertake a focused professional development programme aligned to the strategic, curriculum and assessment plans.

The quality of internal review is developing. Whānau and board minutes do not provide sufficient evidence and information about strategic targets, progress and outcomes for all students. It is important that Kura leadership regularly reviews and reports on key areas of kura performance.

4 Whānau assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal completed the ERO Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.

The board and whānau must ensure that;

  • the appraisal of teaching staff by the professional leader of the school is based on the Practising Teacher Criteria established by the Education Council for the issue and renewal of practising certificates
    [Ref: Part 31 Education Act 1989]
  • the assessment of teachers is against the professional standards.
    [Good practice re s 77c State Sector Act 1988: NZ Gazette and relevant Collective Employment Agreement]

5 Recommendations

ERO recommends that the board and whānau:

  • continue to develop and implement the kura curriculum planning incorporating Te Aho Matua for years 1 – 13 students
  • maintain an effective level of support for the leadership team and kaimahi to carry out their professional roles and responsibilities with specific focus on assessment and reporting of student achievement.


Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha is in Matamata, Waikato. Kīngitanga values form the foundation of the kura’s operating principles and beliefs. Whānau and students have a strong sense of purpose. Students experience connections to others. Students are well nurtured in an environment that encourages and supports them to experience success.

When is ERO likely to review the Kura again?

The next ERO review of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha will be in three years – Te Rākeitanga – Expansive Evaluation.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

24 June 2016 

Information about the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Composite Area School (Years 1 – 13)

Kura roll


Gender composition

Boys 71

Girls 61

Ethnic composition



Special features

Te Aho Matua

Review team on site

9 May 2016

Date of this report

24 June 2016

Most recent ERO report(s)

Te Aho Matua Education Review

Te Aho Matua Special Review

Te Aho Matua Special Review

February 2012

June 2007

May 2006

Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha - 22/02/2012

1 He Whakamārama

Te Whānuitanga Atu

E aromātai ana te arotake Te Aho Matua i te kounga o te mātauranga e whakawhiwhia ana ki ngā ākonga, me te whakahaere a te poari ki te whakarato i ngā ratonga mātauranga.

Ka tino whai hua ki te whānau te pūrongo i te aromātai e whakaatu mai ana i ngā painga ake i ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga, i te wā e whakarato ana ngā pūrongo i ngā tino mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā putanga hua ki ngā ākonga.

2 Te Horopaki o te Kura

Whakanuia ngā tamariki,

Whakaiti koe i a koe anō

Ko Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha, tētahi kura arongātahi, rumaki reo Māori hoki, mō ngā ākonga o te Tau 1 ki te 13. Kei te takiwā o Matamata-Piako tēnei kura, ki te rohe o Waikato.

Nō te marama o Mahuru te tau 2007 Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha i whakatūturutia ai, hei kura kaupapa Māori o Te Aho Matua. Ko te whakanuitanga, me te whakatuwheratanga o te kura i te tau 2008, i hāngai ai ki te tino noho pūmau o te whānau, i whakapau kaha ki te whakarato i te mātauranga kaupapa Māori mō ā rātou ākonga.

Ko te tirohanga o te whānau me ngā kaimahi o te kura, ko te akiaki i ngā ākonga katoa ki te ako me te eke ki ō rātou tino pūmanawa. He kohara nui tō te whānau ki te whai wāhitanga o ngā uaratanga me ngā whakapono o te Ngāti Hauātanga me te Karaitianatanga, me ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, ki ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga. E whakarato ana te marau o te kura, i ngā horopaki tūturu mō ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga rumaki reo. Ko ngā haerenga ki ngā marae, ka whai pānga nui ki te whakahirahiratanga o te whakapapa, ki te whakahonohono i ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi.

I whakaritea e te whānau o te kura, ko te reo Māori te kaupapa arotahi mō tēnei arotake. E hāngai pū ana ngā whāinga ki te reo Māori, me ōna hua ka kōkiri i ngā akoranga reo a ngā ākonga o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha.

He aronga nui ki te whakapakari i tētahi hāpori e kōrero ana i te reo Māori. E noho pūmau ana te kura ki te āwhina i ngā ākonga me ngā whānau, kia mātau ai rātou ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. E ākina ana ngā ākonga me te whānau, kia whai wāhi ki te whānuitanga o ngā kōkiritanga a te kura. E whakamātauhia ana ki te kura, te hōtaka o Whakapiki i te Reo, ā, nā te Whare Wānanga o Waikato i whakarite. Ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki ngā wānanga me ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te whakatairanga i te kounga o te reo Māori. E hāngai ana ngā hōtaka mō ngā ākonga o te wharekura, ki ngā hōtaka reo o te Panekiretanga. E tautoko ana, e whakaute ana hoki te whānau i ngā pouako e wawata nui ana kia noho rātou ki tētahi taiao rumaki reo Māori.

Ka whakaakona te reo Pākehā ki te wharekura. He wāhi kōrero Pākehā mō ngā whānau kāhore e taea te reo Māori te kōrero. Ka whai wāhi hoki ngā ākonga ki ngā akoranga i tawhiti, ā, ka whai wāhi anō hoki ēnei ki te hāpai i tō rātou reo Māori, i ngā tikanga hoki.

I tāutu te whānau, me whakawhanake i tētahi hōtaka o te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea, e mau ana i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga o te iwi, me ngā taumata, ngā huarahi aromatawai hoki ka whakaaetia. E takune ana hoki rātou, kia whai i ngā tūmomo huarahi akoranga e hāngai ana ki te reo, hei whakapai i te kounga o ngā hōtaka reo mō ā rātou ākonga.

He mātanga ngā pouako me ngā pouāwhina, ā, e ngākau nui ana rātou ki tā rātou mahi. He mātau rātou katoa ki te kōrero i te reo Māori, ā, ka whakatauira i ngā tūmanako mō ngā ākonga me te whānau. Ka whakapau kaha rātou ki te whakaatu ki ngā ākonga ngā wheako akoranga tūturu, kia āhei ai rātou ki te whakatutuki me te eke i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te ao tawhito me te ao hou. E mōhio ana te whānau, ko te reo Māori te pūtake mō ngā mahi angitu a ā rātou ākonga.

Ka whakaatu ngā ākonga me te whānau te tino aronga toi whenuatanga, waiora hoki ki tēnei taiao.

Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E takune ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ki te whakahaere i te arotake whai muri, i roto i ngā tau e toru.

3 Te Tirohanga Te Aho Matua a te Whānau

Ka mahi ngātahi te whānau me ngā kaimahi o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha ki te whakatutuki i te tirohanga wā roa, e whakatakotohia ana ki tā rātou tūtohinga. Ka whakarato i te whānuitanga o ngā wheako akoranga, hei hāpai i ā rātou ākonga ki te whakatutuki i ngā tūmanako me ngā wawata o ō rātou whānau, tō rātou hapū, me tō rātou iwi,‘Kia tū tangata ia hei raukura mō tōna iwi.’

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga Aromātai o ngā Kaupapa

Ngā Tino Uaratanga

Tōku reo, tōku mana, tōku whakatinanatanga

Tōku reo, tōku whenua

Kia Hauā ai tōku reo Māori

Ngā Wāhanga Pakari

Te Reo Māori

E rumakina ana ngā ākonga ki te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Hauā. E whakanui ana Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha i tētahi taiao rumaki reo Māori, ā, kua whakarite i ētahi atu wāhi, mō te kōrero i te reo Pākehā. E tūmanakohia ana, kia whakawhiti kōrero ki te kura, mā te reo o Ngāti Hauā. Ka whakatauira, ka whakapūmau, ka whakakoia hoki ngā kaumātua me ngā pouako i ngā tūmanako nei, mō ngā ākonga me te whānau.

Ko te Karaitiana me ngā uaratanga, ngā whakapono hoki o te ao Māori, tae atu ki te reo Māori, e pou here ana i ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga katoa ki te kura. Kua whakaritea e ngā pouako tētahi taiao e whakamana ana i te reo Māori, ā, e poipoi ana hoki i ngā uaratanga o te wairuatanga, te kaitiakitanga, te manaakitanga, me te hūmārie.

Ka whakapuaki ngā kaumātua i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te reo Māori, ngā tikanga, me ngā kawa o Ngāti Hauā, ki ngā ākonga, ngā pouako, me te whānau. E whakakoia ana, e whakapūmau ana te whānau i ngā tikanga kua āta whakatōngia ki ngā whakaritenga o te kura. Ka tino kitea ngā tauira rawe o te reo Māori, ki roto i ngā pouako, ngā pouāwhina, ngā kaumātua, ngā pākeke, me ētahi o ngā mema o te whānau.

Ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga me te whānau ki te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi o te reo Māori e whai hua ana. Ko ētahi o ēnei, ko ngā wānanga e pā ana ki te reo Māori, ngā mihi, te karanga, ngā mōteatea, me ngā akoranga o Te Ātaarangi me te Whakapiki Reo.

Ka whakamahere, ka ngākau nui hoki ngā pouako hei whakarato i tētahi taiao rumaki reo Māori mō ngā ākonga.

Ka riro i ngā ākonga ngā pūkenga mō te āta whakawhiti whakaaro mā te reo Māori. He aronga rautaki ā-kura mō te whakawhanake tonutanga o te reo Māori. Kei te kounga kairangi ngā whakangungu o Te Whakapiki Reo, mai i te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. E whai pānga nui ana tēnei ki te whakawhanaketanga o ngā pūkenga o ngā pouako me ngā pouāwhina, ki te hāpai i ngā ākonga ki te āta whakawhiti kōrero mā te reo Māori.

Ko ngā akoranga ngaio mō te whakawhanaketanga o ngā pouako, e hāngai ana ki te:

  • whakatauira me te whakatinana i ngā rautaki me ngā huarahi ki te whakaako
  • aroturuki me te mātakitaki i ngā whakaritenga a ngā pouako, me te aronga nui ki te whakawhanake i te tika me te hāngaitanga o te whakatakotoranga reo
  • hāpai me te aromātai hoki i ngā hōtaka whakaako
  • tāutu i ngā wāhanga hei whakapai ake, me ngā taumata ka whāia tonuhia e ngā pouako
  • aromatawai ōkawa, ōpaki hoki i ngā pūkenga reo o ngā ākonga
  • tautoko i ngā pouako ki te whakamahere i ngā hōtaka o te reo Māori, me te aromatawai i ngā ākonga.

E hāngai ana te marau o te kura ki te Ngāti Hauātanga, ā, e pou herea ana e ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, e arahina ana e Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Ka whakamārama ngātahitia ngā tuhinga nei, ngā pūnaha e hāpai ana i ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga ki te kura whānui. E whakarato ana ngā hōtaka akoranga i ngā whai wāhitanga mātauranga e pā ana ki te katoa o te ākonga, me ngā wheako akoranga tūturu hoki hei ārahi i ngā ākonga i roto i tā rātou whai i te reo Māori. Ka whakamahere, ka whakatinana hoki ngā pouako i ngā akoranga, hei whakauru hoki i ngā kaupapa matua o te wā, tae atu hoki ki ngā take o te ao me te taiao.

E whakawhanake ana ngā pouako o te wharekura i ngā kaupapa mahi mō ngā ākonga tuākana, hei whakawhanake ake i te hōtaka reo o te Panekiretanga. Ka tino hāpaitia ngā ākonga e tīmata ana ki te ako i te reo Māori. E hāngai tika ana ngā hōtaka reo ki ngā āheinga o ngā ākonga, ā, e aro ana ki ō rātou ake matea. Kua whakaritea ngā tūranga o ngā pouāwhina me ngā pouako o Te Ātaarangi, kia nui ake ai te tautoko i roto i ngā akomanga.

Ka whakaemi ngā pouako i ngā mōhiohio o te kounga pai, mō ngā pūkenga o ngā ākonga hei kaikōrero, hei kaipānui hoki o te reo Māori. E tīmata ana ngā mōhiohio ki te puta mai, mō ngā pūkenga o ngā ākonga hei kaituhi.

He mātau ngā ākonga ki te kōrero i te reo Māori, ā, he pakari tā rātou tūhura i te reo. Ka whai wāhi pai ngā ākonga ki te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi ā-hāpori, ā-rohe, ā-motu hoki. Nā ēnei taumahi, e āhei ana ngā ākonga ki te whakaatu i ō rātou āheinga hei kaikōrero mātau o te reo Māori.

Ko te whānuitanga o ngā rautaki me ngā horopaki akoranga papai, e hāpai ana i ngā ākonga ki te eke ki ngā tino taumata teitei o te reo Māori. Ko ētahi o ēnei, ko:

  • ngā whakataetae o Ngā Manu Kōrero
  • ngā whakataetae kapa haka
  • tētahi haerenga ki te Tonga o Awherika, ā, nā tēnei i waihangatia tētahi whakaaturanga mō te pouaka whakaata
  • ngā haerenga ki te marae, ki reira ka whakapuakihia ngā mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga ki ngā marae o te hāpori, ā, ka aroturukitia e ngā kaumātua
  • te whai wāhi atu ki ngā huihuinga ā-kura, ki ngā ākonga o ētahi atu kura kaupapa Māori
  • te whakamahinga māhorahora o te reo Māori, ki ngā pouako, te whānau, me ngā manuhiri.

Ka rongo, ka tūhura hoki ngā ākonga i te reo, ki tētahi taiao akoranga e mauritau ana, e tautokona ana hoki. Ka whakamahi tika ngā ākonga i te reo ā-iwi. Ka whakarongo, ka whakautu, ka tūhura, ka whakawhiti kōrero, ā, ka whakaatu rātou i tō rātou māia i a rātou e kōrero ana i te reo Māori ki te kura. E ngākau nui ana ngā ākonga ki te reo Māori.

Ngā Wāhanga Hei Whakawhanake

Te whakawhanaketanga o te marau o te hāpori. Me whakawhanake tonu, me whakamahine tonu te tumuaki me ngā pouako i te marau o te hāpori o te kura. Ka whai hua tēnei ki te āta whakarite i te whakawhanaketanga o te marau, mā ngā huarahi ka ārahi i ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga e hono ana ki Ngā Whanaketanga.

Te kounga o ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga. Me whakapai te tumuaki i te kounga o ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga e pūrongotia ana ki te poari. Me tātari, me whakamārama te hōtuku e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga, inā koa ko ngā wāhanga aronga o te reo matatini, me te pāngarau.

Te noho rite ki te whakatinana i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

E arahina ana ngā kaiārahi o te kura e te whakataunga o te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa, ki te whakaupa i tā rātou whai wāhitanga ki tēnei āhuatanga i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

5 Te Whakatau Te Aho Matua a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

Tirohanga whānui

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukitia e te whānau me ngā kaimahi o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha, he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau Te Aho Matua, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai TātariWhaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture, tae atu ki ērā i tāutuhia ai ki ngā tuhinga a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, me ērā atu tuhinga e pā ana ki Te Aho Matua.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tae atu ki te whakahaere whanonga, te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito, me ngā tukanga e pā ana ki ngā amuamu)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tae atu ki ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga e pā ana ki te mātauranga kei waho atu i te kura, te tāutu i ngā āhuatanga mōrearea, te ārai i ngā whara, ngā aituā, me ngā rongoā)
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako me ngā whakaritenga;
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga; me
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Kīhai ngā tirohanga a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i tāutu i ētahi wāhanga e āwangawangatia ana.

6 Ngā Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kia tahuri te whānau ki te:

  • whakawhanake tonu i te mātau o te whānau ki te reo Māori, hei akiaki i te whakawhanaketanga o tētahi hāpori e kōrero ana i te reo
  • whakawhanake i tētahi tino marau ā-iwi, e mau ana i ngā rauemi me ngā tūmomo huarahi aromatawai
  • whakapai i te kounga o ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga e pūrongotia ana ki te poari.

7 Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E takune ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ki te whakahaere i te arotake whai muri, i roto i ngā tau e toru. Ani Rolleston Kaiwhakahaere ā-Motu mō ngā Ratonga Arotake Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)22 Hui-tanguru 2012

Ngā Kōrero mō te Kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Matamata

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura arongātahi –Tau 1 ki te 13

Te tatauranga hāpori ōhanga


Ngā kaiako:

mai i te rārangi ā-kura

ētahi atu

te maha o ngā pouako




Te rārangi ā-kura


Hononga ā-iwi

Māori 87

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 37

Tama tāne 50

Ngā Āhua Motuhake

He kura Te Aho Matua

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Mahuru 2011

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

Hui-tanguru 2012

Ngā pūrongo o mua a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Motuhake, Pipiri 2007

Arotake Motuhake, Haratua 2006

Arotake Motuhake, Hui-tanguru 2004

1 Background


A Te Aho Matua review evaluates the quality of education received by students and the performance of the Board of Trustees in providing education services.

Reported evaluation of improvements in student learning will be most useful to a board where the board is able to provide reliable achievement information.

2 Kura Context

Whakanuia ngā tamariki,

Whakaiti koe i a koe anō

Te Wharekura o Te Aroha is a total immersion Māori language composite school which caters for Year 1 to 13 students. The kura is located in the Matamata-Piako district in the Waikato region.

In September 2007 Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha was formally established as a Te Aho Matua Kura Kaupapa Māori. The celebration and official opening of the kura in 2008 reflected the strong commitment of the whānau who have worked effortlessly to provide a kaupapa Māori education for their students.

The vision for the whānau and staff of the kura is to encourage all students to learn and reach their full potential. The whānau share a strong passion in making sure teaching and learning includes Ngāti Hauatanga and Karaitianatanga values and beliefs and the principles of Te Aho Matua. The kura curriculum provides authentic contexts for immersion teaching and learning. Marae visits contribute to the importance of whakapapa in establishing whānau, hapū and iwi links.

The kura whānau selected te reo Māori as their kaupapa focus for this review. The objectives were defined specifically for te reo Māori and how it can best advance the language learning of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha students.

There is a clear emphasis on building a Māori speaking community. The kura is committed to helping students and whānau become competent speakers of te reo Māori. Students and whānau are encouraged to participate in a range of kura initiatives. This kura is a pilot for the Whakapiki i Te Reo programme organised by Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. Students participate in wānanga and programmes that focus on raising the quality of te reo Māori. Programmes for wharekura students are based on Panekiretanga language programmes. The whānau is supportive and respectful of pouako who desire to be in a Māori immersion environment.

English is taught in the wharekura. There are English speaking areas for whānau who are non-speakers of te reo Māori. Students are also involved in extra-mural studies which help support their te reo Māori and tikanga practices.

Whānau identified the need to develop a National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) programme with iwi based te reo Māori and tikanga and approved standards and assessment tools. They also intend to pursue language orientated avenues of learning to improve the quality of language programmes for their students.

Pouako and pouāwhina are experienced and dedicated professionals. They are all competent speakers of te reo Māori and model expectations for students and whānau. They take every opportunity to expose students to authentic learning experiences to enable them to achieve and excel in both traditional and contemporary arenas. Whānau acknowledge te reo Māori has been a vehicle of success for their students.

Students and whānau demonstrate a strong sense of belonging and wellbeing in this environment.

Future Action

ERO intends to undertake the next review in three years.

Whānau Te Aho Matua Vision

Whānau and staff of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha work together to fulfil the long term vision as stated in their charter. They provide a range of learning experiences to support their students tofulfil the hopes and aspiration of their whānau, hapū and iwi, ‘Kia tū tangata ia hei raukura mō tōna iwi’.

4 Evaluation Kaupapa Findings

Ngā Tino Uaratanga

Tōku reo, tōku mana, tōku whakatinanatanga

Tōku reo, tōku whenua

Kia Hauā ai tōku reo Māori

Areas of Strength

Te Reo Māori

Students are immersed in te reo me ngā tikanga o Ngāti Hauā.Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha promotes a Māori immersion environment with separate English speaking areas. There is an expectation that te reo o Ngāti Hauā is the language of communication at the kura. Kaumātua and pouako model, reinforce and affirm these expectations for students and whānau.

Christian and traditional Maori values and beliefs including te reo Māori underpin all teaching and learning at the kura. Pouako have established an environment where te reo Māori is valued and core values such as wairuatanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and hūmarie are nurtured.

Kaumātua share their knowledge of te reo Māori, tikanga and kawa of Ngāti Hauā with students, pouako and whānau. The whānau affirm and maintain the tikanga, embedded in kura practices. There are excellent te reo Māori language models amongst pouako, pouāwhina, kaumātua, pakeke and some whānau members.

Students and whānau participate in a range of effective te reo Māori activities. These include wānanga for te reo Māori, mihi, karanga, moteatea and Te Ātaarangi and Te Whakapiki Reo classes.

Pouako plan for and are committed to providing a Māori immersion environment for students.

Students acquire skills for effective communication in te reo Māori.There is a strategic school wide focus for the ongoing development of te reo Māori. Te Whakapiki Reo training through Te Wānanga o Waikato is of high quality. It has a significant impact on developing pouako and pouāwhina skills to support students as effective te reo Māori communicators.

Professional learning for pouako development includes:

  • modelling and implementing teaching strategies and techniques

  • monitoring and observing pouako practice with an emphasis on developing grammatical correctness and accuracy

  • assisting with and evaluating teaching programmes

  • identifying areas for improvement and next steps for pouako

  • assessing student language skills formally and informally

  • supporting pouako with planning te reo Māori programmes and student assessment.

The kura curriculum is based on Ngāti Hauatanga and is underpinned by the principles of Te Aho Matua and guided by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Together, these documents describe the systems that support school wide teaching and learning. Learning programmes provide holistic education opportunities and practical learning experiences to guide students in their pursuit of te reo Māori. Pouako plan and contextualise learning to include current events and global and environmental topics.

Wharekura pouako are developing courses for senior students built on the Panekiretanga language programme. Students who are emergent learners of te reo Māori are fully supported.Targeted language programmes are appropriate to student’s abilities and responsive to their individual language needs. Pouāwhina positions and Te Ātaarangi tutors have been established to provide additional classroom assistance.

Kaiako gather good quality information on student skills as speakers and readers of te reo Māori. Information is beginning to emerge on student skills as writers.

Students speak te reo Māori competently and confidently explore language. Students successfully participate in a range of local, regional and national activities. These activities enable students to highlight their abilities as competent speakers of te reo Māori.

A range of effective strategies and learning contexts support students to attain some excellent levels of achievement in te reo Māori. These include:

  • Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions

  • kapa haka competitions

  • student exchange to South Africa resulting in a documentary to be screened on TV

  • marae visits where student’s knowledge is expressed on local marae and monitored by kaumātua

  • participating in inter-kura exchanges with other kura kaupapa Māori students

  • spontaneous use of te reo Māori with pouako, whānau and manuhiri.

Students are exposed to and explore language in a positive, supportive learning environment. Students use dialectal language appropriately. Theylisten, respond, explore, discuss and show confidence when speaking Maori in kura.Students are passionate about te reo Māori.

Areas for improvement

Local curriculum development. The principal and pouako should continue to develop and refine the kura local curriculum. This will help make sure the curriculum develops in a way that guides teaching and learning with links to Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori.

The quality of student achievement information. The principal needs to improve the quality of student achievement information that is reported to the board. The analysis and interpretation of student achievement data is required, particularly in the focus areas of literacy and numeracy.

National Evaluation Topic:

Readiness to give effect to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and to work with Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori

Kuraleadership is guided by a decision made by Te Rūnanganui o Nga Kura Kaupapa o Aotearoa to delay their involvement and participation in giving effect to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and working with Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori.

5 Te Aho Matua Whānau Assurance on Compliance Areas


During the review, the whānau and staff of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha completedTe Aho Matua Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklist.In this document they have attested that they have taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative requirements including those detailed in the Ministry of Education circulars and other documents related to Te Aho Matua.

ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on outcomes for children:

  • emotional safety (including behaviour management, prevention of bullying and abuse, complaints procedures)

  • physical safety (including policies and procedures relating to EOTC, hazard identification, prevention of physical harm, accidents and medication)

  • staff qualifications and organisation

  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions

  • the monitoring of student attendance.

ERO’s investigations found no areas of concern.

6 Recommendations

ERO recommends the whānau:

  • continue to develop the language proficiency of the whānau to encourage the development of a Māori speaking community
  • develop a robust iwi focused curriculum with resources and assessment tools
  • improve the quality of student achievement information that is reported to the board.

7 Future Action

ERO intends to undertake the next review in three years.

Ani Rolleston Acting National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu) 22 February 2012

About the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Kura Arongatahi – Composite Year 1 - 13

Decile rating


Teaching staff:

Roll generated entitlement


Number of pouako




Roll number


Ethnic composition

Māori 87

Gender composition

Boys 50

Girls 37

Special features

Te Aho Matua Kura

Review team on site

September 2011

Date of this report

February 2012

Previous ERO reports

Special Review, June 2007

Special Review, May2006

Special Review, February 2004

To the Parents and Community of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha

Whakanuia ngā tamariki,

Whakaiti koe i a koe anō

Te Wharekura o Te Aroha is a total immersion Māori language composite school which caters for Year 1 to 13 students. The kura is located in the Matamata-Piako district in the Waikato region.

In September 2007, Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha was formally established as a Te Aho Matua Kura Kaupapa Māori. The celebration and official opening of the kura in 2008 reflected the strong commitment of the whānau who have worked effortlessly to provide a kaupapa Māori education for their students.

The vision for the whānau and staff of the kura is to encourage all students to learn and reach their full potential. The whānau share a strong passion in making sure teaching and learning includes Ngāti Hauatanga and Karaitianatanga values and beliefs and the principles of Te Aho Matua. The kura curriculum provides authentic contexts for immersion teaching and learning. Marae visits contribute to the importance of whakapapa in establishing whānau, hapū and iwi links.

The kura whānau selected te reo Māori as their kaupapa focus for this review. The objectives were defined specifically for te reo Māori and how it can best advance the language learning of Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha students.

There is a clear emphasis on building a Māori speaking community. The kura is committed to helping students and whānau become competent speakers of te reo Māori. Students and whānau are encouraged to participate in a range of kura initiatives. This kura is a pilot for the Whakapiki i Te Reo programme organised by Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. Students participate in wānanga and programmes that focus on raising the quality of te reo Māori. Programmes for wharekura students are based on Panekiretanga language programmes. The whānau is supportive and respectful of pouako who desire to be in a Māori immersion environment.

English is taught in the wharekura. There are English speaking areas for whānau who are non-speakers of te reo Māori. Students are also involved in extra-mural studies which help support their te reo Māori and tikanga practices.

Whānau identified the need to develop a National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) programme with iwi based te reo Māori and tikanga and approved standards and assessment tools. They also intend to pursue language orientated avenues of learning to improve the quality of language programmes for their students.

Pouako and pouāwhina are experienced and dedicated professionals. They are all competent speakers of te reo Māori and model expectations for students and whānau. They take every opportunity to expose students to authentic learning experiences to enable them to achieve and excel in both traditional and contemporary arenas. Whānau acknowledge te reo Māori has been a vehicle of success for their students.

Students and whānau demonstrate a strong sense of belonging and wellbeing in this environment.

Future Action

ERO intends to undertake the next review in three years.

Review Coverage

ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of school performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to student achievement and useful to this school.

If you would like a copy of the full report, please contact the school or see the ERO web page, http://www.ero.govt.nz.

Ani Rolleston

Acting National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)