Te Whata Tau o Putauaki

Education institution number:
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Designated Character School
Total roll:

39-57 Galway Street, Kawerau

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Te Whata Tau o Putauaki - 03/12/2015

1. Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki Kawerau. Kua toru tau te kura e whakahaerehia ana, ā, kua hono atu ki Ngā Kura ā Iwi.

Ko ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero tuku iho o Pūtauaki.

He mārama te tirohanga o Te Poumarumaru me ngā kaiārahi o te kura, ā, e arotahi ana tēnei ki ngā putanga ka whai hua ki ngā uri. Ko te Pūtauakitanga te tūāpapa o te marautanga, ā, e whakakoia ana i tā rātou ū pūmau ki te mātauranga mā te reo Māori me te eke angitu i roto i te mātauranga. Ka whai pānga nui ki ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga, ko ngā tikanga me ngā uaratanga o Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau me Ngāti Awa.

He pēhea rawa ngā uri e whakaatu mai i tō rātou tūmāia, i tā rātou kōkiri anō hoki i a rātou anō i roto i te ahurea me te mātauranga?

Kei te māia haere ngā uri ki te kōkiri i a rātou anō, ā-ahurea, ā-mātauranga hoki.

2. Ngā Putanga ki ngā Uri

Kei te mārama ngā uri ki te whakahirahiratanga o te ūkaipōtanga. Ka whai wāhi nui te whakapapa ki te māramatanga, te whakamanatanga hoki i ngā mātauranga o ngā iwi. Ko ngā whakapono me ngā tikanga a ngā iwi e whai pānga matua ana ki te aronga o te kura, me ngā whakaakoranga, ngā akoranga hoki. Nā ngā mōhiotanga ki ngā whakapapa, ka pupū ake ngā tino wheako e whai pūtake ana mō ngā ākonga, hei uri o Ngāti Tūwharetoa me Ngāti Awa. Ka whakapūmau ngā hōtaka akoranga i te whakahirahiratanga o te mana whenua, ā, ka āta rongo hoki i te whakawhanaungatanga o roto. He pakari te mōhiotanga o ngā uri ki ō rātou tātai whakapapa.

Ka kitea te maioha o ngā uri ki te ako i te reo Māori. Ka arotahi ngā kaumātua me ngā kuia ki tā rātou whāinga rautaki e pā ana ki te whakapakaritanga ake i te reo Māori me ngā reo ā-iwi. Ko te mātau o ngā pouako e whai pānga ana ki te kounga o te whakaako i te reo Māori, ā, he kairangi rātou hei tauira mō ngā uri. Ka whakamahi rātou i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki hopu reo hei whakawhanake i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori puta noa i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki. E ākina ana ngā uri ki te whakapuaki i ō rātou ake whakaaro mā te reo Māori. Ka whakamahi ngā uri i te reo Māori ki ngā huihuinga ā-iwi, ā-hapori hoki.

Kei te mārama ki ngā uri, ka noho matua ko te ako. Ka tāutu ngā whāinga rautaki i ngā tūmanako mō ngā uri ki te eke angitu i roto i te mātauranga. Ka arotahi ngā pouako ki te whakatairanga i ngā paetae i roto i te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Ka whakamahi rātou i ngā mōhiohio aromatawai hei tāutu i ngā pūmanawa ako me ngā matea ako o ia uri. Kua whakaritea tētahi hōtaka hāpai e hāngai ana ki te ako ake a tēnā me tēnā, hei whakariterite i ia uri ki te ako, ā, hei kōkiri hoki i tā rātou eke angitu. Kua whakahāngaitia ngā hōtaka Mauri Oho me Mauri Tau ki ia ākonga, ā, e whakawātea ana i a rātou ki te whakahaere i ā rātou ake akoranga, ki te aroturuki i tā rātou ahu whakamua, me te whakatairanga ake tonu i ō rātou ake pūmanawa. Ka aroturuki ngā pouako i te hōtaka, hei hāpai i te ahu whakamua a ngā uri i ā rātou taumata i roto i te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau. Ka rongo ngā uri i te eke angitu i roto i te mātauranga.

He pakari te taha ahurea o ngā uri. Ko te whai wāhi mai o ngā kaumātua e noho matua ana ki ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga. Ka whakapuaki rātou i ō rātou mōhiotanga e pā ana ki ngā iwi, ki ngā tino pouwhenua me ngā tino huihuinga, hei whakawhānui ake i ngā mātauranga. Ka whakarato ngā kaumātua me ngā pouako i ngā wheako ka whakawātea i ngā uri ki te whakatinana i tō rātou māramatanga e pā ana ki ngā uaratanga me ngā tikanga a ngā iwi. Ka whai ngā uri i ngā tikanga o te marae, ki te whakanuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki ā-ahurea, ā-mātauranga, ā-tangata hoki. Kai te mārama, kei te whakapūmau hoki ngā uri i ngā whakapono me ngā uaratanga o ngā iwi.

He auaha, he pākiki hoki ngā uri. He rautaki hoki ki te kura e akiaki ana i ngā uri ki te tūhura i te ako mā te toro atu ki ngā tūmomo aronga me ngā tūmomo hangarau. Ka āta whakaako ngā pouako ki ngā uri, ngā huarahi ki te whakamahi i ngā taputapu hangarau, ki te whakapā atu ki ngā hōtaka, ā, ki te tūhura hoki i te ipurangi mō te kimi mātauranga. Ka kitea e ngā uri, he whānuitanga ake ngā mōhiohio ki te mātauranga i tua atu i te akomanga, hei whakapakari ake tonu i ō rātou mōhiotanga. Kei te ako ngā uri ki te tū hei tangata whenua o te ao whānui.

Kei te whanake ngā uri hei kaiārahi. Ko tō te hapori tūmanako, kia māia te tū ā-ahurea o ngā uri, ā, kia mātau hoki rātou ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo hui o te rohe nei. Kua whai whakaaro ngā kaiārahi ki ngā rautaki ka hāpai i tēnei wawata, ā, kua whakarerekē haere i tā rātou ako hei hāpai i ngā uri ki te noho mārama ki ō rātou tūranga, ā rātou kawenga hoki i roto i ō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū, me ō rātou iwi. Kua whakawhanakehia hoki e rātou tētahi tauira e pā ana ki te ārahitanga, ā, e whakatairanga ake ana tēnei i ngā pūkenga me ngā pūmanawa ake o ia uri. Ka whakanuia ngā uaratanga o te ārahitanga e te whānau, e ngā kaumātua, e ngā kaiārahi hoki o te hapori. Kei te tūmāia ngā uri.

3. Te ārahitanga me te aromātai o roto

He whakakotahitanga, he kōkiritanga hoki tā te aronga a ngā mahi ārahi a te tumuaki, ā, ka whakamahia e ia aua āhuatanga hei painga mō ētahi atu, hei whakatupu hoki i te āheinga puta noa i te hapori. He tino kaha ia ki te aro atu ki te katoa, ki ō rātou pūkenga me ō rātou mātanga, ki te whakawhanake i tētahi aronga mātauranga ngātahi mō te hapori, me te whakatupu anō hoki i te ārahitanga. Ko te hōhonutanga o tōna mātanga, tōna aro pai, me tana whakahaeretanga e hāpai ana i a rātou ki te tautāwhi i te whai hononga, te whai wāhi hoki o ētahi atu ki te tirohanga ngātahi, hei tino putanga ako tino pai rawa atu mō ngā uri.

He nahanaha te aromātai o roto, ka aro nui, ka whai pūtake, ā, ka whakamōhio i ngā whakataunga. He aronga nui ki te āta kite me te āta whakatau i tēnā e whai pānga ana ki ngā uri. Kei ngā paetae ākonga te aronga ki ngā rongoā ka whakatakotohia, me te āhua hoki o aua rongoā. Ko te āta aroturuki mārika, te hui tahi hoki ki te taha o ngā uri me ngā whānau ka whakatakotohia te tino āhua o te ahu whakamua o ngā uri. Ko te whakatau ngātahi i ngā whakaritenga ka tāutu i te tino tirohanga me te tino aronga. Ko te aronga ngātahi ki te whakapai ake i te ako e whakamana ana i ngā whānau, ngā pouako, me ngā uri.

Ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

Kua tāutuhia e te whānau o te kura:

  • kia tahuri ngā whānau ki te whakapakari i tō rātou reo Māori, hei whakatairanga i tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki ngā uri me ā rātou akoranga
  • kia noho tonu te aronga ki te reo matatini me te pāngarau.

4. Te Whakatau a Te Poumarumaru ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a Te Poumarumaru mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a Te Poumarumaru
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā pouako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki Kawerau. Kua toru tau te kura e whakahaerehia ana, ā, ka tūhono atu ki Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa. Kei te mārama ngā uri ki te whakahirahiratanga o te ūkaipōtanga. Ka whakanui ngā kaumātua, te whānau, me ngā kaiārahi o te hapori i ngā uri hei kaiārahi, hei tauira hoki mō ētahi atu. He ākonga auaha, he ākonga pākiki hoki ngā uri ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki ā-ahurea, ā-mātauranga, ā-tangata hoki. Kei te tupu haere te māia o ngā uri ki te kōkiri i a rātou anō i roto i te ahurea me te mātauranga.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri i roto i te whā ki te rima o ngā tau.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

03 Hakihea, 2015

Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Kawerau

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

Tau 1 ki te 8

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 55

Tama tāne 54

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Kura ā Iwi

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

19 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2015

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

03 Hakihea, 2015

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Kawenga Takohanga

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2013

1. Context

Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is in Kawerau. The kura has been operating for three years and is affiliated to Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa (NKAI).

Ko ngā tikanga me ngā korero tuku iho o Pūtauaki.

Te Poumarumaru and kura leaders have a clear vision focused on outcomes for Uri. Pūtauakitanga is the basis of the curriculum and affirms their commitment to education through te reo Māori and academic achievement. Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau and Ngāti Awa cultural beliefs and values influence teaching and learning.

How well do uri demonstrate that they are confident, culturally and academically independent?

Uri are growing confidence to be culturally and academically independent.

2.  Uri Outcomes

Uri understand the importance of ūkaipōtanga. Whakapapa is an integral part of understanding place and value of iwi knowledge. Iwi beliefs and practices influence kura direction and teaching and learning. Knowledge of whakapapa is used to provide meaningful experiences for uri, as descendants of Tūwharetoa and Ngāti Awa. Learning programmes reinforce the importance of mana whenua and provides a strong sense of whānau. Uri are secure in the knowledge of their ancestral connections.

Uri display an appreciation for learning te reo Māori. Kaumātua and kura leaders are focussed on their strategic goal of strengthening te reo Māori and iwi dialect. The language proficiency of pouako contributes to quality teaching of te reo Māori and provide excellent role models for uri. They use a range of language acquisition strategies to develop te reo Māori use across a range of settings. Uri are encouraged to use te reo Māori to express themselves. Uri use te reo Māori at iwi and community events.

Uri understand learning is a priority. Strategic goals define expectations for uri to experience academic success. Pouako are focused on raising achievement in literacy and numeracy. They use assessment information to identify individual learning strengths and needs. A support programme based on differentiated learning is in place to prepare individuals for learning and accelerate their achievement. Mauri Oho and Mauri Tau programmes are tailored for individual learners and allows them to manage their own learning, monitor their progress, and expand their potential. Pouako monitor the programme to support uri to progress their literacy and numeracy levels. Uri experience academic success.

Uri are culturally confident. Kaumātua participation is an integral part of teaching and learning. They share their knowledge about iwi, significant landmarks and events to build knowledge. Kaumātua and pouako provide experiences for uri to apply their understanding about iwi values and practices. Uri follow marae protocol in a range of cultural, educational and social contexts. Uri understand and uphold iwi beliefs values.

Uri are creative and curious. There is a strategy that encourages uri to explore learning using different approaches and technologies. Pouako deliberately teach uri to use devices, access programmes and explore the internet for educational purpose. Uri see that education beyond the classroom provides a greater range of information for them to build their own knowledge. Uri are learning to be global citizens.

Uri are developing as leaders. The community aspires for uri to be culturally confident and competent across a range of local events. Leaders have consider how to support this aspiration and have modified their teaching pedagogy to support uri to understand their roles and responsibilities to their whānau, hapū and iwi. They have also developed a leadership model that builds on the individual skills and strengths of uri. Leadership qualities are acknowledged by whānau, kaumātua and community leaders. Uri are confident.

3.  Leadership and Internal Evaluation

The tumuaki has an inclusive and facilitative leadership approach that she uses to benefit others and grow capability and capacity throughout the community. Her strength as a leader has been to notice those around her, their skills and expertise, develop a collective educational response for the community and grow leadership. Her depth of experience, good sense and good management support her to engender connection and contribution of others in a shared vision, for best possible learning outcomes for uri.

Internal evaluation is systematic, responsive, and deliberate and informs decision making. There is real attention given to noticing and making sense of what is happening for uri. Student achievement provides the focus for what and how responses will be crafted. Close and careful monitoring and checking in with uri and whānau, provides a clear picture of how well uri are progressing. Collaborative sense making provides valued insight and direction. An inclusive learning improvement approach empowers whānau, pouako and uri.

Kura-identified areas of development

The kura whānau has identified that:

  • individual whānau strengthen their te reo Māori to enhance the contributions they make to uri and their learning
  • literacy and numeracy is a continuing focus.

4. Te Poumarumaru assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal completed the Te Poumarumaru Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • Te Poumarumaru administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.


Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is in Kawerau. The kura has been operating for three years and is affiliated to Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa. Uri understand the importance of ūkaipōtanga. Kaumātua , whānau and community leaders recognise Uri as leaders and role models. Uri are creative and curious learners in a range of cultural, educational and social contexts. Uri are growing confidence to be culturally and academically independent.

When is ERO likely to review the school again?

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

3 December 2015

Information about the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Years 1 - 8

Kura roll


Gender composition

Girls 55

Boys 54

Ethnic composition



Special features

Kua -ā-Iwi

Review team on site

19 October 2015

Date of this report

3 December 2015

Most recent ERO report(s)

Accountability Review

October 2013

Te Whata Tau o Putauaki - 04/02/2014

1. He Whakamārama

Te Whānuitanga Atu

E aromātai ana te arotake kawenga takohanga i te kounga o te mātauranga e whakawhiwhia ana ki ngā ākonga, me te whakahaere a te poari ki te whakarato i ngā ratonga mātauranga.

Ka tino whai hua ki te poari te pūrongo i te aromātai e whakaatu mai ana i ngā painga ake i ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga, i te wā e whakarato ana te poari i ngā tino mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā putanga hua ki ngā ākonga. .

Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te Kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Kawerau

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

He kura tuatahi (Tau 1 ki te 8)

Te tūmomo kura


Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

He kura motuhake, he rumaki reo Māori

Ngā kaiako: mai i te rārangi ingoa ētahi atu te maha o ngā kaiako

6.50 0.25 7.25

Te rārangi ā-kura


Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 100%

Te ira tangata

Tama tāne 46 Kōtiro 48

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2013

2. He Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki te pūtake o Pūtauaki, ki Kawerau. He kura motuhake a Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki, ā, nō te Kohi-tātea o 2012 i whakatuwheratia ai. Ka whakarato i tētahi whiringa o te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori mō ngā tamariki o ngā tau 1 ki te 8, ā, e tino tautokona e ngā iwi o Ngāti Tūwharetoa rāua ko Ngāti Awa.

E tū ana Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki te wāhi i tū kē ai te Kura Tuatahi o Kawerau ki te Raki. I te wā i whakatuwhera ai te kura, kotahi te tumuaki, tokorua ngā kaiako, ā, 46 ngā ākonga. I nāianei, kua whakapiki ake te rārangi ingoa, ā, tokowhitu ngā kaiako. Ka whakanui te ingoa o te kura i te maunga a Pūtauaki. Ka whakamahia ngā hītori me ngā kōrero tuku iho e pā ana ki a Pūtauaki, hei horopaki mō ngā whakaakoranga me ngā akoranga.

Kua mahi nahanaha te poari, te tumuaki, ngā kaimahi, me te whānau ki te whakarite i te kura. Ka arotakengia te tūtohinga me te mahere rawa, kia whai wāhi ai hoki tētahi tono mō te waihanga anō i ngā whare. Kua whakaritea ngā kaupapa here me ngā whakaritenga e tika ana hei ārahi i te poari me ngā kaimahi. Ka tino tautoko mārika te whānau i te mātauranga e whakaratohia ana mā ngā ākonga ki Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki. Ka noho pūmau te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki ō rātou tūranga, ā, ka whakarato i te atawhai me te mātauranga o te kounga pai mō ngā ākonga.

Ka whakarato te tumuaki i te tino ārahitanga ngaio ki te poari me āna kaimahi. Kua mahi ngātahi ngā kaimahi me te tumuaki ki te whakaputa i tētahi tino anga mātauranga. Ka whakaemihia ngā paetae ākonga mō te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Kua whakamahia aua mōhiohio hei whakatinana i ngā whāinga o te kura whānui.

Ka whakarato ngā kaiako i ngā taiao akoranga āhuru, rarata hoki. I whakahou ake te katoa o aua taiao i te Kohi-tātea o 2012. He nui ngā rauemi i roto i ngā akomanga ātaahua, ā, ka whakaāhuru, ka whakaratarata hoki. Ka whai wāhi ngā kaimahi ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo kaupapa whakawhanaketanga ngaio, ako ngaio anō hoki.

He pai te tūnga o Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki te whakarato i ngā whai wāhitanga ako kia eke angitu ai ngā ākonga.

3. Ngā Whakaaturanga

Te kounga o te mātauranga

Te ārahitanga

Ka whakarato te tumuaki i te tino ārahitanga ngaio mō te poari me āna kaimahi. He nui ōna tūmanako mōna, mō ētahi atu hoki, hei āta whakarite i te whiwhinga a ngā ākonga i ngā whai wāhitanga whakaako, ako hoki o te kounga kairangi. I ngā wā katoa, ka whakanui te tumuaki i te mahi ngātahi a ngā kaitiaki o te poari me ngā kaimahi kia rere pai ai ngā whakahaeretanga i te kura. Ka hāpai, ka whakanui hoki ia i ngā whakatutukitanga a ngā kaimahi.

He kawenga tā ia kaitiaki o te poari ki te ārahi i ngā āhuatanga o te kāwanatanga, ā, ka whai pānga ēnei ki ō rātou pūkenga ake, ō rātou ngākau nuitanga ake hoki. Ka whai hua tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ō rātou tūranga, ā rātou kawenga mahi hoki.

Te whakahaere i te marau

Kua mahi ngātahi ngā kaimahi me te tumuaki ki te whakaputa i tētahi tino angamahi ka ārahi i te marautanga. Kua whakauru rātou i ngā wawata o ngā iwi, ā, e whai hua ana hoki rātou ki te tuitui i aua wawata ki te hōtaka akoranga.

Kua whakaemihia ngā paetae ākonga e pā ana ki te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Ka whakamahia aua mōhiohio hei whakatinana i ngā taumata ki te kura mō ngā paetae ākonga. Ka whakamahia hoki ngā paetae ākonga hei whakawhanake i ngā mahere ako o ia ākonga hei tino hāpai ake. Ka pūrongo te tumuaki i ngā mōhiohio matawhānui e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga, mō te poari me te whānau.

Ka whakapuakihia ngā kaupapa ako ā-tau ki ngā mātua. I mahi te whānau ki te taha o ngā kaimahi, ki te waihanga i te tukanga e pā ana ki te pūrongo ki ngā mātua. Hei wāhanga tonu o taua tukanga, ka whai wā anō hoki ngā tamariki ki te kōrero mō ā rātou huarahi ako ki te taha o ō rātou mātua. Ka whakamahi rātou i ā rātou pūkete ako me ngā tauira o ā rātou mahi hei tohu i tā rātou ahunga whakamua, me ngā whakatutukitanga. Kua tino whai hua tēnei mahi. He harikoa ake ngā mātua, ā, he tino harikoa mō te āheinga o ngā ākonga i roto i te reo Māori. Ka whiwhi hoki ngā mātua i ngā pūrongo ōkawa i ngā kaiako, ā, ka whai wāhi atu ki ngā patapatai ki waenga i ngā mātua me ngā kaiako.

Te kounga o te whakaako

Ka whakarato ngā kaiako i ngā taiao akoranga āhuru, rarata hoki. I whakahou ake te katoa o aua taiao i te Kohi-tātea o 2012. He nui ngā rauemi i roto i ngā akomanga ātaahua, ā, ka whakaāhuru, ka whakaratarata hoki. Kua āta whakaritea hoki te rūma hangarau mōhiohio me te whare pukapuka.

He pukumahi ngā kaiako, ā, ka ngākau nui ki ō rātou tūranga. He rōpū pakari, he rōpū mahi, ā, he tirohanga ngaio ngātahi ki ā rātou mahi. He mātātoa tā rātou whai wāhi atu, tā rātou kawenga anō hoki mō te whakawhanaketanga i te marautanga me tō rātou whakawhanaketanga ngaio. E tūmanakohia ana kia whakawhanake rātou i ngā tino whakaaro huritao e pā ana ki ā rātou whakaritenga whakaako. Whakapuakihia ai ō rātou whakaaro huritao ki ētahi atu i ia te wā.

Te kāwanatanga

Ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga mahi i te poari

He kaupapa here ‘kore ohorere’ tā te poari, e whakatairanga ana i te noho mārama o ngā whakawhitinga whakaaro. Nō te Haratua o 2012 te poari i whakatūngia ai.

Kua tautokona e te kaitohutohu kāwanatanga a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga te poari hei whakawhanake i tētahi tino māramatanga ki ō rātou tūranga, ā rātou kawenga hoki. Kua ako ngā kaitiaki hou o te poari i ā rātou ake tūranga kāwanatanga. E pou here ana te whanaungatanga i te pai o ngā hononga mahi ki te kura. Kua pai te whakahaeretanga a te poari mō te whānau, ngā kaimahi, me ngā tamariki. He pūkete ā ngā mema, ā, ka whai wāhi nui ki ngā taumahi i te kura. Ka noho maioha ngā kaitiaki o te poari mō te kounga pai o ngā pūrongo a te tumuaki, me ngā mōhiohio hoki o roto e pā ana i ngā paetae ākonga.

Te whakahaeretanga i te pūtea

He pūnaha pakari tā te poari ki te pūrongo i ngā pūtea, ā, e tino whakahaerehia ana tēnei. Kua whakaritea e rātou te tika o te aroturuki, te pūrongo hoki i ngā take pūtea, ā, he mārama ēnei. Kāhore rātou i whakamana te rārangi utu nā ngā papenga o Novopay. Ka haere ēnei ki te Kaitātari Kaute Matua, ā, he mahi anō me ēnei.

Ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga

E āta whakahaerehia ana te whakawhanaketanga o ngā kaupapa here. Ka pānui, ka mārama hoki ngā kaitiaki me ngā kaimahi i ngā kaupapa here, hei āhuatanga o te tukanga e pā ana ki te whakawhanaketanga me te whakatūturutanga. Ka whai wāhi te whānau ki te wāhanga whakawhanaketanga o ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga, ā, he pai tō rātou māramatanga ki te whakahaeretanga o te kura.

Te whakamahere rautaki me te arotake whaiaro

I ngā wā katoa, ka whai whakaaro nui te poari, te whānau, me ngā kaimahi ki te matea o te kura me ngā ākonga. Ka arotakengia te tūtohinga me te mahere rawa kia whai wāhi ai hoki tētahi tono mō te waihanga anō o ngā whare. Kua tīmata hoki ngā kōrerorero e pā ana ki te whakawhanaketanga o te kura tuarua. E tīmata ana rātou ki te whakaemi i ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki tēnei tukanga.

Te tūtohinga o te kura

Nō te Pipiri o 2012 te tūtohinga i whakaoti ai, i tukua ai hoki ki te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga. E hāngai ana tēnei ki te tirohanga mārama o te whānau, ngā wawata o ngā iwi, me te waihanga anō hoki o te marautanga, hei hāpai i ngā akoranga a ngā ākonga. He matawhānui ngā mahere rautaki, ngā mahere ā-tau hoki, ā, he mārama ngā rautaki mō te aroturukitanga. E mōhio ana te poari, kāhore i te rawaka te wā ki te whakarato i tētahi pūrongo e pā ana ki ngā tātaritanga o ngā rerekētanga mō te tau 2012, nā te mea, kāhore he tūtohinga, he whāinga rānei i te tau 2011. He pai te tūnga o te kura ki te whakarato i tētahi pūrongo ā-tau me tētahi tātaritanga o ngā rerekētanga mō te tau 2013.

Te whānau o te kura

Ka tino tautoko te whānau i te mātauranga e whakaratohia ana mā ngā ākonga ki te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki. Ka ngākau nui rātou ki te whai wāhi ki ngā haerenga o te kura, ngā hopuni, me te kohi pūtea mō ngā taputapu e whai pānga ana ki te horopaki o te kura. He mātātoa tā rātou whai wāhi ki te whakawhanake i te marautanga, hei poipoi i ngā huarahi ako o ia ākonga.

Te āhua o ngā mahi a te poari hei kaituku mahi

Ka whai wāhi ngā kaimahi ki te whānuitanga o ngā whai wāhitanga ako ngaio, whakawhanaketanga ngaio hoki e tika ana. Ka haere tonu ngā whakawhanaketanga ngaio e pā ana ki Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori me te pāngarau. He aronga anō hoki ki te whakapuaki i ngā tūmomo whakapae e pā ana ki ngā paetae ākonga. He rawaka ngā whakaritenga whakaōrite o tēnei wā.

He auaha ngā mahi a te poari ki te whakarite i ngā tohu arohaehae e whai pānga ana ki ngā mātau o ngā kaiako. Ka tuituia hoki ēnei ki ngā whaiaro i tāutuhia ai ki te tuhinga ārahi a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, arā, ki te Tū Rangatira. E takune ana tēnei aronga ki te whakapakari ake i ngā kaiārahi mātauranga Māori. Kua whakaae te poari ki tētahi kaiarohaehae mā te tumuaki, ā, kua oti ngā arohaehae a ngā kaimahi.

4. He Kupu Whakamutunga: Te Whakapae a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

He pai te tūnga o Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki ki te whakarato i ngā whai wāhitanga ako kia eke angitu ai ngā ākonga.

Lynda Pura Watson

Kaiwhakahaere ā-Motu mō ngā Ratonga Arotake Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)

27 Hui-tanguru 2014

1. Background


An accountability review evaluates the quality of education received by students and the performance of the Board of Trustees in providing education services.

Reported evaluation of improvements in student learning will be most useful to a board where the board is able to provide reliable achievement information.

School Profile Information




Full Primary (Year 1-8)

Profile Number


Special features

Special Character, Māori Immersion

Teaching staff: Roll generated entitlement Other Number of teachers




Roll number


Ethnic composition

Māori 100%

Gender composition

Girls 48

Boys 46

Date Review Team was onsite

October 2013

2. Summary

Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is situated at the base of Pūtauaki in Kawerau. Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is a special character school which opened in January 2012. It provides an immersion Māori education option for children from Years 1-8, and is strongly supported by Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Ngāti Awa iwi.

Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is established on the site previously known as Kawerau North School. The school opened with a principal, two teachers and 46 students. The roll has now increased and there are seven teachers. The school's name acknowledges the mountain, Pūtauaki. The history and stories about Pūtauaki are used as a context for teaching and learning.

The board, principal, staff and the whānau have worked systematically to establish the school. The charter and property plan are to be reviewed to include a proposal for the redesign of the buildings. Policies and appropriate practices are in place to guide the board and staff. Whānau are strong advocates for the education provided to students at Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki. Whānau and staff are committed to their roles and provide good quality care and education to students.

The principal provides strong professional leadership for both the board and her staff. The staff and principal have worked together to produce a sound curriculum framework. Student achievement information is gathered about literacy and numeracy. This information has been used to inform school wide goals.

Kaiako provide warm and inviting learning environments. These environments were completely refurbished in January 2012. Classrooms are well resourced, attractive, welcoming and warm. Staff participate in a range of appropriate professional learning and development (PLD) opportunities.

Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is well positioned to provide learning opportunities for students to be successful.

3. Findings

Quality of Education


The principal provides strong professional leadership for both the E-BoT and her staff. The principal consistently acknowledges the collective contribution of board members and staff to the smooth operation of the school. She supports and celebrates staff achievements.

Board members have individual responsibility for leading aspects of governance where they have specific skills or interest. They effectively fulfil their roles and responsibilities.

Curriculum Management

The staff and principal have worked together to produce a sound framework to guide the curriculum. They have included iwi aspirations and are successfully incorporating these into the programme of learning.

Student achievement information has been gathered for literacy and numeracy. This information has been used to inform school targets for student achievement. The achievement information is also used to develop individual learning plans for students requiring additional assistance. The principal reports detailed information about student achievement to the board and the whānau.

Annual teaching topics are shared with parents. The whānau worked with staff to design the reporting process for parents. The process includes time for children to talk about their learning journeys with their parents. They use their learning portfolios and exemplars of their work to illustrate their progress and achievement. This has been highly successful. Parents are more than satisfied, particularly with student's capability in te reo Māori. Parents also receive formal reports from teachers and they participate in parent-teacher interviews.

Quality of Teaching

Kaiako provide warm and inviting learning environments. These environments were completely refurbished in January 2012. Classrooms are well resourced, attractive and welcoming. The information technology suite and library are well established.

Teachers are hardworking and committed to their role. They are a strong and collegial group who have a shared and professional vision for their work. Staff have taken an active role and responsibility for curriculum development and their professional development. They are expected to develop high levels of reflection about their teaching practice. They share their reflections with each other regularly.


Board Roles and Responsibilities

The board of trustees have a 'no surprises' policy which promotes open and transparent communication. The board was appointed in May 2012.

The Ministry of Education governance advisor has supported the board to develop a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. New board members have learnt about their specific governance roles. Whanaungatanga is a key concept that underpins the good working relationships that exist. The board has been functioning well for the whānau, staff and children. Members have their own portfolios and make a significant contribution to school activities. The board members are appreciative of the good quality reporting from the principal which includes student achievement information.

Financial Management

The board has a strong financial reporting system that is fully operational. They have established appropriate monitoring and reporting of financial matters that are transparent. They agreed not to approve the payroll because of Novopay inaccuracies. These go to the Auditor General and are dealt with in a different way.

Policies and procedures.

Policy development is well underway. Board members and staff read and understand policies as part of the development and ratification process. Whānau are included in the development phase of policy and procedure and they have a good understanding of how the school operates.

Strategic Planning and Self Review

The board, whānau and staff are continually considering the needs of the school and students. The charter and property plan are to be reviewed to include a proposal for the redesign of buildings. Discussions have also begun about the secondary school development. They are already beginning to gather information about this process.

School Charter

The school charter was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Education in June 2012. It is based on a clear whānau vision, iwi aspirations, and curriculum design to support students’ learning. The strategic and annual plans are comprehensive with clear monitoring strategies. The board acknowledges it did not have adequate time to provide an analysis of a variance report for 2012 as it did not have a charter or goals established in 2011. The school is in a good position to provide an annual report and analysis of variance for 2013.

The school whānau

Whānau are strong advocates for the education provided to students at Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki. They willingly participate in school outings, outdoor camps and fundraise for equipment relevant to the school context. They play an active role in developing the curriculum to cater for individual students' learning pathways.

Performance of the Board as an Employer

Staff participate in a range of appropriate professional learning and development (PLD) opportunities. PLD for Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori and pangarau is ongoing. There is a focus on sharing judgements about student achievement. Current moderation practices are satisfactory.

The board has been innovative in the establishment of appraisal indicators that reflect teacher competencies. These are combined with the attributes defined in the MoE leadership document Tū Rangatira. This approach is intended to build strong Māori education leaders. The board has approved an appraiser for the principal and staff appraisals have been completed.

4. Conclusion: ERO’s Judgement

Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki is well positioned to provide learning opportunities for students to be successful.

Lynda Pura Watson

National Manager Māori Reviewing Services